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AP Euro IDs set 1

1. Rebirth of Antiquity Seeing the start of what seemed like the times Ancient Greece and Rome. People saw that it was repeating somewhat happened back then. Greco-Roman.
2. Jacob Burkhardt The guy who realized there was a change in history. Named that time period Renaissance. A swiss historian. Publish <i> Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy </i> in the year 1860.
3. "Men can do all things if they will." A fifteenth century Florentine architect Leon Battista Alberti expressed the Italian Renaissance by this quote.
4. The Hansa Thirteenth Century, North German coastal towns had formed a commercial and military association. Also called the Hanseatic League.
5. Medici Family In the 15th century, the Medici family had the greatest bank in Europe. They had banks in Venice, Milan, Rome, Avignon, Bruges, London, and Lyons. In 1494 the French expelled the bank and confiscated their property.
6. Handbook for aristocrats Says the nobles must be graceful, have talent, have military skill for bearing arms, and they need to be able to play a musical instrument. <i> Book of Courtier </i> written by Baldasse Castilione, 1528.
7. 1st and 2nd Estate First Estate was a clergy, they believed people should be guided to spiritual beliefs. Second Estate: Nobles, whose privileges were based on the principle that the nobles provided security and justice for society.
8. Levels within the 3rd Estate Consists of patriciants, shopkeepers, artisans, guild masters, guild members, propertyless workers, and slaves.
9. Slavery after the Black Death Slaves were used to make hand crafted goods or a household worker. Girls often worked as nursemaids. In 1414 and 1423 10,000 slaves were sold.
10. Dowry The amount of money when the wife's family give to the husband upon marriage. The large dowry indicated that the women would marry a man of higher status.
11. Sforza and Visconti Visconti was the ruler of Milan, and Sforza took over Milan. Sforza and Visconti created a highly centralized territorial state with a successful system of taxation. Sforza took over Milan in 1447.
12. Geographic make-up of Italy In the late 14th century, Italy was made up of five major states and many city states. The five major states were: Milan, Venice, Florence, Papal state, and the Kingdom of Naples.
13. Francis I vs. Charles I Both of these rulers fought over Italy since French king Charles VIII invaded and occupied the kingdom of Naples in 1494. Charles I raided Rome in 1527, ending the wars for a bit. Charles I dominated Italy.
14. Ambassador They would be sent to other Italians States that remained and would do everything they could to save/preserve their state.
15. "Is it better to be loved than feared?" In 1513, Niccolo Machiavelli wrote a short treatise on political power that justly or unjustly, has given him a reputation as a political oppurtunist. Machiavelli analyzes whether it is better for a ruler to be loved than feared.
16. Humanism A creative movement based on the study of classical literary works of Greece and Rome.
17. Neoplatonism Exposition of the platonic philosophy. Ficino neoplatonism was based on the primary ideas of the neoplatonism hierarchy of substances and theory of spiritual love. Neoplatonism = Philosphy.
18. Corpus Hermeticum At the request of Cosimo de' Medici, Ficino translated into Latin a Greek work.
19. Oration on the Dignity of Man One of the most famous pieces of writing of the Renaissance. Wriiten by Giovanni Pico Della Mirandola.
20. Vittorino Da Feltre Opened a school in Mantua. A Humanist school.
21. Historiography The high point of Renaissance histiography was achieved at the beginning of the 16th century in the works of Francesco Guicciardini.
22. The Printing Press established throughout the Holy Roman Empire in the 1460s and within 10 years has spread all over Europe.
23. Nature & Perspective in Art. Gioto in the 14th century who began the imitation of nature. Masaccio in Florence use monumental figures which create a relationship of figures and landscapes and visual representation of the law of perspective. 3 dimensional
24. Da Vinci, Raphael, Micheangelo Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Last Supper. Raphael created the School of Athens. Michelangelo painted the Creation of Adam.
25. David Colosal marcle statue commissioned by the Florentine government in 1501 and was finish in 1504 by Michelangelo.
The Last Supper Show a person character and inner nature by gesture and movement. Paint in Milan a summary of 15th century trends in organization of space and use of perspective to depict subjects 3 dimensional in a 2 dimensional medium.
28. Giorgio Vasari An avid admirer of Italy's great artist and wrote a series of brief biographies of them.
29. Architecture A high renaissance in architecture was also evident. Build building
30. Northern Renaissance movement Emphasis on the emotional intensity of religious feeling and created great works of devotional art in their altarpieces.
