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Ones I previously got incorrect

Precipitate (v) Cause to happen suddenly
Recondite (adj) Little known
Immutable (adj) Unable to be changed
Indigence (n) State of extreme poverty
Artless (adj) Without deception or effort
Torpor (n) State of mental inactivity
Plasticity (n) Quality of being easily changed
Prodigal (adj) Wastefully extravagant
Intractable (adj) Stubborn, hard to control
Ephemeral (adj) Lasting for a brief time
Tractable (adj) Easy to control or deal with
Impassive (adj) Not feeling emotion
Vacillate (v) Changing between decisions
Refractory (adj) Stubborn or resistant
Erudite (adj) Wise
Denigrate (v) Criticize unfairly
Mendacious (adj) Lying
Inured (v) Accustom to something, usually unpleasant
Effrontery (n) Rude behavior
Caustic (adj) Bitterly sarcastic/burn by chemical action
Desiccate (v) Remove moisture
Pedantic (adj) Too concerned with rules or academia
Torturous (adj) Complex
Recalcitrant (adj) Disobedient to authority
Deference (n) Humble respect
Ebullient (adj) Cheerful and full of energy
Paucity (n) Scarcity
Delineate (v) Describe precisely
Castigation (n) A severe scolding
Cogent (adj) Convincing
Coda (n) A concluding section
Distill (v) Purify
Compendium (n) Collection of things on subject
Abstemious (adj) Not self-indulgent
Guileless (adj) Innocent
Obsequious (adj) Excessively obedient
Buttress (n) Source of support or defense
Engender (v) Generate
Fledgling (n) Inexperienced or undeveloped object
Dogmatic (adj) Lays down opinions as objectively true
Striated (v) Striped
Misanthrope (n) Person who dislikes human society
Indolent (adj) Lazy
Amalgamate (v) Unite
Harangue (n) A long aggressive speech
Proscribe (v) Forbid
Austere (Adj) Severe or unadorned
Occlude (v) Block or close
Inchoate (adj) Just begun and not fully developed
Attentuate (v) Reduce the effect of
Contrite (adj) Regretful
Exigency (n) Urgent need or demand
Aver (v) Affirm or allege as fact
Esoteric (adj) Understood by only small number
Laconic (adj) Using concise words
Veracious (adj) Truthful
Insipid (adj) Lacing interest or flavor
Quiescent (adj) State of dormancy
Mollify (v) Appease
Divest (v) Deprive
Ascetic (adj) Characterized by severe self-discipline
Garrulous (adj) Excessively talkative
Caprcious (adj) Fickle in mood/behavior
Abscond (v) Flee
Foment (v) Instigate
Implacable (adj) Relentless
Aberrant (adj) Abnormal
Lassitude (n) Fatigue
Boorish (adj) Rude and bad-mannered
Iconoclastic (adj) Characterized by attack on cherished beliefs
Probity (n) Quality of having strong morals
Endemic (adj) Native or restricted to certain area
Enervate (v) Weaken
Propriety (n) The quality of conforming to normal behavior or rules
Stolid (adj) Showing little emotion
Sanction (n) Actions taken according to rules
Banal (adj) Lacking in originality and boring
Welter (v) Move in disorderly fashion
Dirge (n) A lament for the dead
Desultory (adj) Unfocused
Alacrity (n) Cheerful readiness
Piety (n) Quality of being reverent
Gregarious (adj) Sociable
Inundate (v) Overwhelm or flood
Obviate (v) Remove or prevent
Phlegmatic (adj) Having a calm disposition
Fatuous (adj) Silly and pointless
Reprobate (n) Person without moral scruples
Adulterate (v) Mixed with impurities
Felicitous (adj) Well suited to circumstances, pleasant
Abeyance (n) State of temporary disuse
Contention (n) Dispute
Paragon (n) Perfect model
Eclectic (adj) Deriving qualities from braod and diverse areas
Diffidence (n) Shyness from lack of confidence
Exculpate (v) Exonerate
Penury (n) Extreme poverty
Rarefied (adj) Distant from lives of the ordinary
Malingerer (n) One who avoids responsibilities
Chicanery (n) Deceit for legal/financial purpose
Solicitous (adj) Eager to do something
Stint (v) Restrict in amount
Assiduous (adj) Diligent
Insularity (n) Lack of interest in other experiences than one’s own
Reticent (adj) Reserved, shy
Commensurate (adj) Corresponding in size
Invective (n) Highly critical language
Truculence (n) Aggressive defiance
Complaisant (adj) Agreeable
Irascible (adj) Easily made angry
Created by: talmadge1965
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