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Words 203-253

Heterogeneous composed of unlike parts, different, diverse
Hoary ver old; whitish or gray from age
Homogenous of a similar kind
Husband to manage economically; to use sparingly
Hyperbole purposeful exaggeration for effect
Iconoclast one who opposes established beliefs, custons, and institutions
Idiosyncracy peculiarity of temperament, eccentricity
Ignoble having low moral standards, not noble in character; mean
Imbue to infuse; dye, wet moisten
Impasse blocked path; dilemma with no solution
Impecunious poor, having no money
Imperturbable not capable of being disturbed
Impervious impossible to penetrate; incapable of being affected
Impetuous quick to act without thinking
Impious not devout in religion
Implacable unable to be calmed down or made peaceful
Imprecation a curse
Impugn to call into question; to attack verbally
Incarnadine blood-red in color
Inchoate not fully formed, disorganized
Inculcate to teach, impress the mind
Indolent habitually lazy, idle
Inexorable inflexible, unyielding
Ingenuous showing innocence or childlike simplicity
Ingrate ungrateful person
ingratiate to gain favor with another by deliberate effort; to seek to please somebody as to gain an advantage
Inimical hostile, unfriendly
Iniquity sin, evil act
Innocuous harmless
Inquest an investigation, an inquiry
Insipid lacking interest or flavor
Insurrection rebellion
Inter to bury
Interregnum interval between reigns
Intractable not easily managed or manipulated
Intransigent uncompromising, refusing to be reconciled
Intrepid fearless, resolutely courageous
Inundate to overwhelm; to cover with water
Inure to harden; accuston, become used to
Invenctive abusive language
Investiture ceremony conferring authority
Invidious envious, obnoxious, offensive
Irascible easily made angry
Intinerant wandering from place to place
Jargon nonsensical talk; specialized language
Jettison to discard, to get rid of as unneccessary or encumbering
Jingoism belligerent support of one's own country
Jocular playful, humorous
Judicious sensible, showing good judgement
Juncture point of time, especially where two things are joined
Created by: RosenSweetie
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