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linh tinh 2

trc 30/3

She throw a tantrum when she has to take care of her sister Co ay nổi cơn tam bành khi trông em
He hang his coat on a nail protruding/ jutting out from the wall Anh ay treo ao tren mot cai dinh nho tren tuong
sear= char dot , nung
teNacious = stubborn buong binh , li lom
sodden wet
squander time / money / chance phi pham , lang phi thoi gian / tien bac / co hoi
dawdle = lag le me , cham chap , tho than phi time
she found herself stymied by an old opponent Co ay chot nhan ra minh bi can tro boi mot doi thu cu
the injury hinders him from playing his best vet thuong can tro anh ay choi voi phong do tot nhat
idolatry su dung bai than tuong
indisPutable evidence undeniable chung co , hien nhien , luon dung
noNentity nguoi vo danh tieu tot , khong ai biet den , nguoi thua
knotty / thorny question / problem cau hoi / van de rac roi / nan giai
She has a tough time lately Co ay gap kha nhieu rac roi gan day
If you are judging a book by its cover , you are superficial neu ban danh gia mot quyen sach bang bia cua no thi ban kha nong can / hoi han / chu y ve be ngoai
a recent spate of killings .after a downpour , the river is in full spate mot loat vu giet nguoi / sau tran mua lon , song bi ngap lut
succulent = juicy mong nuoc , ngon bo
preMeditated crime / murder vu giet nguoi có chủ đích , có ý đồ từ lâu
It was once thought that lead could be transmuted into gold Da tung co nguoi nghi rang co the bien hoa than chi thanh vang
we fervently hope you will succeed chung toi nong nhiet / thanh tam mong cau thanh cong TORRID
keep your answer as succinct as possible giu cho cau tra loi cua ban cang ngan gon cang tot
Dog has a acute sense of smell Cho co mot khuu giac rat nhay ben
a sparsely populated area vung dan cu thua thot
Music can be very theraPeutic Am nhac co kha nang chua benh
he were stupefied by the amount they had spent anh ay soc , ngac nhien boi so tien ho da tieu BEWILDER
Food is a great sensual experience Thuc an la nguon khoai lac lon ( thoa man nhu cau the xac )
a terrestrial habitant tập tính trên cạn
Of all animals cats are best at pouncing trong tat ca cac loai vat , meo la dong vat tan cong con moi gioi nhat
the suburbs khu vuc ngoai thanh
urban thanh thi
He didn't tell me that he was a vegetarian till halfway through the meal anh ay khong he noi anh la nguoi an chay cho den gan cuoi bua an
nice of sb , nice to sb , nice about sth ai tot , toi vs ai , tot ve cai gi
We are in competition with four other companies for the contract We are competing against four other companies for the contract
he is hoping to compete in the English marathon Anh ay dang hy vong dc tham gia tranh dau trong cuoc thi chay marathon o Anh
We won the contract in the face of stiff competition / The company faces stiff competition from its rivals Chung toi thang cuoc thoa thuan / ki ket trong su canh tranh khoc liet . Cong ty do doi mat vs su canh tranh khoc liet tu cac cong ty doi thu
The latest design has no rivals mau thiet ke moi nhat tot khong co gi sanh bang
Golf cannot rival football for excitement Gon khong the nao vui bang bong da
make sure that firm is competent to carry out the work Phai dam bao rang cong ty do du tu cach / tieu chuan de tien hanh cong viec
The syllabus lists the knowledge and the competences required at this level Muc luc liet ra tat ca nhung kien thuc va yeu can canf thiet cho trinh do nay
A shop sells the clothes at competitive prices mot cua hang ban quan ao voi gia ca canh tranh
I wish I was not underprivileged but shortcomings has their compensations Toi uoc minh khong qua thiet thoi nhung thieu sot cung co gia tri cua no
nothing can compensate for the loss of a loved one Khong gi co the xoa diu duoc noi dau mat nguoi than
I receive a compensatory payment of 100000$ I receive $100000 in compensation
The company is efficient and gives a speedy service Cong ty lam an hieu qua , dich vu nhanh chong
We were paid by the hour Chung toi dc tra luong theo gio
The minimum wage was set at 5$ an hour Luong thap nhat dc tra la 5 $ mot gio
Haiphong is 2 hours away hai phong cach day 2 tieng chay xe
We are 4 hours ahead of New York Chung ta som hon New York 4 tieng gio dia phuong
Clients can now contact us by email out of hours Khach hang gio co the lien he voi chung toi bang email ngoai gio hanh chinh
No sooner had she entered the building than she felt the presence of somebody else As soon as she enter the building she felt the presence of somebody else
