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RADT 456

ARRT registry review

What are the three areas of litigation in radiology? Patient falls/ positioning injuries, pregnancy, and errors or delays in diagnosis
What is the term that describes when the manager or boss is held responsible for the employee's actions? Respondeat Superior
List the four parts to the ARRT Standards of Ethics. Preamble, Code of Ethics, Rules of Ethics, Administrative Procedures
What are the four parts needed to be liable for a negligent tort? Duty, Breach, Injury Sustained, Cause
What is the difference between battery and assault? Assault is a threat of harm and battery is the actual performance of that threat.
What can a radiographer request the patient do to ensure that they understood all instructions? Have the patient repeat back what the radiographer instructed.
What are the four steps to acquiring vital signs and what are the normal adult values for each? 1). Body Temperature (98.6) 2). Pulse Rate (Men: 68-75 & women: 72-80) 3). Respiratory Rate ( 12-18 breaths per minute) 4). Arterial Blood Pressure ( 100-140/80-90)
What terms are used to describe ventricular contraction and ventricular relaxation? Contraction: systole Relaxation: Diastole
What are the four rules of proper body mechanics? 1). Keep objects close to body 2). Spine should be straight without twisting 3). Bend knees and use leg and abdominal muscles to lift 4). Push or roll
When accidents occur within the department what is one important step that every radiographer should complete? Fill out an incident report
List the six steps for the cycle of infection. 1). infectious organism/pathogen 2). reservoir of infection and environment for pathogen to live and multiply 3). A portal of exit 4). means of transmission 5)susceptible host 6). Portal of entry into the susceptible new host
What are the three modes of transmission and list examples for each. 1). Droplet: Rubella, Mumps, Influenza 2). Airborne: TB, Varicella, Rubeola 3). Contact: Mumps, Influenza
Define vector, vehicle, and fomite. Vehicle: anything transmitting infection Vector: insect or animal transmitting infection Fomite: contamination of inanimate object
Describe the differences between antisepsis, medical asepsis, and surgical asepsis. Antisepsis: stops the continued growth Medical asepsis: kills pathogenic microorganisms Surgical asepsis: complete removal of microorganisms and their reproductive cells
What is the most common HAI? Urinary tract infection
The diameter of a needle is also known as its... Gauge
List the three types of GI tubes. Nasogastric (NG) Nasointestinal (NI) Nasoenteric (NE)
Which of the following are not considered a true allergy? Irritant Contact Dermatitis, Allergic Contact Dermatitis, or Latex Allergy? Irritant Contact Dermatitis
Give examples of positive and negative contrast agents. Positive: Iodinated agents, barium sulfate Negative: air and various gases
When would a radiographer not give Barium sulfate for a GI exam? When perforation is suspected
Created by: cjschaeffe
Popular Radiology sets




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