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Real Philosophy

30 words from this book by Jacob Needleman

ecceity (p.202)from Gabriel Marcel, The Mystery of Being, trans. G.S.Fraser _____: that is, a hereness and a nowness, a here-and-nowness; we can think of the ego in this sense, in fact, as a sort of personified here-and-now that has to defend itself actively against other personified heres-and-nows
prejuridical (p.202) from Gabriel Marcel, The Mystery of Being, trans. G.S. Fraser These rights, however, has essentially a ________ character, they are from the beginning inseparably linked to the very fact of existing and thus are exposed to all sorts of more or less mortifying infringements.
quick (p.203) from Gabriel Marcel, The Mystery of Being, trans. G.S. Fraser I have no protective skin at all; the ______ is exposed already.
cynosure (p.203) from Gabriel Marcel, The Mystery of Being, trans. G.S. Fraser He feels himself the ______, and the extremely vulnerable ______, of neighboring eyes.
avowal (p.205) from Gabriel Marcel, The Mystery of Being, trans. G.S. Fraser And neither is a taste for coffee enough in itself to create the sense of complicity and freemasonry in vice that might arise from the _______ of some much more dubious inclination.
invocations (p.206) from Gabriel Marcel, The Mystery of Being, trans. G.S. Fraser One might therefore say that there is a hierarchy of choices, or rather of __________, ranging from the call upon anther which is like ringing of a bell for a servant to the quite other sort of call which is really like a kind of prayer.
warren (p.206) from Gabriel Marcel, The Mystery of Being, trans. G.S. Fraser If I fear that I may have to grope my way for hours through some labyrinthine and perhaps even dangerous ________ of streets, I may have a fleeting but irresistible impression that the stranger I am appealing to is a brother eager to come to my aid.
weal (p.212)from Aristotle, Nichomachean Ethics, trans. W.D. Ross If all were to strive towards what is noble and strain every nerve to do the noblest deeds, everything would be as it should be for the common ____, and everyone would secure for himself the goods that are greatest, since virtue is the greatest of goods.
remonstrate (p.218) from Tolstoy, Esarhaddon, King of Assyria, trans. L.and A. Maude Lailie disagreed, and gave orders that envoys should be sent to ________ with King Esarhaddon; and he dismissed the Prince from his audience.
disquietude (p.219) from Tolstoy, 'Esarhaddon, King of Assyria', tans. L. and A. Maude He saw his relatives and friends led out to death; he heard the groans of those who were executed: some had their hands and feet cut off, others were flayed alive, but he showed neither ________, nor pity, nor fear.
inimical (p.228) from Rabindranath Tagore, Sadhana, 1913 Exclusively viewed from the side of the obstacle, nature appears _______ to the idea of morality.
incandescent (p.232) from Rabindranath Tagore, Sadhana, 1913 Not having reached its normal stage, humanity is enveloped in the ________ vapour of suffering.
serac(p. 328) from Rene Daumal, Mount Analogue, trans. Roger Shattuck He will go in search of light to the ________(pl.) of the Clear Glacier. Ho opens the ice of the ______(sing.) and enters his brothers' form like a sword fitted into its sheath, a foot into its imprint.
galvanized (p.14) It (real philosophy) addresses itself to the whole person, ______ by philosophical activity, aware both of his conflicting desires and of the unity given by his calling, his sense of purpose.
jolted (p.15) When we are stirred by a scene of great beauty, upset by a turn in a friendship, astonished by some fact of science or history, or ____ out of our comfortable assumptions by some moral dilemma, then we become aware of the power of philosophical impulse...
palliative (p.15) Much of what is called culture is simply a distraction from this unfulfilled yearning for philosophy; culture too often becomes an over-the-counter drug, a ______ that mitigates the symptoms of our need.
lassitude (p.34) But this task is a laborious one, and insensibly a certain ______ leads me into the course of my ordinary life.
toto (p.41) In_____, they must be ranked with the foremost discoveries in the realm of thought.
coppice (p.59) from Sophocles, Oedipus Rex trans. R.C. Jebb O ye three roads, and thou secret glen- thou _____, and narrow way where three paths met- ye who drank from my hands that father's blood was mine own- remember ye, perchance, what deeds I wrought for you to see-
asunder (p.120) from The Thirteen Principal Upanishads, trans. R.E. Hume He here on earth my friend, rends _____ the knot of ignorance.
chaplets (p.132) from Plato, The Republic trans. B.Jowett ... three in number, each sitting upon her throne; these are the Fates, daughters of Necessity, who are clothed in white robes and have ______ upon their heads, Lachesis and Clotho and Atropos, who accompany with their voices the harmony of the sirens...
peradventure (p.133) from Plato, The Republic trans. B. Jowett Let each one of us leave every other kind of knowledge and seek and follow one thing only, if _______ he may be able to learn and discern between good and evil, and so to choose always and everywhere the better life as he has opportunity.
Dasein (p.143) from Martin Heidegger, Being and Time, trans. J. Macquarrie and E. Robinson The call of conscience- that is, conscience itself- has its ontological possibility in the fact that ____, in the very best of its Being, is care.
voles (p.148) from Lewis Thomas, The Lives of a Cell Seen from a car window they appear as fragments, evoking memories of woodchucks, badgers, skunks, ____, snakes, sometimes the mysterious wreckage of a deer.
gymnasiast (p.151) from Tolstoy, the Death of Ivan Ilich, trans. Leo Wiener At just this time the little _____ stole quietly up to his father, and walked over to his bed.
wool-carders (p. 176) from Heraclitus, The Cosmic Fragments trans. Philip Wheelwright For _____ the straight way and the winding way are one and the same.
functionaries (p.182) from Nietzsche, Genealogy of Morals, trans. F. Golffing shut temporarily the doors and windows of consciousness;...; to introduce a little quiet into our consciousness so as to make room for the nobler functions and _______ of our organism which do the governing and planning.
paltry (p.183) from Nietzsche, Genealogy of Morals, trans. F. Golffing Yet he will inevitably reserve a kick for those _____ windbags who promise irresponsibly and a rod for those liars who break their word even in uttering it.
equable (p. 192) Jesus stresses the need for being empty oneself ('poor in spirit') so that one may be filled with the substance of a relationship, and for being ______ ('peace-making') so as to avoid aggression.
quelled (p.200) from Plato, The Republic, trans. B. Jowett His noble spirit will not be _____ until he either slays or is slain; or until he hears the voice of the shepherd, that is, reason, bidding his dog bark no more.
Created by: ambergris
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