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Path Final Study

Pathology for RTs

Acute Having a quick onset and lasting a short period of time with a relatively severe
Atrophy a reduction in size or wasting of cells, tissues, or organs as a result of poor
Autoimmune Disorders disease in which antibodies form against and injure the pt's own tissue, in contrast to the normal process in which antibodies form in response to foreign antigens
Chronic presenting slowly and persisting over a long period of time
Debridement removal of dead cells and materials
Degenerative refers to deterioration of the body usually associated with the aging process
Dyspasia abnormal tissue development
Epidemiology the investigation of disease in large groups
Etiology the study of the cause and origin of disease
Hypertropy is a generalized increase in cell size
Luekemia a malignant disease of the leukocytes and their precursor cells in the blood and bone marrow
Metastatic spread the spread of cancer cells
Mortality rate the number of deaths from a particular disease averaged over a population
Nosocomial refers to diseases acquired in or from a health care environment
Sclerotic disease process increase in normal tissue density
Seeding the traveling of cancerous cells to a distant site or distant organ
Achondroplasia A hereditary, congenital disturbance that causes inadequate bone formation and results in a peculiar form of dwarfism
Diaphysis shaft of a long bone
Giant Cell Tumor a neoplastic growth of the skeletal system consisting of numerous multinucleated osterclastic giant cells, also called osteoclastoma
Gouty arthritis an inherited, metabolic disorder with excess amounts of uric acid produced and deposited in the joint and adjacent bone, most commonly in the metataursophalangeal joint of the great toe
Osteoblasts the bone-forming cells responsible for bone growth, ossification, and regeneration
Osteoclasts cells that are associated with absorption and removal of bone
Osteomyelitis infection of bone, most often caused by staphylococcus, which may localize or spread to the bone to involve the marrow and other bone tissues
Rheumatoid arthritis a chronic, systemic disease primarily of joints, characterized by an overgrowth of synovial tissues, and articular structures and progressive destruction of cartilage, bone, and supporting structures
Tuberculosis any of the infectious disease of man and animal caused by mycobaterium tuberculosis, generally affecting the lungs in the human body
COPD refers to a group of disorders that cause chronic airway obstruction. (subtractive pathology)
Emphysema a condition in which the lungs alveoli become distended, usually from loss of elasticity or interference with expiration, characterized by an increase in the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles, with destruction of the alveolar walls.
Pleurisy Inflammation of the pleura, often used to indicate inconsequential thoracic pain. (no technique change)
Respiratory distress syndrome is a disorder of prematurity or infants born at less than a 37 week gestation, a deficiency of surfactants cause unstable alveoli and alveoli collapse. (additive pathology)
Respiratory failure used to describe lack of respiratory function or the lack of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.
Achalasia is a neuromuscular abnormality of the esophagus that results in failure of the lower esophageal sphincter of the distal esophagus to relax, leading to dysphagia (additive pathology if food is present)
Atresia a congenital absence or closure of a normal body orifice or tubular organ.
Esophageal Varices varicose veins in the esophagus, occur because portal hypertension
GERD results from an incompetent cardiac sphincter allowing the backward flow of gastric acid and contents into the esophagus
Hiatal Hernia is a weakness of the esophageal hiatus that permits some portions of the stomach to herniate into the thoracic cavity
Imperforate anus a congenital disorder in which there is no anal opening to the exterior
Ascites the accumulation of fluid within the peritoneal cavity
Gallstone ileus a condition in which gallstones erode from the gallbladder, creating a fistula to the small bowel that may cause a bowel obstruction
Jaundice yellowish discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes caused by bilirubin accumulation in the body tissues
Cross ectopy a condition in which one kidney lies across the body midline and is fused to the other kidney
Wilms tumor/nephroblastoma a rapidly developing malignancy of the kidneys, usually affecting children before age 5
Pyuria the presence of pus in the urine created by its drainage from renal abscesses into the kidneys collecting tubules
Renal failure the end result of a chronic process that gradually results in lost kidney function
Ureteral Stent a tube used to maintain patency of the ureter. with the proximal end placed in the renal pelvis and the distal end placed in the urinary bladder
Vesicoureteral reflux the backward flow of urine out of the bladder and into the ureters.
Nucleus pulposus pulpy center of the intervertebral disks
Transient ischemic attack a temporary episode of neurologic dysfunction that can precede a cerebrovasular accident
Cardiomegaly enlarged heart
Congestive heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to propel blood at a sufficient rate and volume
Venous thrombosis the formation of blood clots within a vein
Ectopic pregnancy a pregnancy in which the fertilized ovum is implanted outside of the uterus
Acromegaly a disease marked by progressive enlargement of the head, hands, and feet caused by abnormal secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland
Created by: Chrslarsen
Popular Radiology sets




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