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Physics chapter 1

first test

Scientific method an orderly method for gaining, organizing, and applying new knowledge
What is natures rules? science
how does science change our life?(2) * connections between things *richness to the way we see our world
when were the roots of science first recorded? before recorded history
name two ways that science was observed before it was written 1.changing constellations 2. weather
science is organized ________ curiosity
what two elements make up science? way of thinking and body of knowledge
today natural philosophy is called _____ science
since science is natural philosophy what does this mean? study of unanswered questions about nature
what does science use to support or disprove the questions of nature experimentation
what does life sciences study? living things
name four life sciences biology, anatomy, zoology, botany
what is the study of nonliving things? physical sciences
name four physical sciences physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy
what basic things does physics study? motion, forces, heat, sound, light, atoms, energy, matter
what physical science studies how matter is put together and combines? chemistry
what science involves matter that is alive? biology
which science supports chemistry which supports biology? physics
which science is the most basic and leads to understanding other sciences? physics
name the three benefits of using math when analyzing nature. 1. less ambiguous 2.makes it easier to verify or disprove by experiment 3. expresses relationships between concepts
name the two founders of the scientific method. 1.Bacon 2.Galileo
what are the steps of the scientific method? 1. recognize problem 2. form hypothesis 3. if then statement 4. experimentation 5.conclusion
when deciding on IV and DV what is a good question to ask yourself? does IV affect DV?
do answers in science only come from scientific method? no
In addition to scientific method how can answers in science be reached? 1. trial and error 2. attitude of inquiry
I am a way of gaining, organizing, and applying new knowledge. what am I? scientific method
how are experiments usually set up? as controlled expirements
what do we call the conditions that can change or be changed in an experiment. variables
how many variables do scientists test at a time? one
What are variables called that are kept the same between the testing groups? constants
which group is kept under normal conditions? control group
why do we have control groups? to have a comparison of the effect of the changed variable
which group in the experiment has a condition that is purposely changed to test its effect? experimental group
which variable is purposely changed in an experiment? independent variable
which variable measures the effect of the change? dependent variable
i am information that is gained through the five senses. what am I? observation
I am a conclusion based on observations. what am I? inference
If i say the folder is red what am I? observation
if i say the girl is crying because she is sad. what am i? inference
if i say the window in the classroom is glass. What am I? inference
if i say the block weighs 15 kilograms. what am i? observation
Fact a close agreement by competent observers of a series of observations of the same phenomena.
Hypothesis an educated guess; a reasonable explanation of an observation or experimental result that is not fully accepted as factual until tested over and over again by experiment.
Law/Principle a general hypothesis or statement about the relationship of natural quantities that has been tested over and over again and has not been contradicted.
Theory a synthesis of a large body of information that encompasses well-tested and verified hypotheses about aspects of the natural world.
Controlled Experiment an experiment that tests only one variable at a time and has an experimental group and a control group, to be used as a comparison
Control one of two groups in an experiment that is kept under “normal” conditions for the purpose of comparison. (as opposed to the experimental group, which is changed)
Variables conditions that can change or be changed
Constants variables that must be kept the same in an experiment
Independent variable the variable that is purposely changed to test its effect
Dependent variable the effect that is measured as the result of the change in the independent variable
Observation information gained by use of the five senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell)
Inference conclusion based on observations
Science method of answering theoretical questions (knowledge)
Technology method of solving practical problems (tools, techniques, and procedures)
Created by: 16_dnuckolls
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