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Urinary System

The Urinary system is comprised of Kidneys 2, Ureters 2, bladders 1, urethra 1
Functions of the urinary system (3) 1. Remove waste products from the blood 2.maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance 3.Secretes substance that affect blood pressure
Another name from the urinary system Excretory system
Excretory ducts Responsible for exreting urine
Calyces and renal pelvis located In kidneys
Ureters located extends from the renal pelvis of each kidney
Urinary bladder Recieves distal end of ureters, acts as a reservoir for urine
Urethra conveys urine to exterior
Kidney demensions 4 1/2" long; 2-3" wide; 1 1/4"thick
Kidneys are divided into Upper and lower poles
Each kidney lies In an oblique and is rotated about 30 decrease anteriorly toward the aorta
Kidneys located (3) Retropertoneally (pancreas as well). On each side of the spine in the same coronal plane as lumbar verterbrae. between t12 and L3
Kidneys lie how in hypersthenic Higher
Kidneys lie in asthentic Lower
Lower pole of kidney lies how More anterior and lateral
Which kidney lies lower and why Rt b/c of liver aprox 1cm
Kidney movement with breathing Normal respiratory excursion is 1-2"
Kidney movement from supine to upright Drop more then 2"
Nephroptosis condiction in which kidneys drop more then 1 vertebrae aka "drooping of kidney"
Hilum Medial indentation of kidney, where vessels enter and exit kidney (renal artery, vein, lymphatic vessels, nerve and ureter)
Renal Capsule The outer covering of the kidney, which is embedded in a mass of fatty adipose tissue
Renal Cortex Outer layer, grandular in appearance, DARKEST REGION, has renal columns, renal pyramids
Renal columns extentsions of the cortex
Renal medulla Inner layer, larger area than cortex, LIGHTER IN APPERANCE, contains collecting tubule that give it a striated appearance
Renal Pyramids where collecting tubules converge and drain into, cone shaped, located in medulla and point to renal pelvis. consists of 8-15 cone shaped renal pyramids
Renal sinuses Area b/t pyramids, where pyramids drainm lead to pelvicalyceal system
Pelvicalyceal system where renal sinuses drain
Pelvicalyceal system consists of Minor and major calyces and renal pelvis
Minor calyces Cup like of renal pelvis where pyramids drain, 1 calyx receives a few pyramids, 4-13 of these, unite to form major calyces
Major calyces 2-3 of these unite to form renal pelvis
Renal pelvis Upper expanded portion of ureter, joins calyces, joins ureter, near hilum, upper part is inside kidney, lower part is outside of kidney
Nephrons Essential miscroscopic components of parenchyma of kidneys. 1 million in each kidney and are visualized in early phase of IVP "blushing"
Nephrons function to remove waste products from blood.
Nephrons located where In cortex of kidney
2 Parts of a nephron Renal corpuscle, renal tubule
Renal coruscles consist of Glomerulus, Afferent arteriole, efferent arteriole
Glomerulus cluster of capillaries that stem off renal artery
Afferent arteriole vessel entering capsule
Efferent arteriole Vessel exiting capsule, they are smaller then afferent arteriole
Efferent arterioles create pressure in glomerulus. small particles get squeezed out thru cappilaries, h20 and large particles stay in blood
Renal filtratere What gets squeezed out of the efferent arterioles. not yet urine
Glomerular Capsule bowmans capsule. double walled membraneous cup, inner layer porous and permeable, outlayer not permeable, continues into renal tubule
Renal tubule consists of Proximal convuluted tubule; loop of henle; distal convuluted tubule
Proximal convoluted tubule Most of filtrate is reabsorbed into blood stream in PCT
Loop of henle located in medulla
Distal convoluted tubule Opens up into collecting ducts
Collecting ducts several nephrons empty into 1 duct, ducts convert to form renal pyramid, also located in medulla
Ureters do what Convey urine to bladder slowly, through rhythmic contracts (peristalsis and gravity)
Ureter dimensions 10-12" long, descend behind the peritoneum and in front of psoas muscle, enter posteriolateral surface of urinary bladder at aprox level of ischial spine
UPJ Uretero-pelvic junction; between ureters and renal pelvis
UVJ Urtero vesical junction. between ureters and where they enter bladder. Where ureter passes over iliac artery (near brim of pelvis)
Urinary bladder is a musculomembraneous collapsible sac; reservoir for urine
Urinary bladder sits immediately posterior and superior to pubic sypmh. directly anterior to rectum in males and anterior to vagina in females.q
Urinary bladder when full/empty Varies in size, shape, and position depending on how full it is (flattended when empty, oval when full)
Urinary Bladder orifices 3. where 2 ureters enter bladder and where urethra begins
Trigone Triangular area of smooth tissue that is located between the 3 orifices
Urine is made up of 96% H20. other 4% is salts, toxins, pigments and hormones, urea and waste products
Characteristics of urine (4) -usually clear or amber color -slightly acidic -slight ammonia smell -usually void 1-1.5 liters/day
Medical terms for urinating Voiding. Micturition
Adult bladder can hold aprox 500mL of fluid when completley full. The desire to urinate occurs when about 250mL of urine is in the bladder
Pigment in Urine Urochrome is the pigment that gives urine its color and is derived from urobilin
Urobilin Is a brown pigment formed by the oxidation of urobilinogen, a decomposition of the product bilirubin. Urobilin may be formed from the urobilinogen in stool or in urine after exposure in air
Urethra -narrow musculomembranous tube -sphincter type muscle at neck of bladder -external opening called external urethral orifice
Female/male urethra Female- 1 1/2" . Male- 7-8" and consists of 3 portions
3 portions of male urethra 1. Prostatic 2.Membranous 3.Spongy
Prostate Small gland that sits at base of bladder, part of male reproductive system, can enlarge and cause urinary problems
BUN and Creatinine Levels Blood urea nitrogen->8-25 mg/100ml Creatinine-> .6-1.5 mg/100ml. Significant increase suggests renal dysfunction
Created by: rachelbeatty4
Popular Radiology sets




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