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Cult Awareness

Dr. Clark, 4th pd class 3/11/13 midterm

How many Native Americans profess Christian beliefs? 700,000
Who had sophisticated religious systems? Aztec, Icas, & Mayas Indians
What is the Apocryphal? A collection of uninspired spurious (false) books written by various individuals.
What is the book & chapter that convicted Bartolome de Las Casas? Eccl. 34: 18-20
Why do the Holiness churches use the word Apostolic in their church name? Because the Holy Spirit was active in the New Testament church.
After the 1900 century, what are some of the works that the Holiness church embraced? Works of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues and physical healing.
The Holiness movement grew out of what church? Methodist
What are two of the teachings that John Wesley emphasize on? Sanctification and purification
What was the name of the traveling evangelist & writer that experienced sanctification by The Holy Spirit in 1837? Phoebe Palmer (1807-18740
What type of entertainment did the Holiness church reject? Worldly entertainment, such as dancing,movies, popular music,make-up, ornate clothing, gambling, drinking, and smoking.
Why did the Christians want to restore, original or primitive Christianity? Because of the decline of New Testament purity.
What was the name of the founder of Christian & Restorationist Churches? Thomas Campbell
What did Campbell believe to be the source for the division in the church? The historical creeds and confessions of the church.
What was to become the Magna Carta of the Restorationist movement? Declaration and Address
Why did Thomas and Alexander his son get baptized again? Infant baptism wasn't biblical
What is the one hope that the Adventist and other believers looked forward to? The Return of Christ
What was widespread amongst the first generation of Christians? The Imminent Return
What was sealed in fourth century? The New Testament
Revelations is known to be what type of a book? apocopalypse
Why was the Adventist seen as dangerous radicals? Because of their focus on the second coming.
Define deism? System of thought of natural religion of morality.
Who is the founder of the Adventist? William Miller
Created by: Dah Nubian
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