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5th SocialStudies/Science Test Practice

prototype an experimental version of a design or product
propulsion a force that acts to speed an object
unbalanced forces forces that aren't in equal or opposite directions; cancel each other out so that there isn't a push or pull on an object; changing its current state of motion
nozzle the piece of plastic tubing that controls the escape of the air from the balloon
acceleration an increase or decrease in the speed of an object caused by a force
alignment wheels positioned so the vehicle travels straight
balanced forces when forces act on an object, such that they are in equal and opposite directions and "cancel out"
air resistance friction due to collision of moving objects with air moelecules
potential energy the energy that is stored in an object
circumference the distance around a circle
kinetic energy the energy an object has due to its motion
at the geginning of the American Revolution, British troops fought against colonial militias and Minutemen.
Although Thomas Jeffereson believed in equality, he still owned slaves.
An important task facing the Second Continental Congress was to organize the colonies for war.
Something that helps initiate the Declaration of Independence? Great Britian has ruled the colonies.
Colonists rang bells and lit bonfires for the Declaration because they were excited!
The booklet Common Sense persuaded American Colonists to want independence.
The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to explain why the colonies should be free.
The main writer of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson
Market Economy can be described with a circular flow model
Circular Flow the pattern in which goods and services and resources flow in the market place
Incentives reward or penalties that influence the decisions people make
scarcity not having enough resources available to purchase
limited resources and unlimited wants cause scarcity
Economics is the study of how people use resources and how goods and services are produced and sold.
Created by: swinsoa
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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