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Everydy Meaning Tst1

Everyday Meaning Test 1 SM

What is Narrative?pg10 The way people creat stories of their life events/experiences to make sense/meaning by narratization
What is Occupation?pg22 The Ordinary & Familiar things that people do everyday~self initiated, self directed, adaptive, purposeful, culturally relevant, organized activity
What is Occupational Injustice pg32 Prolonged exposure of disconnectedness, isolation, limited choices in occupation due to disability, stereotyping, exclusion from mainstream life, lack of opportunity for everyday choices
What is Co-occupations? (OTPF)pg 629 Any occupation that implicitly involves 2 or more people
What are some examples of Co-occupations? mother-child, husband/wife, teacher/student, lovers
What are some examples of Occupational injustice? homelessness, prison, domestic violence
What is Engelhardt's view of OT's? p.21 That they are meaning givers--we work with clients to help them understand their situations & purpose of their therapy
EXPLAIN: Doing,Being,Becoming,Belonging=Survival+Health p.24 Intertwining the individual dimensions/parts/divisions of occupation to flow into
Whose selfhood is enhanced in an OT intervention-client or clinician? p.28 Both--as you help your client, you can also learn or grow yourself
what are the 3 types of therapist-client interactions & which is more likely to help change come from within the client? p.29 1. Therapist as an expert-influence of OT necessary for change 2.Therapist as Partner-equal contributors 3.Client-centered =unfolding clients inner potential..#3
What does WHO stand for? World Health Org.
What is AOTA American Occup. Therapy Assoc
What is ICF Intl.Classif. of Funct. Disab. & Health
What is OTPF Occupational Therapy Practice Framework
What is ADL Activies of Daily Living
What is IADL Instsrumental Activities of Daily Living
What are the 6 Domains OT addresses? 1.Occupation (ADLs/IADLs/Work/Play/Leisure/Rest/Ed/Soc)2.Client Factors (values/beliefs,body funct/struc)3.Perf skills (MESCC)4.perf patterns (HR^3)5.context/enviro (CPTVPS)6.Act demands
8 Areas of Occupation:WASP PILERS Work, ADLs, Social Participation, Play, IADLs, Leisure, Education, Rest, Sleep
HR^3 (performance Patterns) Habits, Rituals, Roles, Routines
3 main client factors VBS BS 2BFs--(CAMP MEET/ COTES): 1.Values,Beliefs,Spirituality; 2.Body Structures 3.Body Functions
List client factor body functions Specific: CAMP MEET: Context, Attention, Memory, Perception, Mental sequencing, Emotional, Experience self/time, Thought
5 Main Performance skills: MESCC (messy seas) 1.Motor/Praxis 2.Emotional Regulation 3.Sensory Perceptual 4.Cognitive 5.Communication/social
6 Main Context/Enviro conditions: CPT VPS (capt. v.p.'s) 1.Cultural 2.Personal 3. Temporal 4. Virtual 5.Physical 6.Social
What are the 3 types of habits under performance patterns: Dominant, Impoverished, Useful
Habits Automatic behaviors that can be useful, dominating or impoverished
Roles behaviors expected by society shaped by culture & further defined by client
Rituals symbolic actions with spiritual, cultural or social meaning
Routines Established sequences of occupations/activites that provide a structure for daily life
List client factor body functions Global: (TECS+Ox4) 1.Temperament/personality 2.Energy/drive 3.Consciousness 4.Sleep 5.Orientation (x1.person x3.time x4.others/situation)
What are Proprioceptive Functions? Ability to do the same activity with opposite extremity without looking
Created by: RadGirl13
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