Scarcely had the music begun when the light went out The light went out as soon as the music began
Not only is it foolish but it is also extremely dangerous It is not only foolish but also extremely dangerous
Not only does Paul play the piano but he also composes music Paul not only plays the piano but also composes music
Little can they realize how quickly he can act They can't realize how quickly he can act
Only if you promise to go with us can I be satisfied I can only be satisfied if you promise to go with us
Seldom does a minor novelist make such an impact It is not very often that a minor novelist makes such an impact
We are excited about "the fact that MAry won a scholarship / MArry 's winning a scholarship Mary won a scholarship . We are excited about that fact ( ONE'S V-ING / THE FACT THAT )
the ideal that .... the concept of y tuong , suy nghi
Miranda has done exactly this in an attempt to raise money for charity Miranda da lam dc chinh xac dieu nay voi mong muon keu goi quyen tien cho tu thien
SHe drove a sport car in a straight line along the runway of a disused airfield Co ay lai chiec xe o to the thao tren mot duong thang doc theo mot duong bang cua mot san bay bo hoang
she was in radio contact with her husband , who was able to give her direction and advice in this way co ay ket noi qua song radio voi chong co ay , nguoi co the giup co ay chi duong di va loi khuyen bang cach nay
They has raised 5000$ , which will be donated to a company that trains dog for the blind Ho da quyen dc 5000$ de ung ho cho mot cong ty huan luyen cho' cho nguoi mu
She has been blind since she was 6 and she still has some memories of seeing the world around her Co ay bi mu tu nam 6 tuoi va co ay van luon giu nhung ki uc ve nhung gi co ay thay dc tu the gioi xung quanh minh
She admits that not having her sight makes life awkward at times CO ay thua nhan la , khong dc nhin thay thinh thoang lam cuoc song cua co ay het suc be tac
If you are disabled in any way , you shouldn't waste time feeling sorry for yourself . It makes much more sense to keep busy . Achieving something can be a great source of self-confidence Neu ban bi khuyet tat mot thu nao do , dung phi thoi gian ngoi than thân tủi phận / Sẽ ý nghĩa hơn nhiều nếu giữ mình luôn bận rộn . Thành quả đạt được cái gì đó có thể là nguồn tự tin vô tận của bạn
If it's only a matter Of few pence , it hardly seems worth asking for money back neu chi vi mot vai xu nho thi rat kho de doi tien lai
Household rubbish , including paper , glass , plastic and organic matter , should be sorted into seperate categories rac thai cua gia dinh , bao gom giay , thuy tinh nhua va nhung chat huu co khac nen duoc phan loai ra nhung loai rieng biet
The local buses , charge a flat fare of 70p to the town center se buyt cua dia phuong , dong loai cos gia 70p toi trung tam thanh pho
Jeff's demand for a meeting with management was met with a Flat refusal Yeu cau cua Jeff cho cuoc hop ve cach quan li da gap phai su tu choi thang thung
My car battery 's completely flat , because I must have left the light on all night Pin cua toi bi het nhan vi toi da de den sang qau dem
Eva set out , armed with a stout stick , to beat a path through clumps of bushes and enormous fern Eva khoi hanh , tay cam mot chiec que chac khoe , de mo duong thong qua nhung bui ram va bui duong xi
your team has not performed at all . You will be relegated to the junior team Nhom cac cau chang chung to duoc gi ca . cac cau se bij loai , chuyen xuong nhom dan em
you are a quasi-teacher . you always have right answers Ban trong nhu co giao vay , luc nao ban cung co cau tra loi dung
the young man was aSSessed as either safe or unsafe driver . the damage to the building was assessed at $4000 chang trai do dc doan vua la nguoi lai an toan vua khong an toan . Thiet hai cua toa nha dc uoc tinh khoang 4000 do
Christmas is around the corner, so we should buy a Christmas tree and start decorating our house. Giang sinh dang toi gan , chung ta nen mua mot cay thong va bat dau trang tri nha cua
I don't have anything against people who smoke cigarettes. I just don't like to have to smell it. toi khong co gi de chi trich nhung nguoi hut thuoc la . chi la toi khong thich ngui mui do
How did he get through elementary school and high school without learning how to read? Lam sao ma anh ta leo noi qua tieu hoc va trung hoc neu khong hoc cach doc ?
