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student bowl and rad review

The parietal bones meet the frontal bone at the _____ suture. coronal
The _____ suture is where the parietal bones meet the cranial midline. sagittal
The parietal bones meet the occipital bone at the _____ suture. lambdoidal
A parietal and temporal bone meet laterally at the _____ suture. squamous
The sella turcica is located in what bone? sphenoid
The most deeply hidden bone of the skull is what? ethmoid
How many bones are in the human skeleton? 206
The crista galli is located in which bone? ethmoid
Sutural bones which are tiny, irregularly shaped bones that appear in the cranial sutures, are also called…? Wormian bones
All facial bones except the mandible articulate with what bone? maxillae
Another name for the thumb is…? pollex
The great toe is also called? hallux
_____ is the movement in which the limb describes a cone in space. circumduction
When you “jut” out your jaw, this movement is called? protraction
“Squaring” your shoulders is a movement called…? retraction
The _____ is a double-layered membrane that surrounds the brain. dura mater
The _____ forms a loose brain covering. arachnoid
The only meninx that clings tightly to the brain is the…? pia mater
The _____ is the most superior of the brain stem regions. midbrain
The _____ is the bulging brain stem region. pons
The _____ is the most inferior part of the brain stem. medulla oblongata
The dura mater, arachnoid and pia mater are known as _____. meninges
A midsagittal fold that dips into the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral hemispheres is called _____. falx cerebri
There are _____ number of cranial nerves. 12 pairs
There are _____ number of spinal nerves. 31 pairs
Most taste buds are found in peg-like projections of the tongue mucosa called…? papillae
The posterior portion “white of the eye” is known as…? sclera
The visible colored part of the eye is knows as…? iris
The outer portion of the ear is also known as…? auricle or pinna
The middle ear is known as the…? tympanic cavity
The three smallest bones in the tympanic cavity are called…? ossicles
The inner (internal) ear is also called the _____. labyrinth
Another name for the pituitary gland is _____. hypophysis
White blood cells are called _____. leukocytes
The only fluid tissue in the body is _____. blood
Red blood cells are called _____. erythrocytes
Cell fragments that function the blood-clotting process are called _____. platelets
When blood is transformed from a liquid to a gel, this is called blood clotting or _____. coagulation
A clot that develops and persists in an unbroken blood vessel is called a _____. thrombus
The _____, composed mainly of cardiac muscle, forms the bulk of the heart. myocardium
Another name for the bicuspid valve is…? mitral valve
Myocardial infarction is commonly called a ______. heart attack
A condition of rapid and irregular or out-of-phase contractions of the heart is called _____. fibrillation
The most common form of shock is _____. hypovolemic
The largest lymphoid organ is the _____. spleen
The most abundant type of white blood cell is the _____. neutrophil
Antibodies are also called…? immunoglobulins
On the medial surface of each lung is an indentation called the _____. hilus
Low carbon dioxide levels in the blood is referred to as…? hypocapnia
The act of breathing is called _____. respiration
A thin plastic tube threaded into the trachea through the nose or mouth is a(n) _____. endotracheal tube
The alimentary canal is also called…? gastrointestinal tract
_____ is the process that moves food through the alimentary canal. peristalsis
_____ involves alternate waves of contraction and relaxation of muscles in the organ walls. peristalsis
_____ is the transport of digested end products from the GI tract lumen to the blood or lymph. absorption
Another name for the lips is _____. labia
The mouth is called the oral cavity or the…? buccal cavity
Tongue movements mix food with saliva and form it into a compact mass called a _____. bolus
Connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerve fibers called _____ supplies nutrients to the tooth tissues and provides tooth sensation. pulp
Another name for the gum is…? gingiva
Swallowing is also referred to as…? deglutition
Vomiting is also referred to as…? Emesis
Large isolated clusters of lymph nodules found in the wall of the distal portion of the small intestine (ileum) are…? Peyer's Patches
_____ is the largest gland in the body. Liver
In the liver, _____ cells remove debris, such as bacteria and worn-out blood cells, from the blood as it flows past. Kupffer
In most of the large intestine, the longitudinal muscle layer is reduced to three bands of muscle referred to as…? Teniae Coli
The enzymatic breakdown of any type of food molecule is called…? Hydrolysis
A tuft of capillaries in the nephron is called a(n)…? Glomerulus
At the end of the renal tubule is a cup-shaped structure that surrounds the glomerulus called a(n)…? Bowman’s capsule
The smooth, triangular region of the bladder base is called the _____. trigone
Voiding or urination is also referred to as…? Micturition
Whenever the PH of arterial blood rises above 7.45, a person is said to have ______. Alkalemia
A drop in arterial PH to below 7.35 results in…? Acidemia
The _____ glands are tiny pea-sized glands situated inferior to the prostate gland. Bulbourethral
“Sperm formation” is also called _____. Spermatogenesis
Surgical removal of the ovary is called _____. Oophorectomy
A fertilized egg is also referred to as a(n) _____. Zygote
“Birth” is also referred to as…? Parturition
Facsimile transmission of health information is: A) not permitted B) permitted for urgently needed patient care C) permitted for third party payer hosiptalization certification B & C
Forms of intentional misconduct include: A) slander B) invasion of privacy C) negligence B & C
What is the medical term for congenital club foot? Talipes
In what order should the following examinations be performed? IVU, BE, UGI series
Hypochlorite bleach (Clorox) and Lysol are examples of what? A) antiseptics B) bacteriostatics C) antifungal agents D) disinfectants D
The act of inspiration will cause the elevation of what? A) sternum B) ribs C) diaphragm A & B
A patient in a recumbent position with the head lower than the feet is said to be in which position? Trendelenburg
Which of the following is a vasopressor and may be used for an anaphylactic reaction or a cardiac arrest? A) nitroglycerin B) epinephrine C) hydrocortisone D) digitoxin B
The medical abbreviation meaning "after meals"? pc
Symptoms of inadequate oxygen supply include? A) dyspnea B) cyanosis C) retraction of intercostal spaces A,B,C
A patient whose systolic blood pressure is consistently greater than 140mmHg usually is considered what? A) hypertensive B) hypotensive C) average/normal D) baseline Hypertensive
Created by: mokapis
Popular Radiology sets




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