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Word list 44

Barron's GRE wordlist 44

somber gloomy; depressing
somnambulist sleepwalker
somnolent half asleep
sonorous having and producing sound; resonant
sophist teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning
sophisticated worldly wise and urbane; complex
sophistry seemingly plausible but fallacious reasoning
sophomoric immature; half-baked, like a sophomore
soporific sleep causing; marked by sleepiness
sordid filthy; base; vile
spangle small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation
sparse not thick; thinly scattered; scanty
spartan lacking luxury and comfort; sternly disciplined
spasmodic fitful; periodic
spat squabble; minor dispute
spate sudden flood
spatial relating to space
spatula broad-bladed instrument used for spreading, mixing or liftinga material
spawn lay eggs
specious seemingly reasonable but incorrect; misleading (often intentionally)
spectral ghostly
spectrum colored band produced when a beam of light passed through a prism
spendthrift someone who wastes money
sphinx-like enigmatic; mysterious
splice fasten together; unite
spontaneity lack of premeditation; naturalness; freedom from constraint
spoonerism accidental transposition of sounds in successive words
sporadic occurring irregularly
sportive playful
spruce neat and trim
spry vigorously active; nimble
spurious false; counterfeit; forged; illogical
spurn reject; scorn
squabble minor quarrel; bickering
squalor filth; degradation; dirty; neglected state
squander waste
squat stocky; short and thick
staccato played in an abrupt manner; marked by abrupt sharp sound
stagnant motionless; stale; dull
staid sober; sedate
stalemate deadlock
stalwart Capable of exerting considerable effort or of withstanding considerable stress or hardship; strong, brawny; steadfast
stamina strength; staying power
stanch check flow of blood
stanza division of a poem
static unchanging; lacking development
statute law enacted by legislature
statutory created by statute or legislative action
steadfast loyal; unswerving
stealth slyness; sneakiness; secretiveness
steep soak; saturate
stellar pertaining to the stars
stem check the flow
stem from arise from
stentorian extremely loud
stereotype fixed and unvarying representation; standardized mental picture, often reflecting prejudice
sticker perfectionist; person who insist things be exactly right
stifle suppress; extinguish; inhibit
stigma token of disgrace; brand
stilted bombastic; stiffly; pompous
stint (v) be thrifty; set limits
stint (n) supply; allotted amount; assigned portion of work
stipend pay for service
stipple paint or draw with dots
stipulate make express conditions, specify
stock typical; standard; kept regularly in supply
stockade wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier
stodgy stuff; boringly conservative
stoic impassive; unmoved by joy or grief
stoke stir up a fire; feed plentifully
stolid dull; impassive
stratagem clever trick; deceptive scheme
stratified divided into classes; arranged into strata
stratum layer of earth's surface; layer of society
strew spread randomly; sprinkle; scatter
striated marked with parallel band; grooved
stricture critical comments; severe and adverse criticism
strident loud and harsh; insistent
stringent binding; rigid
strut (1) pompous walk
strut (2) supporting bar
studied unspontaneous; deliberate; thoughtful
stultify cause to appear or become stupid or inconsistent; frustrate or hinder
stupefy make numb; stun; amaze
stupor state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness
stygian gloomy; hellish; deathly
stymie present an obstacle; stump
suavity urbanity; polish
subaltern subordinate
subdued less intense; quieter
subjective occurring or taking place within the mind; unreal
subjugate conquer; bring under control
sublimate refine; purify
sublime exalted; noble and uplifting; utter
Created by: psypher
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