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spanish 2

2nd semester final

!Que Lastima! What a shame!
!Socorro! Help!
a causa de because of
a menudo often
a veces sometimes
abrazar to hug
acercarse to approach
acudir to arrive
ademas in addition
advertir to warn
afeitar to shave
afilar to sharpen/file
afortunadamente fortunately
aguantar to endure
al + infinitivo upon + ing
al principio in the beginning
alrededor (de) around
ambulante moving/mobile
amenazar to threaten
aparecer to appear
asomarse to lean out
asustado(a) frightened
aullar to howl
bondadoso(a) friendly
brotar to gush
burlarse to make fun of
buscar to look/search for
cada vez each time
caer(se) to fall
castigar to punish
cerrar to close
chocar to crash
colgar to hang
colocar to put/ place (an object)
comenzar to begin
construir to build
contar to count/ tell
convertir to change
coser to sew
creer to believe
crujir to crunch
cubrir to cover
dar un manotazo to slap
darse cuenta de to realize
de prisa fast
de repente suddenly
dedicar(se) to dedicate (oneself)
desaparecer to disappear
descubrir to discover
deshacer to undo
destellar to sparkle/shine
destruir to destroy
dirigir to direct/manage
disfrazarse to disguise (oneself)
disimular to hide (conceal)
dispuesto(a) ready/ willing
divertirse to have fun
divisar to spot in the distance
dormir to sleep
durante during
echarse to throw oneself
el accidente the accident
el bocado a bite/ a mouth full
el bosque forest
el brillo gleam
el caiman alligator
el canto song/singing
el cobarde coward
el codo elbow
el corazon heart
el criado servant
el cuello neck
el cuerpo body
el deseo wish
el ejercito army
el enano dwarf
el escarabajo beetle
especie species
el espejo mirror
el fusilamiento execution
el golpe a hit/blow
el grillo cricket
el grito cry/shout
el heroe hero
el hogar home
el hombrecillo little man
el hombro shoulder
el hueso bone
el incendio fire
el jabon soap
el jaguar jaguar
el lodo wolf
el lobo mud
el mapache raccoon
el mar sea
el mono monkey
el monton pile/mound
el pajaro bird
el perico parrot
el principe prince
el rebelde rebel
el rey king
el sorbo sip/gulp
el tobillo ankle
el vengador avenger
el zancudo mosquito
el zorro fox
embarcar to embark/board
empezar to begin
enfurecerse to infuriate
entregar to turn in
escapar(se) to escape
esconder(se) to hide (oneself)
estar muerto/a to be dead
estar orgulloso/a to be proud
estar preocupado/a to be worried
estar vivo/a to be alive
explicar to explain
feroz, feroces fierce, ferocious
finalmente finally
fluir to flow
ganar to win
gozar to enjoy
gritar to yell
grunir to growl
habia there was/were
habĂ­a una vez once upon a time
hace calor it's hot
hace frio it's cold
hace sol it's sunny
hace viento it's windy
hacia abajo down/ downwards
hacia arriba up/ upwards
hermoso(a) beautiful
hubo there was/were
huir to flee
hurgar to rummage
incluir to include
investigar to investigate
jugar to play
juntar to come together/ join
la abeja bee
la avispa wasp
la barba beard
la belleza beauty
la brocha shaving brush
la broma joke
la cabana cabin
la caja box
cara face
la causa the cause
la cola tail
la espalda the back
la espesura denseness
la espuma lather/foam
la heroina heroine
la hormiga ant
la lengua tongue
la lluvia rain
la muneca wrist
la navaja razor
la nube cloud
la nuca nape of the neck
la oreja ears
la pata paw (leg/foot)
la piel skin
la pulga fleas
la rama branch
la reina queen
la rodilla knee
la sabana sheet
la sangre blood
la selva jungle
la tierra land
la tormenta storm
la ventaja advantage
la voz voice
lanzar to throw
las garras claws
lastimarse to injure (oneself)
leer to read
lento(a) slow
libre free
lindo(a) pretty
llegar to arrive
llover to rain
los cubiertos eating utensils
luchar to fight
madrugar to get up early
malvado(a) evil
manchar to stain
matar to kill
mediodia noon
medir to measure
mentir to lie
mientras while
morder to bite
morir to die
muerto(a) dead
negar to deny
nevado(a) snowy
nevar to snow
no quiso she refused
ocurrir to occur/happen
ofrecer to offer
oir to hear
ojala i hope
oler to smell
olvidar to forget
orgulloso(a) proud
par(es) pair(s)
patear to kick
pedir to ask for
pelear to fight
picar to pinch/sting
pincharse to pinch/prick (oneself)
platicar to chat
ponderoso powerful
por todos lados everywhere
poseer to possess
pronto suddenly/soon
quejarse to complain
quemar(se) to burn (oneself)
realizar to achieve/carry out
reconocer to recognize
reir to laugh
renir to argue
repetir to repeat
rescatar to rescue
responder to respond/ answer
retirar to remove/take away
rogar to beg/pray
sacar to take
salvaje wild/savage
salvar to save
seco(a) dry
semejante similar
sentarse to sit down
servir to serve
silbar to whistle
sin duda without a doubt
sobrevivir to survive
sonreir to smile
sorber to sip
sudar to sweat
susurrar to whisper
temblar to tremble
temer to fear
tener miedo to be afraid
tener verguenza to be embarrassed
tirarse to throw oneself
tocar to play
tronar to thunder
tropezar con to trip over
tumbar to knock down
una rebanada a slice
valiente valiente/brave
volar to fly
zumbar to buzz
Created by: mason23
Popular Spanish sets




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