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Chem. Vocab. 326-350

Oxidation- reduction reaction Any chemical process in which there is a transfer of electrons, either partial or complete
Oxide A compound usually consisting of oxygen and one other element
Oxidizing agent The atom or ion which takes up electrons during an oxidation
Paramagnetism The property of a substance whereby it is attracted into a magnetic field
Paris green A compound of copper and arsenic
Partial pressure The pressure each gas of a gaseous mixture would exert if it alone were present
Peptide A compound consisting of amino acid groups joined by the peptide linkage
Peptide linkage The (picture) linkage
Period A horizontal row of elements in the periodic table
Periodic property A property of elements that appears periodically when the elements are arragned in order of their atomic numbers
Periodic table A tabular arrangement of the chemical elements based on their atomic structure
Petroleum A liquid mixture of hydrocarbons obtained from beneath the surface of the ground
pH Hydromium ion index; the common logorithm of the reciprocat of the hydronium-ion concentration
pH meter An electronic device for the determination of pH values in solutions
pH scale A logarithmic scale expressing degree of acidity or basicity
Photon A quantum (unit) of electromagnetic radiation energy
Photoelectric energy Ejection of electrons from a surface exposed to light
Photosynthesis The process by which plants produce carbohydrates and oxygen with the aid of sunlight
Physical change A change in which the identifying properties of a substance remain unchanged
Physical properties Those properties that can be determined without causing a change in the indentity of a material
Plastic A natural or synthetic material that can be shaped while soft into a required form and then hardened to produce a durable finished article
Polar covalent bond A covalent bond in which there is an unequal attraction for the shared electrons and a resulting unbalanced distribution of charge
Polymer A compound formed by two or more simpler molcules or radicals with repeating structured units
Precipitate A substance, usually a solid, which seperates from a solution as a result of some physical or chemical change
Pressure, critical The pressure required to liquefy a gas at its critical temperature
Created by: nissaAPworld
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