Elizabeth got so angry with her husband, John, she told him she was leaving him for good Elizabeth rat tuc gian voi chong co ay , John nen co ay bo di mai mai
Don't always assume the worst dung luc nao cung gia dinh ra dieu toi te nhat
I'm Baffled as to why she hasn't called toi lấy làm lạ là sao cô ây vẫn chưa gọi cho tôi
the method they employed was clearly/strongly/heavily Biased towards / in favor of / against the rich phuong phap ho su dung ro rang / cuc ki thien vi /khog thien vi cho nguoi giau
you are too young to contemplate retirement . she lay in bed , contemplating . Cau qua tre de nghi de chuyen nghi huu . Co ay nam o giuong , tram tu suy nghi
her experience with men has made her thoroughly cynical with love nhung trai nghiem voi dan ong da khien co ay HOAN TOAN vo cam/ bat can voi tinh yeu
Can we deduce from your silence that you do not approve? The answer is deducible from the evidence available lieu chung toi co the suy luan / rut ra tu su im lang cua ban la ban khong dong y ? cau tra loi co the suy luan dc tu chung cu co the dung
they deLiberate on whether to continue with the talks Ho can nhac tinh toan xem co nen tiep tuc cuoc noi chuyen
We are in the dilemma / face the dilemma / on the horn of a dilemma chung toi dang trong the kho xu
We are dubious about the whole ideal chung toi nghi van va toan bo y tuong ( doubtful / suspicious )
As far as I gather / From what I can gather , there have some kind of problem theo toi phong doan , co the da co mot vai laoi van de
We have lost faith in government's promises Chung toi da mat niem tin vao loi hua cua chinh phu
they fail to grasp the importance of his words ho khong thau hieu dc su quan trong trong loi noi cua anh ay
guesswork su phong doan
I have a hunch that you'll be back toi co linh cam la cau se quay lai ( intuition )
ideOlogy he tuong tuong
you don't need to justify yourself to me anh khong can tu thanh minh voi toi
I can't believe that you are so naive as to trust him Toi khong the tin la ban lai co the ngay tho den muc tin anh ta
SHe has one a vague notion of what might happen Co ay chỉ nhận thức / hiểu lờ mờ những điều có thể xảy ra
it is paradoxical that some ò the poorest people live in some of the richest areas of the city That la nghich li khi mot so nguoi ngheo nhat lai song trong nhung khu giau nhat thanh pho
the only plausible explanation is that he forgot Li do hop li nhat la anh ta da quen
we intend to ponder all the alternatives before acting Chung du dinh can nhac moi kha nang co the truoc khi hanh dong
We query the bill as it seems to be too high Chung toi dat nghi van vao hoa don vi duong nhu no co ve qua cao
I'm skeptical about his chance of winning Toi hoi nghi ngo kha nang chien thang cua anh ay
We are speculating about /on/upon the reason for his resigNation chung toi dang xem xet ve li do cua hanh dong tu chuc cua anh ay / zig/
He was thorough and conscientious , rather than brilliant anh ay ti mi va chu dao hon la thong minh
he has been cramming/ swotting for his exam all the week anh ay dang hoc nhoi nhet chuan bi cho mi thi ca tuan nay
english in on/in the curriculum tieng anh da dc dua vao danh sach cac mon hoc cua cac truong
a mock interview / exam ki thi / cuoc phong van thu
he was accused to plagiarize his colleague's result Anh ta bi buoc toi an cap thanh qua cua dong nghiep
what FALcuty were you in? I was in faculty of secretarial studies Ban hoc chuyen nganh nao? toi hoc ve chuyen nganh thu ki
would you like to see my résumé ? Ong co muon xem bang tom tat li lich cua toi ? ( kinh nghiem cong tac )
I must brush up on my English before I apply a scholarship in America Toi phai on tap , trau doi kien thuc truoc khi xin hoc bong o Mi
He suddenly hit on/upon the title for her new novel Anh ta dot nhien nghi ra cac ten cho cuon tieu thuyet moi cua anh ay
I need sometime to mull it over before making a decision Toi can chut thoi gian de can nhac / suy nghi truoc khi dua ra quyet dinh
The police are trying to piece together the last hour of his life Canh sat dang co chap noi cac du kien de tim hieu ve gio cuoi cung cua cuoc doi co ay
He is trying to puzzle out / work out why he is brought to this house Anh ay dang co gang tim hieu / de biet vi sao anh ta dc dua den ngoi nha nay
I need to read up on/about the case before the meeting toi can doc ki cac thong tin ve tinh hinh truoc buoi hop
Halfway through the chapter I realized that I haven't taken in anything da qua hon nua chuong sach I nhan ra la minh van chua hieu gi
think over = think through can nhac / xem xet van de truoc khi dua ra ket luan
Can you think up a better excuse than this? cau co nghi ra / tuong tuong ra mot li do khac hay hon khong?
