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Word list 43
Barron's GRE wordlist 43
Question | Answer |
sequester | isolate; retire from public life; segregate; seclude |
sere | parched; dry |
serendipity | gift for finding valuable and desirable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck |
serenity | calmness; placidity |
serpentine | winding; twisting |
serrated | having saw-toothed edge |
servile | slavish; cringing |
servitude | slavery; compulsory labor |
sever | cut; separate |
severity | harshness; intensity; sternness; austerity |
sextant | navigation tool used to determine a ship's latitude and longitude |
shackle | chain; fetter |
sham | pretend |
shambles | wreck; mess |
shard | fragment, generally of pottery |
shaving | very thin piece; usually of wood |
sheaf | bundles of stalk of grain; any bundle of things tied together |
sheathe | place into a case |
sherbet | flavored desert ice |
shimmer | glimmer intermittently |
shirk | avoid ( responsibility, work, etc); malinger |
shoddy | sham, not genuine; inferior |
shrew | scolding woman; clever astute |
shun | keep away from |
shunt | turn aside; divert; sidetrack |
shyster | lawyer using questionable methods |
sibling | brother or sister |
sibylline | prophetic; oracular |
sidereal | relating to the stars |
silt | sediment deposited by running water |
simian | monkey-like |
simile | comparison of one thing with another using the words "like" or "as" |
simper | smirk; smile affectedly |
simplistic | oversimplified |
simulate | feign |
sinecure | well paid position with little or no responsibility |
sinewy | tough, strong and firm; muscular |
singular | unique; extraordinary; odd |
sinister | evil |
sinuous | winding; bending in and out; not morally honest |
skeptic | doubter; person who suspends judgeship until having examined the evidence supporting a point of view |
skiff | small, light sailboat or rowboat |
skimp | provide scantily; live very economically |
skinflint | stingy person; miser |
skirmish | minor flight |
skittish | lively; frisky |
skulduggery | dishonest behavior |
skulk | move furtively and secretly |
slacken | slow up; loosen |
slag | residue from melting metal; dross; waste material |
slake | quench; sate |
slander | defamation; utterance of false and malicious statements |
slapdash | haphazard; careless; sloppy |
sleazy | flimsy; unsubstantial |
sleeper | something originally of little value or importance that in time become valuable |
sleight | dexterity |
slew | large quantity or number |
slight | insult to one's dignity; snub |
slipshod | untidy or slovenly; shabby |
slither | slip or slide |
sloth | slow-moving tree dwelling mammal |
slothful | lazy |
slough | cast off |
slovenly | untidy; careless in work habits |
sluggard | lazy person |
sluggish | slow; lazy; lethargic |
sluice | artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water |
slur (n) | insult to one' character or reputation; slander |
slur (v) | speak indistinctly; mumble |
smattering | slight knowledge |
smelt | melt or blend ores, changing their chemical composition |
smirk | conceited smile |
smolder | burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment |
snicker | half-stifled laugh |
snivel | run at the nose; snuffle; whine |
sobriety | moderation, especially regarding indulgences in alcohol); seriousness |
sodden | soaked; dull, as if from drink |
sojourn | temporary stay |
solace | comfort in trouble |
solder | repair to make whole by using a metal alloy |
solecism | construction that is flagrantly incorrect grammatically |
solemnity | seriousness; gravity |
solicit | request earnestly; seek |
solicitous | worried, concerned |
soliloquy | talking to oneself |
solitude | state of being alone; seclusion |
solstice | point at which the sun is farthest from the equator |
soluble | able to be dissolved; able to be worked out |
solvent | substance that dissolves another |
somatic | pertaining to the body; physical |