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Pre-English Civ War

Expansion, Economy, Parliament (James I, Charles I)

British North America: Reason for Migration 1. Religious Discontent 2. Economic Pressure
Population Dispersion 1. Puritans to N. America and Barbados/W. India 2. Scottish Presbyterians to Northern Ireland 3. Catholics in Maryland 4. Anglicans to Jamestown
Overseas Empire 1650s, before migration was through private commercial companies
National Culture: English Classical Literature William Shakespeare, John Milton Projections of might human experience, tragedy with own words
National Culture: Music Thomas Campion, Henry Purcell
National Culture: Architecture Christopher Wren
Main English Products Coal, sheep, manufacture of woolens (commercial revolution), land
James I War debt+Inflation=Constantly begging parliament for money Espoused Absolutist philosophy (The True Law of Free Monarchy)
Fears of Parliament under James I 1. Common Law of England is in danger 2. The Star Chamber and High Commission restricted decisions within the Anglican theology 3. Insecurity of Landowner's (parliament members) wealth if king could raise tax without Parliament
House of Commons Gentry (landed) mixed with merchants and the towns
House of Lords Aristocracy (landed), predominantly secular
Parliament Strong organization Represented social interests, wealth Uncontrollable by the king (but could only meet when King called it)
Ship Money Charles I demanded everyone in the country pay for the modernized navy, when traditionally only the coastal cities paid for the upkeep of the navy.
Taxation Problems Traditional View: taxation without representation is reprehensible Modern: King should be allowed to collect revenue, needed by the state
Personal Rule of Charles I Attempted to reform government, tax without the parliament, but need for finances to put down Scot Rebellion forced him to call parliament
Long Parliament 1640-1660 Parliament led by small landowning gentry with the support of merchants
Scot Rebellion Rebel against imposition of Church of England's prayer book and church organization
Actions of the Long Parliament 1. Chief Royal Ministers were impeached and killed 2. Abolished star chamber and high commission
Created by: 13zhang
Popular European History sets




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