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Matter & Energy

6th Gr Science Ch 1 & 2

__________ is anything that has mass and takes up space. Matter
___________ is the ability to do work or cause change. Energy
___________ is the study of the properties of matter and how matter changes. Chemistry
What are the two groups of properties used to identify, describe, and classify matter? 1) physical properties; 2) chemical properties
A single kind of matter that has distinct physical and chemical properties is called a ___________. substance
Color, texture, odor, and the temperature at which a substance melts are example of ___________ properties. physical
A substance that cannot be broken down into any other substances by chemical or physical means is an ____________. element
A substance that is made of two or more elements chemically combined in a set ratio is a ____________. compound
A ____________ is made from two or more substances--elements, compounds, or both--that are in the same place but are not chemically combined. mixture
Two ways that mixtures differ from compounds 1) The substances in a mixture keep their individual properties; 2) The parts of a mixture are not necessarily present in set ratios
What are 2 kinds of changes in matter? physical changes & chemical changes
A change that alters the form or appearance of a material but does not make the material into another substance is a _____________ change. physical
What are the 3 principal states of matter? 1) solids; 2) liquids; 3) gases
A change in matter that produces new substances is a _____________ change. chemical
Things that can occur in a chemical change or reaction: 1) compounds may be broken down into elements; 2) elements may combine to form compounds; 3) compounds may change into other compounds
Is this a physical or chemical change? Milk turns sour. chemical
Is this a physical or chemical change? Wood is chopped in half. physical
Is this a physical or chemical change? Wood is burned. chemical
Is this a physical or chemical change? Ice melts into liquid water. physical
True or false: Energy is always involved when physical and chemical changes in matter occur. true
Who named the atom? A Greek philosopher, Democritus
Who developed the atomic theory? John Dalton
What part of the atom has a positive charge? proton
What part of the atom has no charge? neutron
What part of the atom has a negative charge? electron
What parts of the atom make up the nucleus? protons and neutrons
Where is most of the atom's mass? the nucleus
Where in the atom are the electrons found? on the electron shells or orbitals
How many electrons can the first shell hold? 2
How many electrons can the second shell hold? 8
How many electrons can the third shell hold? 18
If you add food coloring to water, is that a physical or chemical change? physical
If a bicycle is rusting, is that a physical or chemical change? chemical
If you mix sugar in water, is that a physical or chemical change? physical
Is this a physical or chemical property? state of matter physical
Is this a physical or chemical property? flammability chemical
Is this a physical or chemical property? boiling point physical
Is this a physical or chemical property? shape physical
Is this a physical or chemical property? reaction with acid chemical
Is this a physical or chemical property? weight physical
Is this a physical or chemical property? oxidizing chemical
Is this a physical or chemical property? rusting chemical
Is this a physical or chemical property? magnetic physical
Is this a physical or chemical change? toasting marshmallows chemical
What state of matter are ice cubes? solid
What state of matter is water? liquid
What state of matter is water vapor? gas
What is it called when a liquid changes to a solid? freezing
When a substance changes from a solid to a gas WITHOUT passing through the liquid state, what word describes the change? sublimation
The "fog" created by dry ice at room temperature is an example of _________________. sublimation
What is it called when a gas changes to a liquid? condensation
What state of matter has a definite shape and a definite volume? Its atoms are tightly packed. solid
What state of matter has an indefinite shape, but a definite volume? It takes the shape of its container. liquid
What state of matter has an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume? The atoms are spaced far apart and often collide. gas
What is it called when a solid changes to a liquid? melting
What is it called when the surface of a liquid is changing into a gas? evaporation
What is it called when a liquid becomes a gas, either through evaporation or boiling? vaporization
The energy that the particles of a substance have is called ________ energy. thermal
The resistance of a liquid to flowing is called _________. viscosity
Do liquids with high viscosity flow quickly or slowly? slowly
When clouds form from water vapor in the sky, this is an example of __________. condensation
When liquid water changes into water vapor, this is an example of _____________. vaporization
When a rain puddle dries up, this is an example of ___________. evaporization
To change from a solid to a liquid (requires heat or gives off heat). requires heat
To change from a gas to a liquid (requires heat or gives off heat). gives off heat
To change from a liquid to a solid (requires heat or gives off heat). gives off heat
To change from a liquid to a gas (requires heat or gives off heat). requires heat
How do we change from one state of matter to another? add or take away heat
Anything that has mass and takes up space (has volume) is ________. matter
The measure of the total amount of matter in any object is its _________. mass
Volume is expressed in what units? liter, milliliter, and cubic centimeters
Created by: Triana Silliman
Popular Chemistry sets




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