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Ch 4 RAD 150

Electricity, Magnetism, Electromagnetism

Primary function of an x-ray imaging system is to convert eletrical energy into _______energy. electromagnetic
Unlike charges ____ and like charges ____. attract; repel
Coulomb's Law states that electrostatic force is ___ proportional to the product of the electrostatic charges and ____ proportional to the square of the distance between them. directly; inversely
Electric charge distribution is ____ throughout or on the surface. uniform
Electric charge of a conductor is concentrated along the _____ curvature of the surface. sharpest
_____ is the movement of electrons. (electrons moving from one cloud to another) Induction
Electrification can be created by ___, ___, or ____. contact; friction; induction
The smallest unit of electric charge is the _______. electron
1 coulomb is equal to 6x10 to the (18th) electron charges
Rubbing a balloon on a wool sweater is an example of _____. friction
____ occurs when two objects touch and electrons are transfered between objects. Contact
The unit of electric potential is the ____. volt (V)
__________ is the study of electric charges in motion. Electrodynamics
A ____ is any substance through which electrons flow easily. conductor
____, ____ and ____ are three types of insulators. Glass, clay/earthlike materials, rubber
A _______ is a material that under some conditions behaves as an insulator and in other conditions behaves as a conductor. semiconductor
The ____ is proportional to the number of electrons flowing in the electric circuit. ampere
Increasing electric reistance results in a _____electric current. reduced
What is Ohm's Law? V=IR (volts=electric current x electric resistance)
Resistance (R) is measured in ____. ohms
Electric current is measured in ____. amperes (A)
_______ is a sine (sinusoidal) curve. Waveform
_____ is identified as a 60 hZ current (___ - HZ in the rest of the world). AC; 50
In a ____ ______, electrons can be made to flow in one direction along the conduction. direct current (DC)
In a ___ _____, electrons oscillate back and forth. alternating current (AC)
A ____ circuit contains elements that are connected at their end rather than lying in a line along a conductor. parallel
Electric power is measured in ____. watts (W)
In an electric circuit, a ____ will inhibit the flow of electrons. resistor
The current through out an entire circuit is ______. constant
What is the electric power formula? P=IV P= power in watts I=current in amps V= electrical potential in volts
Electrical power is measured in _____. Watts (W)
Any charged particle in motion creates a _____ ____. magnetic field
_______ objects can be made into magnets by induction. Ferromagnetic
An accumulation of atomic magnets with their dipole aligned creates a ____ domain. magnetic
The magnetic field is _______ by electron pairs. neutralized
The iron core greatly increases the ______ of the magnetic field. intensity
What are examples of nonmagnetic states of matter? wood, glass
What are examples of diamagnetic states of matter? water and plastic
What is an example of a paramagnetic state of matter? gadolinium
What are examples of ferromagnetic state of matter? iron, nickel or cobalt
______ has low magnetic susceptibility; ____ has high magnetic susceptibility. Wood; iron
The SI unit of magnet field strength is the ____. tesla
One tesla (T) = ______ gauss (G). 10,000
Like magnetic poles ____ and unlike poles ____. repel; attract
The magnetic force is ______ to the product of the magnetic pole strengths divided by the square of the distance between them. proportional
A coil of wire is called a ____. solenoid
If an electric potential is applied to objects such as copper wire, this would be termed ____ ____. electric current
The insulator confines the electron flow to the _____. conductor
An object is said to be _______ if it has too few or too many electrons. electrified
Theoreticaly, electrons move from _____to _____. negative; positive
Resistance is dependent on 4 things: material, length, diameter and temperature
The unit for resistance is ____. ohms
Theoreticaly, electrons move from _____to _____. negative; positive
Resistance is dependent on 4 things: material, length, diameter and temperature
Examples of insulators are ____ and ____. rubber; glass
The unit for resistance is ____. ohms
An example of direct current is a _____. battery
The formula for ohms law is: V=IR
Examples of insulator are ____ and ____. rubber; glass
Examples of a semiconductor are ___ and ____. silicon; germanium
Examples of conductors are ___ and ____. copper; aluminum
Examples of superconductors are ___ and ___. niobium; titanium
A _____ circuit contains elements that are connected at their end rather than lying in a line along a conductor. parallel
The increased heat of a wire will _____ conduction. decrease
_____ is the best material to conduct electricity. Copper
The increased length of a wire will ____ conduction. decrease
An increase in diameter will ____ conduction. decrease
The unit for electron potential is ______. volts
_____ is a material that under some conditins behaves as an insulator and in other conditions behaves as a conductor. semiconductor
An example of AC is a _____. generator
Two types of magnetic fields: bipolar and dipolar
A _____ changes the intensity of alternating voltage and current. transformer
_______ turn mechanical energy into electrical energy. Generators
What is the Transformer Law? Vs/Vp=Ns/Np
What is the Transformer Law Effect on Current? Is/Ip=Np/Ns
Step up generator increases voltage and _______ amperage. decrease
Step down generator will decrease voltage and _______ amperage. increase
What is the formula for turns ratio? Turns Ratio = Ns/Np
Popular Radiology sets




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