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Modern US

What 3 events caused the cold war to warm up Missle crisis, Berlin Airlift, and U-2 incident
Truman docterain Speech stating that the US could provied first aid and financial assistance to turkey, greece and other nations threatend by commmunism
communist gov who controls the means of production and purchasing power
Berlin airlift the response to the soviet blockade
explain MacArthur vs. Truman MacArthur wanted nuclear war and Truman wanted peace
Richard Nixon Lead the process of alger hiss
Esienhower republican who easly gains power after WWII
Chirchill used different ideas with the development in the iron curtain
Truman 3rd president of the U.S 18945-1953, authorized use of the atomic bomb, signed the marshall plan to rebuild europe, wanted peace between N.&S. Korea.
Stalin part of the big 3 who made the decision to divide germany. leader of the USSR 1925-1953, became an aggressive participant in the cold war. died in the korean war
Sung and Rhee Sung leader of N. Korea and his Son is next to rule. Rhee is leader of S. Korea
Eisenhower 34th (republican) president of US 1953-1961, leader of allied forces in WWII, promoted business and continued social programs
Mao Zedong leader of Communists who took over china in 1949, remained in power until death in 1976
MacArthur US general during the Great Depression, WWII and Korea War, forced by truman to resign in 1951 because he wanted control over N.& S. Korea, commanded forces in Japan
Alger Hiss first gov. official to be accused of spying, charged and found guilty of lying,
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg first US citizens to be accused of sending secrets of the atomic weapon to the USSR and found guilty with death penalty
Joseph McCarthy republican senator from Wisconsin from late 1940's lead a crusade to investigate officials he claimed were communists
Francis Gary Powers Spouted spy shoot down on USSR soil, US established a prisoner exchange to get him back
Yalta Conference Stalin promises poland free elections, (Roosevelt, churchill and stalin) discuss the division of germany here
Postdam Conference (truman, attlee, and stalin) finalized the division of germany here
Korean War N. vs. S. both fight for total control of Korea
Chinese fall to communism 1949 US provoked when N. invades S. Korea
Berlin Airlift moving of supplies into west berlin by american Society and British planes during Soviet Blockade in 1948-49
McCarthy Hearings Bully, interigated victims with out proff
Berlin Wall barrier built by East Germany gov. to divide communist from non-communists
U-2 incident 1960 soviet military used a guided missle to shoot an american u-2 spy plane over Soviet territory
Space race Started when the soviet launched the sputnik in 1957 US established one in 1958 to compete with the soviets
Satellite Nations a country dominated politically and economically by another nation ecpecailly by the USSR during the cold war
Containment american policy of resisting further expansion of communism around the world
Cold war developed after WWII between the US and USSR for power lasting until the collaspe of the USSR
Marshall plan Program of economic assistance for the americans to western Europe in 1947
NATO established a system of collective security for US, UK, and greece in 1949
38th parallel latitude line that divided N.& S. Korea at approximately the midpoint of the penninsula
HUAC commitee that searches out communists, felt they were producing pro-communists films
loyalty review board investigated gov. officals anf other offices
Blacklist list that circulated the name of people who should not be hired because they were said to be communists
McCarthyism describes McCarthys anti-communists smear tatics, punished by senate republicans
H-Bomb force to 10 million tons of tnt, US got it first, USSR quickly followed
Brinkmanship 1956 Esienhower's idea to decribe a policy of risking war in order to protect national interests.
Warsaw Pact military alliance between the soviet union and the nations of Eastern Europe formed in 1955
Sputnik the first artificial satellite to orbit the Earth launched by the soviets in 1957
Red Scare Intense fear of communism and other politically radical ideas
Hollywood ten group of people who didn't agree with communism and where sent to jail
espionage to spy on another country. death sentence if caught
Iron curtain divided democracy countries form communists countries
list of countries that are neutral in the iron curtain Yugoslavia and austria
Deterrence policy of making the military between nations
ICBM's Intercontinental Ballistic Missle a missle range greater than 5500km
Created by: adilishous
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