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Essential Words
Question | Answer |
Abate | Reduce, diminish |
Abdicate | Formally give up the throne or some other power ore responsibility |
Aberrant | Abnormal, deviant |
Abhor | detest, regard with disgust |
Abjure | Give up, renounce; repudiate, recant or shun |
Abrasive | Rough, suitable for grinding or polishing |
Abstain | Hold back, refrain |
Abridge | Reduce or lessen; shorten by omitting parts throughout while retaining the main idea |
Acme | Summit, peak, highest point |
Activism | The practice of pursuing political or other goals through vigorous action often including protests and demonstrations |
Adhere | Stick to or to a plan or belief |
Admonish | Mildly scold; caution, advise or remind to do something |
Adverse | Opposing, harmful |
Advocate | Speak or argue in favor of; a person who pleads for a cause on behalf of another person (if used as noun) |
Aesthetic | Concerning the appreciation of beauty or good taste, pertaining to the science of what is beautiful (adj); a sense of beauty and taste of a particular time and place (noun) |
Affable | Warm and friendly, pleasant, approachable |
Affectation | Fake behavior (such as in speech of dress) adopted to give a certain impression |
Aggrandize | Make greater; exaggerate |
Aggregate | Gather together, amount to; constituting a whole made up of constituent parts |
Alacrity | Cheerful or speedy willingness |
Alienate | Cause to become unfriendly, hostile or distant |
Alleviate | Lessen, make easier to endure |
Ambiguous | Not clear, hard to understand |
Ambivalent | Uncertain; unable to decide |
Analogous | Comparable, corresponding in some particular way |
Anarchy | Absence of law or government |
Anoint | Rub or sprinkle oil on; make sacred, such as by a ceremony that includes applying oil to someone |
Antagonize | Make hostile or unfriendly |
Apocryphal | Of questionable authenticity, fake |
Arcane | Known or understood by only a few; obscure secret |
Archaic | Characteristic of an earlier period, ancient, primitive |
Arduous | Very difficult, strenuous; severe, hard to endure |
Artless | Free of deceit or craftiness, natural, genuine; lacking skill or knowledge, crude, uncultured |
Ascertain | Find out with certainty |
Assuage | Make milder, relieve; soothe, pacify, calm |
Austere | Severe in manner or appearance; very self-disciplined, ascetic; without luxury or ease; sober or serious |
Aver | Declare or affirm with confidence |
Avid | Enthusiastic, dedicated, passionate; excessively desirous |
Balk | Refuse to proceed or do something |
Base | Morally low, mean, dishonorable; of little or no value; crude and unrefined; counterfeit |
Belie | Contradict or misrepresent |
Benign | Harmless, favorable; kindly, gentle or beneficial; no cancerous |
Boor | rude, ill-mannered or insensitive person; a peasant or country bumpkin |
Burgeon | Grow or flourish rapidly; put forth buds or shoots (of a plant) |
Buttress | Support or encourage; a support or prop, esp. projecting from and supporting the wall of a building |
Bygone | Past former; that which is in the past |
Capricious | Acting on impulse, erratic |
Cartography | Mapmaking |
Castigate | Criticize severely; punish in order to correct |
Caustic | Capable of corroding metal or burning the skin; very critical or sarcastic |
Chauvinism | Fanatical patriotism or blind enthusiasm for military glory; undue or biased devotion to any group, cause etc. |
Clamor | Noisy uproar or protest, as from a crowd; a loud, continuous noise |
Clinch | Make final or settle conclusively; to fasten or hold together |
Coalesce | Come together, unit; fuse together |
Cogent | Very convincing, logical |
Commensurate | The same in size, extent, equivalent, proportional |
Complementary | Completing; fitting together well; filling mutual needs |
Conciliatory | Reconciling, appeasing, attempting to make peace |
Confer | Consult, compare views; bestow or give |
Console | Lessen the suffering or grief of; a control panel, or small table or cabinet |
Consolidate | Unite, combine, solidify, make coherent |
Construe | Interpret or translate |
Contentious | Controversial; prone to causing arguments, especially gratuitous or petty ones |
Contextualize | Place in context, such as by giving the background or circumstances |
Conundrum | Riddle, the answer to which involves a play on words; any mystery |
Conversant | Knowledgeable about or experienced with |
Copious | Plentiful, bountiful |
Corroborate | Support, add evidence to |
Cosmopolitan | Belonging to the entire world, at home globally; free from local or national prejudices or attachments |
Countenance | Facial expression or face; approve or tolerate |
Counterpoint | contrasting item, opposite; a complement; the use of contrast or interplay in a work of art |
Counterproductive | Defeating the purpose; preventing the intended goal |
Covert | Secret, veiled, undercover |
Crafty | Cunning, skillful in deception or underhanded schemes |
Denigrate | Belittle, attack the reputation of |
Denote | Be a name or symbol for |
Deride | Mock, scoff at, laugh at contemptuously |
Desiccate | Thoroughly dried up, dehydrated |
Detached | Impartial, disinterested; unconcerned, distant, aloof |
Diatribe | Bitter, abusive attack or criticism; rant |
Didactic | Intended to instruct; teaching, or teaching a moral lesson |
Digress | Go off-topic when speaking or writing |
Din | Loud, confused noise, esp. for a long period of time |
Disabuse | Free someone from a mistake in thinking |
Discerning | Having good judgment or insight; able to distinguish mentally |
Discredit | Injure the reputation of, destroy credibility of or confidence in |
Discrepancy | Difference or inconsistency |
Discriminating | Judicious, discerning, having good judgment or insight |
Disingenuous | Insincere, not genuine |