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RADT 465: Image Proc

Image Procedures

The coronoid process should be visualized in profile in what position? (pg.39 #4) Medial Oblique Elbow
What technique would provide PA projection of the gastroduodenal surfaces of a barium filled high and transverse stomach? (pg. 40 #6) Angle the CR 35-45 degrees cephalad
All of the following elements regarding an exact PA projection of the skull are true (pg. 40 #9) The orbitalmeatal line is perpendicular to the IR, the petrous pyramids fill the orbits, and the CR is perpendicular to the IR and exits at the nasion
Pacemaker electrodes can be introduced through a vein in the chest or upper extremity, from where they are advanced to the (pg. 41 #11) Right ventricle
Widening of the intercostal spaces is characteristic of which of the following conditions? (pg. 41 #12) Emphysema
In the AP axial projection (Towne Method) of the skull, with the CR directed 30 degrees caudad to the OML and passing midway between the external auditory meati, what is best demonstrated? (pg. 42 #20) Occipital bone
The right anterior onliue projection (Judet Method) of the right acetabulum will demonstrate (pg. 42 #21) Anterior rim of the right acetabulum, and the right iliac wing
What is the name of the condition that results in forward slipping of one vertebrae on the one below it? (pg. 42 #24) Spondylolisthesis
During atrial systole, blood flows into the (pg. 42 #25) The left ventricle via the bicuspid valve and the right ventricle via the tricuspid valve
Which of the following positions is most likely to place the right kidney parallel to the IR? (pg. 44 #32) LPO
What position is required to demonstrate small amounts of air in the peritoneal cavity? (pg. 44 #34) Lateral decumbitus, affected side up
What anatomic structure is seen most anteriorly in a lateral projection of the chest? (pg. 44 #35) Cardiac apex
What projection can be used to supplement the traditional "open-mouth" projection when the upper portion of the odontoid process cannot be well demonstrated? (pg. 45 #41) AP or PA through the foramen magnum
A lateral projection of the hand in extension is often recommended to evaluate (pg. 45 #43) A foreign body and soft tissue
The condition that results from a persistent fetal foramen ovale is (pg. 46 #46) An atrial septal defect
In what projection of the foot are the interspaces between the first and second cuneiforms best demonstrated? (pg. 46 #50) A lateral oblique foot
The sternal angle is approximately at the same level as the (pg. 46 #51) T5
The soft tissue that occupies the central cavity within the shaft of a long bone in an adult is (pg. 47 #55) Yellow marrow
A radiolucent sponge can be placed under the patient's waist for a lateral projection of the lumbosacral spine to (pg. 48 #60) Make the vertebral column parallel with the IR, and place the intervertebral disk spaces perpendicular to the IR
Wit the patient in the PA position, which of the following tube angle and direction combinations is correct for an axial projection of the clavicle? (pg. 48 #65) 15-30 degrees caudad
During myelography, contrast medium is introduced into the (pg. 49 #69) Subarachnoid space
The junction of the sagittal and coronal sutures is the (pg. 49 #70) Bregma
Examples of synovial pivot articulations include the (pg. 49 #72) Atlantoaxial joint and the radiolunar joint
What is part of the bony thorax? (pg. 50 #78) Manubrium and 24 ribs
The structures forming the brain stem include the (pg. 51 #83) The pons, medulla oblongata, and the midbrain
What structure can be located midway between the ASIS and pubic symphysis? (pg. 51 #85) Dome of the acetabulum
The articular facets of L5-S1 are best demonstrated in a (pg. 52 #91) 30 degree oblique
The lumbar lamina is represented by what part of the "Scotty-dog" seen in correctly positioned oblique lumbar spine? (pg. 52 #95) Body
What position would best demonstrate the proximal tibiofibular articulation? (pg. 52 #97) 45 degree oblique internal rotation
What condition is often the result of ureteral obstruction or stricture? (pg. 54 #102) Hydronephrosis
What examination involves the introduction of a radiopaque contrast medium through a uterine cannula? (pg. 54 #103) Hysterosalpingogram
What term is used to describe expectoration of blood from the bronchi? (pg. 54 #107) Hemoptysis
Double contrast examinations of the stomach of large bowel are performed to better visualize the (pg. 54 #108) Gastric or bowel mucosa
What articulations may be described as diarthrotic? (pg. 55 #114) Knee and TMJ
Ulnar flexion / deviation will best demonstrate what carpals? (pg. 56 #115) Lateral carpals and scaphoid
Structures comprising the neural, or vertebral, arch include (pg. 56 #117) Pedicles and the laminae
The thoracic apophyseal joints are demonstrated with the (pg. 56 #119) Midsagittal plane 20 degrees to the IR
What may be used to demonstrate the glenohumeral joint? (pg. 56 #120) Scapular Y, Inferosuperior axial, and transthoracic lateral
The long flat structures that project posteromedially from the pedicles are the (pg. 56 #121) Laminae
The type of ileus characterized by cessation of peristalsis is termed (pg. 56 #122) Paralytic
I what position / projection will the talocalcaneal joint be visualized? (pg. 62 #160) Plantodorsal projection of the os calcis
What is the position of the stomach in a hypersthenic patient? (pg. 64 #173) High and horizontal
What does the trapezium articulate with? (pg. 66 #180) First metacarpal
Tracheotomy is an effective technique used to restore breathing when there is (pg. 66 #182) Respiratory pathway obstruction above the larynx
What position will demonstrate the lumbarsacral apophyseal articulation? (pg. 70 #217) 30 degree RPO
What type of articulation is evaluated in arthrography? (pg. 72 #230) Diarthrodial
To visualize or "open" the right sacroiliac joint, the patient is positioned (pg. 73 #234) 25-30 degree LPO
The most significant risk factor for breast cancer is (pg. 78 #272) Gender
The innominante bone is located in the (pg. 78 #275) Pelvis
Below diaphragm ribs are better demonstrated when (pg. 78 #278) The patient is in the recumbent position
Created by: rdwilliams1
Popular Radiology sets




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