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Body parts in Dutch

oor (het) ear
tong (de) tongue
neus (de) nose
nek (de) back of the neck
elleboog (de) elbow
duim (de) thumb
nagel (de) nail
buik (de) belly
billen (de) both butt cheeks
knie (de) knee
voet (de) foot
hoofd (het) head
kop (de) animal head
wang (de) cheek
hals (de) front neck
pols (de) wrist
wijsvinger (de) index finger
middelvinger (de) middle finger
ringvinger (de) ring finger
pink (de) pinkie finger
navel (de) navel
heup (de) hip
scheenbeen (het) tibia shinbone
hiel (de) heel
haar (het) hair
hart (het) heart
nieren (de) kidneys
hersenen (de) brains
lever (de) liver
bloedvat (het) bloodvessel
bloed (het) blood
botten (de) bones
beenmerg (het) bone marrow
mond (de) mouth
kin (de) chin
schouder (de) shoulder
hand (de) hand
borst (de) breast
pik (de) penis
piemel (de) penis
been (het) leg
bovenbeen (het) upperleg
kuit (de) calf
teen (de) toe
tenen (de) toes
longen (de) lungs
blaas (de) bladder
lip (de) lip
keel (de) throat
arm (de) arm
vinger (de) finger
vagina (de) vagina
kut (de) vagina
enkel (de) ankle
rug (de) back
maag (de) stomach
darmen (de) intestines
dikke darm (de) large intestine
dunne darm (de) small intestine
kiezen (de) molars
luchtpijp (de) trachea
netvlies (het) retina
slokdarm (de) esophagus
trommelvlies (het) ear drum
wenkbrauwen (de) eye brows
wimpers (de) eyelashes
neus (de) nose
mond (de) mouth
tong (de) tongue
tand (de) tooth
kies (de) molar
oor (het) ear
oog(het) eye
wang(de) cheek
kin(de) chin
keel (de) throat
nek (de) nape, back of neck
hals(de) ventral neck
borst (de) breast
rug (de) back
schouder (de) shoulder
hart (het) heart
arm (de) arm
elleboog (de) elbowi
pols (de) wrist
hand (de) hand
vinger (de) finger
bulk (de) belly
maag (de) stomach
been (het) leg
dijbeen (het) thighbone
knie (de) knee
scheenbeen (het) shinbone
enkel (de) ankle
hiel (de) heel
voet (de) foot
teen (de) toe
spier (de) muscle
zenuw (de) nerve
rib (de) rib
long (de) lung
nier (de) kidney
Created by: bostda
Popular Dutch sets




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