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In density mass is measured in ____and volume is measure in ____ Grams and Milliters
Changing of matter is called Reaction
Physical Properties Color, Form, Density
Heterogeneous mixture is Salt and pepper
An Element is what An atom that can not be divided any farther
Atomic Number is Equal to the number on protons in the nucleus of an atom
Name an element that is important to the extracellular fluid and nerve functions Potassium
Where is the interstitial fluid INside the cells
Each period in the periodic table ends with a noble gas
Groups are divided into sub groups called Transition and representative
Rare earth metals are lanthanides
The way an element behaves is largely to do with the number of electrons in the outer shell True
The rearrangement of the atoms in a molecule cannot make a difference in the characteristics of compounds False
What is the universal solvent Water
It does not matter what the concentration of a solution is, it will always affect the same False
An example of a dispersed medium is The gel in bath gel
A cation is positive or negative charge? Positive
How many Electrons are in the element carbon six
There are 3 types of Chemical Reactions Synthesis, Exchange, and decomposition
Enzymes Help speed up chemical reactions in the body without changing itself
What are the characteristics of gas no strong molecular forces between particles, all collisions are elastic, expand to fill the shape of containers
a conjugate base is the part of the joined compound that can donate the proton True
Ionic bonds are soluble in water False
What is a buffer It neutralizes
Hydrophobic water fearing
What is the primary purpose of ATP in the body Provides energy
What does Mono mean Single
What does Poly mean Many
Name the 3 types of Macromolecules Carbs, Proteins, Lipids
Smallest units of protein monosacchrides
The 4 types of shapes a protein makes Primary, Secondary, Tertiarary, Quaternary
What is the simplest form of Carbohydrates Monosacchrides
What is the role of the dehydration synthesis in building up polymers Takes out water
How many amino acids are there? 20
What type of bond do the amino acids form as they join in a chain? Peptide Bond
How many amino acids do there need to be to be called a protein 100
Two important polysaccharides are Cellulose and starch
What is diffusion movement of molecules from high concentration to low concentration, no energy
Gas is always on the move True
Kinetic Energy is the crazy movement of gas particles bouncing everywhere in a container, on half the mass multiplied by the velocity squared
How many atmospheres are found at sea level one
volume is indirectly related to temperature False
Density is... Mass/volume = density
A compound is.. a substance in which two of more different elements are joined together,an example of one water molecule, an example of one NH3 (1 nitrogen 3 hydrogens
Heat is.. Measured in calories of a substances containing energy
A sandwich contains 225 nutrional calories how many kcal does it have? 225
Kinetic energy is the energy of motion
A hypothesis is a statement or idea that describes or attempts to explain observable data
an experiment is a controlled testing of the properties of a substance or system through carefully recorded measurements
A theory predicts the outcome of new testing based on past experimental data
a scientific law is best described as a hypothesis or theory that is tested repeatedly with the same results and thought to be without exception
Changing of matter is called reaction
Protons are Subatomic and exist in the core of an atom, Subatomic with positive charge, are found in the nucleus
Atoms are Smallest particle not divided
Solids have definite shape and volume
Physical Properties Color, form, density
Produce hydrogen ions (H+) in solution Acids
Have a bitter taste Base
Produce hydroxide ions (OH-) Base
React with bases to form salts Acids
have a sour taste acids
have a slippery, soapy feel Base
React with acids to form salts base
React with many metals and produces hydrogen gas acids
Atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom
Octave Rule A rule showing the repeated chemical groups every eight elements, Noble gases are the example of the element of the rule
How many families of elements are there 6
Each period ends with a Noble Gas
Noble Gases are in group? VIII
Halogens are Specific non metals
Atomic number number of protons in an element
Atomic mass protons + neutrons
Family of Fe (iron) Transition element
the rearrangement of the atoms in a molecule cannot make a difference in the characteristics of compounds False
The number of bonds an atom can form with another atom depends on The electrons available to share, the chemical bond as the attachment between the atoms within a molecule, the number of electrons it can easily share with its neighbor
Salt added to water = Separates into ions and ionizes
Buffer is Neutralizing
Cations Positive charge
Decomposition Breaking down chemicals
Solute Substance that is dissolved in another substance. The component of a solution that is present in the lesser amount
Solvent A substance in which another substance is dissolved
Base High pH, Slimy, bitter, hydrogen ion receivers
Extracellular Fluid Fluid located outside of the cell
Acid + Base Neutral
Exchange Combo of synthesis and decomp
Interstitial Fluid All fluid contained within the tissue, except the fluid found within lymph and blood vessels
Acid Hydrogen donars, red on the pH littmans paper Below 7 on the pH scale
pH Scale Measures concentration of hydrogen ions Lower concentration = higher pH # Higher concentration = lower pH #
Unsaturated Fat Easier to break
Disaccharide 2 monosaccharides joined together - synthesis reaction
Dehydration Synthesis Takes out water
Prostaglandins Mediate inflammation (unique to cattle) fight or flight
Lipoprotein Lipid + Protein
Glycolipid Sugar attached to fats
Saturated Fats Completed saturated with hydrogen - hard to break, it bends
Oxidation When an element gains an hydrogen but loses electron
Synthesis Formation of chemicals
Intracellular Fluid Fluid that is contained within a cell
Hydrophobic Fear water
Protein Most abundant organic molecules- widest variety of functions. used for cell structures control chemical reactions regulate growth defend from invaders
Glycoprotein Carb or sugar attached to a protein helps adhesion of cells to other cells recognition of molecules to be transported into the cell
Polysaccharide Combo of many monosaccharides celluse is the most abundant organic molecule
Monosaccharide Simple sugar, simplest form of carbs 3-7 rings
Macromolecules Large, long, complex repeating units Carbs, Lipids, Proteins
Thromboxane + Leukotrienes Mediates platelet functions
Phospholipid Phosphor and Lipid- one polar head, on non polar head
Neutral fats Triglycerides 3 Fats, formed by dehydration synthesis
Lipids Used for energy stored in fat for future energy 4 classes, neutral fats, steroids, phospholipids, eicosanoids
Enzymes catalyze and speed up all reactions
Steroids 4 rings lipid, chemical messengers cortisone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone
Eicosanoids Lipids formed from 20-carbon fatty acids mediate chemical processes
4 Major Elements Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen
Oxygen highest element content in the body
Acids are hydrogen donars true
Building blocks of nucleic acids nucleotides
how many amino acids are there? 20
Electrolyte A substance that creates an electric current in a solution
Created by: scouters861
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