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XR 105 final

the bones that surround the brain are referred to collectively as the cranium or the skull
where is the glabella? on the frontal bone between the eyebrows
where are the orbits? on either side of the glabella, on the outer surface of the superior portions of the eye sockets
where is the external occipital protuberance? in the approximate center of the occipital bone, on the outer surface is a palpable bony protuberance
the large round hole in the anterior portion of the occipital bone is called the foramen magnum
what passes through the foramen magnum? blood vessels, and the spinal cord
which bone forms the anterior floor of the cranium? the ethmoid bone
what does EAM stand for? external auditory meatus
on which cranial bone is the EAM? the temporal bone
a long slender horizontal bony projection just superior to the EAM zygomatic arch
joints that connect the bones of the cranium are called sutures
the palpable bones of the face are called facial bones
the largest immovable bone of the face is the maxilla
the maxilla articulates with all other facial bones except the mandible
where is the acanthion (UH-CAN-THEE-ON) at the junction of the nose and the upper lip
which facial bone is the only movable bone of the face? the mandible
the bone that is posterior to the acanthion at the floor of the nasal cavity and forms the inferior portion of the nasal septum and divides the nasal cavity is called the vomer
which bones are small thin bones that form a portion of the medial wall of the orbit? lacrimal bones
the paranasal sinuses are air-filled cavities within which bones? ethmoid, frontal, sphenoid, maxilla
what is the purpose of the paranasal sinuses resonating chambers for the voice, to help to warm and moisted inhaled air
the sinuses develop during childhood but are not fully formed until what age? 16-18
the frontal sinuses are located in which bone? frontal bone
the maxillary sinuses are located where? in the body of the maxilla
the sphenoid sinuses occupy most of the body of the sphenoid bone
the 2 ethmoid sinuses are located within the lateral masses of which bone? the ethmoid bone
where is the nasion? in the anterior depression in the midline of the skull between the orbits
where is the glabella? the smooth area between the eyebrows just above the nose
where is the acanthion at the base of the anterior nasal spine
the outer point on either side of the lower jaw at which the jawbone angles upward is the gonion
the canthus is located at either corner of the eye where the upper and lower eyelids meet. there are 2, what are they called? the inner canthus and the outer canthus
which cranial bone is most posterior the occipital bone
which cranial bone is most anterior? the frontal bone
which cranial bone has a dense pyramid of bone that houses the middle and inner ear? the temporal bone
the name of the pyramid that houses the middle ear the petrous pyramid
describe the IOML infraorbitaomeatal line
describe the OML orbitomeatal line
describe the MML memtomeatal line
what is the term used for the articulations between the cranial bones sutures
in which bone can the foramen magnum be found? the occipital bone
which bone of the skull is the mastoid process located on? the temporal bone
air-filled cavities located in some of the facial bones are called paranasal sinuses
which facial bones have paranasal sinuses? frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, maxilla
there are several imaginary lines used to position the skull and facial bones, which line connects the outer canthus to the EAM? OML
what is the angle on the tube for a PA axial projection of the skull (Caldwell) 15 degrees caudad
which projection of the skull best demonstrates the frontal bone? PA
when the CR is angles 30 degrees caudad at a point 2.5" above the glabella, what projection is this? Townes
which projection demonstrates the structures of the cranial base? SMV
a lateral projection of the face using detail screens and NO GRID is used for which facial bone? nasal bones
why do we do sinuses upright? air-fluid levels
where is a blow-out fracture? the floor of the orbit
which facial bone is most frequently fractured? the nasal bones
when demonstrating a fracture of the zygomatic arch, which radiographic position is the patient in SMV
a blow to the head that causes unconsciouness is called cerebral concussion
what is multiple myeloma? a hematologic (blood) cancer that develops in the bone marrow of most bones
what structures must be seen in the lateral projection of the skull? a lateral image of the entire cranium, with no rotation or tilt, paired structures should be seen superimposed, and the sella turcica in profile
in the Caldwell projection of the skull, where do we see the petrous pyramids? in the lower one-third of the orbits
how many degrees of angle on the tube for the Towne method? 30 caudad
the PA projection of the skull and the mandible are the same, with the exception of the location of the CR. what's the difference? skull = nasion, mandible = acanthion
which positioning line is parallel to the film for the SMV projection? OML
what are the breathing instructions for the patient when radiographing the skull hold your breath, don't move
which modality is preferred for head trauma CT
what can u see on CT that you cant see on xray? information about the brain
Popular Radiology sets




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