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Mod C Ch 1

Planes, Vocab Ch 1

Function of the human body physiology
Structure of an organism anatomy
Anatomical position erect face forward arms extended feet apart palms up
what is a projection path of the beam
what is a position how the body is placed to the IR
erect standing
supine laying on back
prone face down
trendelenberg feet higher than head
posterior dorsal
abduction away from the body
caudal towards the feet
cephalic towards the head
contralateral opposite
distal away from origin
dorsum top of foot
eversion turning feet outward
external rotation away from midline
flexion bending
hyperextension over extend
inversion turn foot inward
lateral away from midline
medial toward the midline
palmar anterior surface of hand
plantar bottom of foot
pronate palm down
proximal at the source
supinate palm up
cells grouped together to make up tissues
tissue that binds together and supports structures connective
system responsible for breaking down food chemically and physically digestive
endocrine system involves what structures hormones
hyposthenic long and gangily
sthenic average build
hypersthenic obese
asthenic fieble
axillary lateral border of chest
anticubital wrist to elbow
brachial upper extremity between shoulder and elbow
buccal cheek
cutaneous skin
costal rib
popliteal behind the knee
volar palms of hand or soles of foot
abdominal cavity between thoracic cavity
cranial cavity holds the brain
dorsal cavity holds the spinal cord and brain
pelvic cavity cavity that holds the repoductive organs
spinal cavity holds the spinal cord
throacic cavity cavity that holds the lungs and mediastinum
ventral cavity large cavity in the front of the body thoracic abdominal pelvis
coronal plane anterior and posterior
horizontal plane cut parallel to the floor
vertical plane cut lengthwise with subject erect
sagittal plane cut midline of the body
subcostal cut at 10th costal cartilage
longitudinal cut from head to toe with pt erect or recumbant resulting in 2 parts front back left right
transverse superior and inferior
SMERN I CRUD skeletal muscular endocrine respiratory nervous intigumentarty circulatory reproductive urinary digestive
pathology study of the disease
major of the larger 2
minor of the smaller 2
vertical perpendicular to the horizon
horizontal parallel to the horizon
visceral refers to some organ
parietal refers to wall
intrinsic part of organ itself
extrensic originating outside the organ
axial skull spine ribs sternum
appandicular arms shoulder girdle legs pelvic girdle
types of tissues epithelial connective muscular nerve
Created by: dutchess180
Popular Radiology sets




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