31. Madrigals Poem set to music and it origin were in the 14th century. 12 line poem in the vernacular and their theme was emotional or erotic love. 15 century written in 5-6 voice portray literal meaning of text.
32. Guillaume Duffay Most important composer. Born in Northern France . Composed number of secular song.
33. Establish Political Centralization Second half of 15 century they establish the centralized power of monarchical government.
28. Giorgio Vasari An avid admirer of Italy's great artist and wrote a series of brief biographies of them.
29. Architecture A high renaissance in architecture was also evident. Build building
30. Northern Renaissance movement Emphasis on the emotional intensity of religious feeling and created great works of devotional art in their altarpieces.
31. Madrigals Poem set to music and it origin were in the 14th century. 12 line poem in the vernacular and their theme was emotional or erotic love. 15 century written in 5-6 voice portray literal meaning of text.
32. Guillaume Duffay Most important composer. Born in Northern France . Composed number of secular song.
33. Establish Political Centralization Second half of 15 century they establish the centralized power of monarchical government.
28. Giorgio Vasari An avid admirer of Italy's great artist and wrote a series of brief biographies of them.
29. Architecture A high renaissance in architecture was also evident. Build building
30. Northern Renaissance movement Emphasis on the emotional intensity of religious feeling and created great works of devotional art in their altarpieces.
31. Madrigals Poem set to music and it origin were in the 14th century. 12 line poem in the vernacular and their theme was emotional or erotic love. 15 century written in 5-6 voice portray literal meaning of text.
32. Guillaume Duffay Most important composer. Born in Northern France . Composed number of secular song.
33. Establish Political Centralization Second half of 15 century they establish the centralized power of monarchical government.
34. Effect of the Hundred years war Losses in manpower strained the English economy. French depopulation, desolate farmland, ruined commerce, and independent , noble made it hard for king to use their power.
35. Marriage of Isabella Isabella of Castile marryFerdinand in 1469. Organized the military of Spain. Control Catholic church, pursued a policy of strict religious. Introduce the inquisition of Spain.
36. Spanish Inquisition Ferdinand & Isabella ask the pope to introduce the Inquisition in Spain in 1478. Torture other religion and force them to be Catholic.
37. 1492 and 1502 In 1492 expelled all jews from Spain. In 1502, Isabella took the drastic step of expelling all professed Muslims from her kingdom.
38. Success of the Habsburg Dynasty After 1438, the position of Holy Roman Emperor remained in the hands of the Habsburg dynasty. The House of Habsburg has become one of the wealthiest landholders in the empire by mid-fifteenth century.
39. Maximilian I's grandson Phillip and Joanna had a son named Charles, who become heir to all three lines, the Habsburg, Burgundian, and Spanish, making him the leading monarch of his age.
40. Population of Eastern Europe Mostly Slavic, Roman Catholics, Greek Orthodox, and pagans.
41. Serfdom in Poland The magnates reduced the peasantry to serfdom by 1511 and established the right to elect their kings.
42. Aristocrats and the Sejm Turks enabled the aristocrats to reestablish their power. Through their control of the Sejm or national diet.
43. Mongols and Ivan III Since the 13th c. Russia has been in the control of the Mongols. The principality of Moscow has been born by Ivan III. Ivan III annexed other principalities and took advantage of the dissension of the Mongols and threw off their yoke by 1480.
44. Heresy In the thirteenth century, the church had developed inquisitional machinery to deal with it.
45.Lollard John Wyclif followers know as Lollard. John Wyclif believe the Bible should be in the vernacular(plain word)languages so everyday Christian can read it.
46. John Hus Czech reformers led by chancellor of the university of Prague. Eliminate wordliness and corruption of the Glergy. Was sent to the council.
47. Pope Pius II's Papal Bull 1460, pope Pius II issued the Papal Bull Execrabilis, condemning appeals to a council over the head of as pope as heretical.
48. Temporal-Versus-Spiritual In the beginning of the 16th century the primary concern of the papacy is governing the catholic church as it spiritual leader. but the church, popes had temporal preoccupation the renaissance papacy overshadowing the pope spiritual function.
49. The "Warrior-Pope" & Nepotism Julius II was into war and politics, he was called "Warrior-Pope" Nepotism is an fact derived from the Greek Nepos meaning "Nephew" (favoritism of nephew)
50. Leo X Julius's successors, Leo X, A patron of Renaissance culture. (participant) Son of Lorenzo De Medici. Refined tasted in art, manners and social life in Florentine Renaissance elite. Become pope at the age of 37.
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