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ThePrince Vobabulary

54 vocabulary words from "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli.

Rebellion organized overthrow
foothold a secure position
suffice to be enough or adequate
strenuous vigorous, ornery, disagreeable
veneration to treat with reverance
halfheartedness showing no enthusiasm
augment to make larger
pension fixed pay in intervals
placate to pacify or appease
impotent unable to do
rash acting hastily, no consideration, impulsive.
liberality fullness, broadness
levy a collection, such as a tax
industrious hard-working, devoted to work
hereditary passing through offspring
antiquity quality of being ancient
reprisals a counter attack, retaliation
ambition an earnest desire for some type of achievement
caressed to touch or patt gently, to show affection
odious deserving of hatred, abominable
gentry well-bred and well-born people, upper-class.
ascent movement to higer scale
virtue moral excellence
cajole to persuade through flattering, to butter up.
tyranny depotic abuse through authority, cruelty
acquire to gain or reciece something
rapacious excited, eager.
oppression to go through hardships, such as racial or gender.
ravish to enchant or fill with emotion
imprudent unwise in events, handles wrong way
prudent smart or clever in situations, handles right way.
effeminate traits considered feminine.
mercenary acting or working onlt for profit or for themselves, greedy.
incentives a reward often given for increased production.
incompotence lacking ability
tribute a gift, or acknowledgement.
distinguish to tell apart
manipulate to skillfully influence
obeidient one who follows orders
stinginess reluctant to spend money or give
virtuous moralistic, good
revenue payment or income
shrewd piercing, sharp
torrentrial violent
exhortation urgent recomendation
defective broken, unable to work
illustration a picture, whether physical or mental.
liberty freedom from government control
ordinance authorative rule or law
recourse acess to helpful thing, person, or evidence.
ostentation something displayed to impress others
fickle likely to change, uncertain
integrity moral principals
craftiness skillful in underhand or evil schemes.
Created by: Bobervin
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