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OGT Grade 9

Enlightenment Period of time in which people challenged religious authority, monarchies, and absolutism.
Industrial Revolution Change in the way things were made. Made in factories by machines instead of at home by hand.
Urbanization People moved from rural areas to cities in order to be closer to factories.
Imperialism One country taking over another country.
Reasons for Imperialism Need for raw materials, new markets, and power.
Treaty of Versailles Treaty to end WWI. Was very harsh towards Germany.
League of Nations Peace keeping organization after WWI. Was unsuccessful.
Russian Revolution 1. Causes Russia to leave WWI. 2. Vladamir Lenin develops a Communist Dictatorship.
Holocaust Hitler's systematic killing of Jews and other non-conformers.
United Nations New peace keeping organization. The U.S. joins this organization.
Israel Created as a new home for Jews fleeing Europe after the Holocaust.
NATO Alliance of democratic countries after WWII.
Warsaw Pact Alliance of communist dictatorships after WWII.
Market Economy economic decisions are made by individuals or the open market.
Mixed Economy Economic decisions are shared by the government and the people.
Command Economy Economic decisions are made by the government.
Traditional Economy Economic decisions are made by customs, religion, and other ideas handed down generation to generation.
Tariff Taxes on imports.
Reason for Tariffs Make it more lucrative to buy domestic goods, thus protecting those domestic companies that produce them.
Absolute Monarchy King/Queen has all the power. Power is passed down by heredity.
Constitutional Monarchy King/Queen's power is limited by a constitution.
Parliamentary Democracy Rule by a prime minister that is not elected by the people, but by parliament, which is elected by the people.
Presidential Democracy Rule by a president that is directly elected by the people.
Dictatorship absolute rule by one person who is usually backed by the military.
Theocracy Rule by a religious authority.
Absolutism The exercise of complete an unrestricted power in government.
Appeasement Policy of trying to avoid war by accepting some demands of the aggressor.
Revolution An overthrow and thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed.
Communism Authoritarian socialism; economic and political system in which governments own the means of production and control economic planning.
Militarism A military state or condition; reliance on military force in administering government; a military system.
Nationalism The feeling of intense pride in one's nation, including its language and culture.
Apartheid a social policy or racial segregation involving political and economic and legal discrimination against people who are not Whites; the former official policy in South Africa
Genocide systematic killing of a racial or cultural group
Oppression the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner.
Propaganda information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause
Credibility capable of being believed; believable
Created by: rmclane
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