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RADT 456

Image Procedures

What is the relationship of midsagittal and midcoronal planes? Perpendicular
Name the 4 Body Habitus Hypersthenic: largest Sthenic: average athlete Hyposthenic: less athletic Asthenic: smallest
The lower portion of costal margin is @ the same level as _____? L3
The ASIS is @ the same level as ______? S1-2
A turning outward or lateral motion of an articulation is ________? Eversion
A turning inward or medial motion of an articulation is _____? Inversion
What is best to reduce involuntary motion? Use the shortest possible exposure time.
What is the best to reduce voluntary motion? Hold breathe and good communication.
True or False: Your humeral epicondyles have to be superimposed for a lateral thumb projection? False
To place the right SI joints perpendicular to the IR, you must put the patient into a ___ position. 25-30 degree RAO
The study of bones? Osteology
Support, Reservoir for minerals, Muscle attachment/movement, Protection, and Hematopoiesis is ____________. Functions of the Skeletal System
Synarthrotic joints are _________. Immovable
Amphiarthrotic joints are _____ ______. Partially Movable
Diarthrotic joints are _________ _________. Freely Movable
The 2 types of osseous tissue are ______ and ______. Cortical: hard, compact Cancellour: spongy
The hand is composed of __ metacarpal bones and __ phalanges. 5, 14
The wrist is composed of __ carpal bones. 8: proximal row, lateral to medial (scaphoid, lunate/semilunar, triangular/triquetrum, pisiform)...dital row, lateral to medial (trapezium/greater mutangular, trapezoid/lesser mutangular, capitate/os magnum, hamate/uncirorm)
True or False: The ulna is slender distally but enlarges proximally and becomes the larger of the two bones in the forearm. True
The shoulder girdle consists of the ______ and _____. Scapula and Clavicles
The bones of the foot include the __ tarsal bones, __ metatarsal bones, and __ phalanges 7, 5, 14
Calcaneus, talus, navicular, cuboid, first/medial cuneiform, second/intermediate cuneiform, third/lateral cuneiform; are ____? Tarsal Bones
Narrower, more vertical, Deeper from anterior to posterior, Pubic angle less than 90 degrees, Pelvic inlet narrower and heartshaped/round Describes male or female pelvis? Male
Wider, more angled toward horizontal, Shallower from anterior to posterior, Pubic angle greater than 90 degrees, Pelvic inlet larger and rounder. Describes male or female pelvis? Female
Bisect the ASIS and pubic sumphysis; center 1" distal and lateral to that point. to locate the hip joints
transverse fracture of distal third of radius with posterior angulation and associated avulsion fx of ulnar styloid process Colles Fx
fx distal tibia and fibula with dislocation of ankle joint Potts Fx
Cranial Bones: __ Frontal __ Parietal __ Temporal __ Occipital __ Ethmoid __ Sphenoid 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1
Facial Bones: __ Nasal __ Lacrimal __ Palatine __ Inferior nasal conchae __ Zygomatic/malar __ Maxillae __ Vomer __ Mandible 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1
Unoxygenated blood from the right side of the heart is directed to the lungs for oxygenation, then to the left side of the heart. Type of circulation? Pulmonary Circulation
Created by: ertempel
Popular Radiology sets




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