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RADT 456 Rad. Proc.

ARRT registry review covering Radiographic Procedures content area

Which body habitus represents large and heavy body, lungs and heart are high, and stomach is transverse? Hypersthenic pg. 78
Term that describes the path of the central ray? Projection pg. 81
A position where the head is positioned higher than the feet? Fowler position pg. 90
Which vertebral level is the sternal angle located? T4-5 pg. 81
Which vertebral level is the ASIS located? S1-2 pg. 81
This type of joint is described to be cartilaginous, and are partially movable. Amphiarthrotic joints pg. 91
This type of diarthrotic joint permits flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, and circumduction; it can be found in the radiocarpal joint and the metacarpophalangeal joints (2-5). Condyloid (ellipsoid) pg. 93
Where is the secondary ossification center located? Epiphysis pg. 94
How many carpal bones are there? 8 pg. 96
Which wrist position positions the wrist PA, everting the hand laterally? PA ulnar flexion/deviation pg. 103
This position flexes the elbow 80 degrees with the hand pronated. The CR is directed 45 degrees from shoulder to the elbow. Trauma axial lateral elbow (coyle method) pg. 105
The glenohumeral joint and glenoid cavity is best seen on which shoulder view? Grashey Method pg. 106
This view of the shoulder shows the greater tubercle in profile. External rotation pg. 106
This disease is characterized as a chronic epiphysitis of the tibial tuberosity that occurs in some active young adults. Osgood-Schlatter Disease pg. 111
This is the largest sesamoid bone in the body. Patella pg. 112
For the Judet view of the acetabulum, the anterior rim can be shown with the affected side up or down? Affected side down pg. 126
Type of fracture where a small bony fragment pulled from bony prominence as a result of forceful pull of the attached ligament or tendon (chip fracture). Avulsion pg. 131
Transverse fracture of distal third of radius with posterior angulation and associated avulsion fracture of ulnar styloid process. Colles pg. 132
How many fused vertebrae make up the coccyx? 4 pg. 133
Which view of the cervical spine is best for showing intervertebral foramina? Oblique pg. 137
An oblique of the lumbar spine is best for showing what structure? Apophyseal Articulations pg. 141
Ribs 8-10 are considered what type of ribs? False ribs pg. 146
How is a patient rotated and how many degrees for an oblique sternum? 15-20 degrees RAO pg. 147
How many facial bones are there? 14 pg. 148
How many cranial bones are there? 8 pg. 150
There is approximately how many degrees difference between the OML and the IOML? 7 degrees pg. 153
This view places the petrous ridges in the lower third of the orbits. PA axial Cranium (Caldwell) pg. 156
This view of the sinuses is best for showing all the sinuses. Lateral pg. 163
Which part of the small intestine is the longest measuring approximately 13 feet? Ileum pg. 179
This is a technique that removes unnecessary structures such as bone from superimposition on contrast-filled blood vessels. Subtraction pg. 205
Created by: haybay22
Popular Radiology sets




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