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mobility & transfers

mobility for rehabilitation

What is an ORIF Open reduction and internal fixation
Weight bearing restrictions for ORIF NWB or physician recomendations
NWB non-weight bearing
TTWB Toe-touch weight bearing: toe can beplaced on the ground while 90% of wt is on unaffected leg
PWB Partial weight bearing: only 50% of the persons body weight can be placed on affected leg.
WBAT Weight bearing as tolerated: pt can judge how much weight tolerated.
FWB Fullweight bearing: pt should be able toput 100% of wt on affected leg without causing damage.
Hip precautions: Posterolateral approach (P-A or PA) No hip flexion greater that 90 degrees-No internal rotation- No adduction (crossing legs or feet)
Hip precations: Anterolateral appraoch (A-P or AP) No external rotation-No Adduction (crossing legs or feet)-No extension
Chair transfers to sit extend opperated leg, reach back for armrests and sit slowly
Chair transfers to stand extend opperated leg and push off from armrests
Posterolateral precautions when sitting pt should not lean forward when sitting down-pt should sit on the fron part of the chair and lean back***Avoid soft reclining chairs or rockers.
Commode chair positioning All pts should wipe between the legs in a sitting position or from behind in a standing position c caution to avoid trunk rotation. To flush; pt is to stand up and step to face the toilet to flush**No rotation of hip or trunk
commode chair seating for posterolateral precautions the 3-in-1 commode can be adjusted so front legs are are one notch lower than back legs;hip fexion not to exceed 90 degrees
commode chair seating for anterolateral precautions These pts may have enough hip mobility to use a std toilet safely @discharge.
THR precations in the shower stall non-skid strips-walker/crutches 1st-opperated leg 2nd-non-opperated leg 3rd; or use shower chair
shower-over-tub (w/o shower doors)precations Use a tub bench; pt sits on edge of the bench and swings the leg over(using hip precautions); or sponge bath
Bed mobility for L.E. fractures/joint replacements 1)Supine; c abduction wedge or pillow, recommended (helps reduce edema & knee flex contractures) 2)Sidelying on non-opperated side;prevent rotation of opperated leg by abducting c pillows/wedge
Assistive devices (AD) for L.E. fractures/joint replacement Sock aid; reacher; dressing stick; leg lifter; long-handled sponge; walker bag; elastic shoe laces; long-handled shoe horn
L.E. dressing ***AVOID ABD/Rotation or CROSSING LEGS Opperated leg is dressed 1st using a reacher/dressing stick A sock aid is used to don/doff socks
Hemovac A plastic drainage tube inserted @surgical site to assist postoperative blood drainage. Usually left in place for 2 days after surgery
Balanced suspension fabricated by PT or cast-rm tech, used to support LE in the 1st few postoperative days.
Reclining wheelchair For pts with hip flexion precations when seated.
Sequential Compression Devices (SCDs) Inflatable, external leggings,used postoperatively to reduce the risk of deep vein thrombosis and provide intermittent compression
Antiembolus hosiery Thigh-high hosiery, worn 24 hrs a day, except during bathing. Used to assist circulation, prevent edema, and reduce then risk of deep vein thrombosis.
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Blood clots called pulmonary emboli, release from deep veins and lodge in the lungs causing death
Pt controlled administration of intravenous analgesia The amount of medication ispredetermined and programmed by the physician and nursing to allow the pt to self administer pain meds by pusing a button
Incentive Spirometer Portable breathing apparatus used to encourage deep breathing and reduce the risk for postoperattive pneumonia.
Created by: debbiej
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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