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Chest Chp 2


Bony Thorax Sternum, 2 clavicles, 2 scapulae, 12 pairs of Ribs, 12 thoracic vertebra
Two important bony landmarks Jugular Notch Vertebra Prominens
Four divisions of Respiratory System Pharynx Lungs Trachea Bronchi
Adam's Apple Thyroid cartilage
Shoulder Blade Scapulae
Voice Box Larynx
Collar Bone Clavicles
Breastbone Sternum
Three divisions that serve as common passageway for both food and air. Nasopharynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx
Structure that acts as a lid over the larynx Epiglottis
Carina Bronchus divides into right and left
Which vertebra is the Carina located? T5
Small air sacs where oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged in the blood Alveoli
Double walled sac or membrane containing the lungs Pleura
Outer layer of the pleura membrane Parietal pleura
Inner layer of the pleura on surface of lungs Pulmonary or visceral pleura
Potential space between inner and outer layer of pleura Pleural Cavity
Air or gas that enters the Pleural Cavity Pneumothroax
Double walled membrance enclosing the heart Pericardial Sac
Three parts to the Aorta Ascending aorta, Aortic Arch, Descending aorta
Lower, concave portion of the lungs Base
Central area with bronchi, blood vessels that enter lungs. Also know as Root area Hilum
Upper rounded portion of lungs, above clavicles Apex (apices)
Outermost lower corner of the lungs Costophrenic Angles
Four structure located in the Mediastinum Trachea, Thymus gland, esophagus, heart & vessels
Chest xray for Adult, kVp? 110-125 kVp
Minimum number of Ribs on adult chest xray? 10
Created by: ehalbhuber
Popular Radiology sets




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