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Hit Parade 3

acumen keen, accurate judgment or insight
adulterate to reduce purity by combining with inferior ingredients
amalgamate to combine several elements into a whole
archaic outdated; associated with an earlier, perhaps more primitive time
aver to state as a fact; to declare or assert
bolster to provide support or reinforcement
diatribe a harsh denunciation
dissembe to disguise or conceal
eccentric departing from norms or conventions
endemic characteristic of or often found in a particular locality, region, or people
evanescent tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing
exacerbate to make worse or more severe
fervent greatly emotional or zealous
fortuitous happening by accident or chance
germane relevant to the subject at hand; appropriate in subject matter
grandiloquence pompous speech or expression
hackneyed rendered trite or commonplace by frequent usage
halcyon calm and peaceful
hedonism devotion to pleasurable pursuits, esp. to pleasures of the senses
hedonist someone who pursues pleasure
hegemony the consistent dominance of one state or ideology over others
iconoclast one who attacks or undermines traditional conventions or institutions
idolatrous given to intense or excessive devotion to something
impassive revealing no emotion
imperturbable marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness
implacable not capable of being appeased or significantly changed
impunity immunity from punishment or penalty
inchoate in an initial stage; not fully formed
infelicitous unfortunate; inappropriate
insipid without taste or flavor; lacking in spirit; bland
loquacious extremely talkative
luminous characterized by brightness and the emission of light
malevolent having or showing often vicious ill will, spite, or hatred
malleable capable of being shaped or formed; tractable; pliable
mendacity the condition of being untruthful; dishonesty
meticulous characterized by extreme care and precision; attentive to detail
misanthrope one who hates all other humans
mitigate to make or become less severe or intense; to moderate
obdurate unyielding, hardhearted, intractable
obsequious exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
occlude to obstruct or block
opprobrium disgrace; contempt; scorn
pedagogy the profession or principles of teaching or instructing
pedantic the parading of learning; excessive attention to minutiae and formal rules
penury poverty; destitution
pervasive having the tendency to permeate or spread throughout
pine to lose vigor; to yearn; to languish
pirate to illegally use or reproduce
pith the essential or central part
pithy precise and brief
placate to appease; to calm by making concessions
platitude a superficial remark, esp. one offered as meaningful
plummet to plunge or drop straight down
polemical controversial; argumentative
prodigal recklessly wasteful; extravagant; profuse; lavish
profuse given or coming forth abundantly; extravagant
proliferate to grow or increase swiftly and abundantly
queries questions; inquiries, doubts in mind; reservations
querulous prone to complaining or grumbling; peevish
rancorous characterized by bitter, long-lasting resentment
recalcitrant obstinately defiant of authority; difficult to manage
repudiate to refuse to have anything to do with; disown
rescind to invalidate; to repeal; to retract
reverent marked by feeling or expressing a feeling of profound awe and respect
rhetoric the art or study of language use for communication and persuasion
salubrious promoting health and well-being
solvent able to meet financial obligations; able to dissolve another substance
specious seeming true, but actually being fallacious; misleadingly attractive; plausible but false
spurious lacking authenticity or validity; false; counterfeit
subpoena a court order mandating appearance and/or testimony
succinct brief; concise
superfluous exceeding what is sufficient or necessary
surfeit an overabundant supply; excess; to feed or supply to excess
tenacity the quality of adherence or persistence to something valued; persistent determination
tenuous having little substance or strength; flimsy; weak
tirade a long and extremely critical speech; a harsh denunciation
transient fleeting; passing quickly; brief
zealous fervent; ardent; impassioned; devoted to a cause
Created by: Toxic_Lace
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