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Language and Communication

What is immediate Echolalia? When a word or phrase is immediately repeated after hearing it. (Ex: what's your name?)
What is delayed Echolalia? When a word or phrase is repeated out of context, well after hearing it. (Ex: there's no place like home)
Echolalia can serve what functions for people with ASD? Interact, communicate, learn meaning, as a reminder, a calming mechanism, to withdraw...
What is the difference between language and communication? Language is a formal system of speech, sign language, or written language and can be receptive or expressive. Communication is an interactive exchange to express wants, needs, or feelings.
Why is communication for people with ASD so difficult? They have a hard time reading nonverbal cues such as facial expressions, and tone of speech. Their ability to
What are some compensatory strategies people with ASD implement when they are confused or frustrated? Isolation, passive observation, repeat patterns they see or hear without regard to contect
People with autism generally use speech to fulfill 1)________________, not for 2)________________. 1) Wants, needs, specific outcomes... 2) social pleasure
What are some communication characteristics people with ASD exhibit? Impaired understanding of how reciprocal interactions take place. Impaired understanding of nonverbal communication. Impaired ability to initiate and maintain conversation. Ritualized use of language...
What are some receptive language characteristics people with ASD exhibit? Context specific comprehension. Poor comprehension of abstract social concepts. Literal comprehension.
Sometimes the use of echolalia signifies the need to_________________________________________ Modify the environment. Simplify speech. Be mindful of the person's emotional state.
What are some expressive language characteristics people with ASD exhibit? Echolalia. Verbal rituals. Augmentative of alternative communication.
Remember that there is a difference between expressive language and communication; just because someone is verbal, does not mean that they comprehend everything. What are some examples of social concepts and non-social concepts? social: friend, share, happy non-social: truck, build, red
Two important means of communication for people with ASD are ________________________________________. Behaviors. Routines and rituals. (For example)
Created by: kelseybeckman
Popular Languages sets




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