the company take account of environmental issues wherever possible / The company take environmental issues into account wherever possible Cong ty dua cac van de ve moi truong vao xem xet bat cu noi nao co the
I paid this mobile phone on account Toi mua tra gop chiec dien thoai nay
don't change your plan on my account dung thay doi ke hoach chi VI TOi
the long-term future of the space programme is in the balance / is hanging on the balance tuong lai lau dai cua chuong trinh ve vu tru la khong chac chan
redress / alter / upset the balance lay lai the thang bang
On balance , 2011 is a successful year Nhin tong the , 2011 la mot nam thanh cong
The senator was caught off the balance because of an unexpected question .I was thrown off the balance by the gust of wind Thuong nghi si bi mat binh tinh boi mot cau hoi khong ngo toi . Toi vi mat thang bang vi mot con gio manh
After a couple of hours picking his brain , I finally understand the lesson sau mot vai gio hoi anh ay , cuoi cung toi cung hieu bai
She racked her brain , tried to remember exactly what he had said Co ay tran troc suy nghi , co gang nho lai chinh xac nhung gi anh ay da noi
someone very clever must be the brain behind such an organized group of thieves Ai do phai rat thong minh thi moi la nguoi dung sau nhom bang cuop rat co to chuc nay
brainwave = brainstorm nguon cam hung / y tuong bat choi
that I am successful is forgone conclusion viec toi se thanh cong la dieu chac chan se xay ra
New evidence has cast doubt on / raise doubt on the guilt of the man jailed for the crime Bang chung moi da dấy lên nghi ngờ về tội của người đàn ông đã bị bắt bởi tội ác
if you are in / have any doubt as to / about our product , you can consult your doctor neu ban cam thay nghi ngo ve san pham cua chung toi , ban co the hoi y ken bac si
whether he will continue to be successful in the future is open to doubt Viec anh ta co tiep tuc thanh cong hay khong van con chua biet
Many duties fell upon her shoulder nhieu tarch nhiem do len doi vai co ay
Mars in now in focus Sao hoa gio da dc nhin mot cach rat ro net
the children 's face are badly out of focus in the photograph mat cac dua tre khong dc thay ro net trong cac buc anh
focus group nhom ng tham do chinh tri
do an impression of gia vo , treu dua
I made a mental note to ask her about this lesson toi thay minh can thiet phai nhớ hoi co ay ve bai hoc nay
mental arithmetic tính nhẩm
mental illness bệnh tâm thần
mental age tuoi phat trien tri tue
do you have anyone in mind for this job? Cau da nghi den ai cho cong viec nay chua
I bear in mind her birthday party toi ghi nho sinh nhat co ay
He has got a one-track mind dau oc anh ta that thiển cận
Take your mind off troubles and let's have some fun Tạm gạt bỏ mối lo về khó khăn và hãy cùng vui đùa với chúng tôi
She was in two minds about accepting his invitation cô ấy đang lưỡng lự không biết có nên chấp nhận lời mời của anh ấy
We go to the cinema every now and then , but only if there 's something good on Chung toi thuong di xem phim thuong xuyen , nhung chi khi co su kien gi vui
backbiting the others is to abase yourself noi xấu sau lưng cũng là cách bạn tự sỉ nhục mình
very talented children may feel alienated from the others of the class nhieu dua tre tai nang co cam giac bi xa lanh boi cac ban trong lop
the car was overturned and set alight chiec xe bi lat nguoc va no tung
Alkali chat kiem , chat kali
allegation : He alleged illness as a reason for not going to school su vin co : Anh ta vin co om de khong phai di hoc
he affirmed his allegiance to the president anh ta nhan manh ve long trung thanh cua minh toi chu tich
I have an allergy to seafood toi di ung voi do hai san
a number of measures were taken to alleviate the problem mot so cac bien phap / cach xu tri duoc dua ra de xoa diu van de
The REDS are now in alliance with the GREENS doi do da lien minh . ket hop voi doi xanh
a large sum has been allocate for buying new books for the library mot khoan tien lon da duoc phan phoi /phan phat de mua sach moi cho thu vien
I completed the test within the time alloted toi hoan thanh bai trong thoi gian cho phep
in his speech , he had alluded to some bad things that happed trong bai phat bieu , ong ay da noi bong gio toi nhung dieu toi te
the car stopped alongside the curb chiec xe do doc theo le duong
alpine climate khi hau mien nui
We are flying at an altitude of 6000 meters chung ta dang bay tren do cao 6000 met so voi muc nuoc bien
some colleges have aMalgamated to form a new university mot so truong cao dang da Hợp lại tạo thành một trường đại học
the US ambassador to Vietnam dai su Mi o VN
the traffic light was on amber
write clear definition in order to avoid ambiGuity viet ro y de tranh su lang nhang
an amBiguous word/term/statement loi noi / y nghi/ loi ket luan mo ho / khong ro nghia
he was ambivalent attitude towards her Anh ay co cach danh gia 2 chieu ve co ay ( ca tot ca xau
She tried to make a amends for what she had said to her mother by buying some flowers Co ay cỐ tỏ ra biết lỗi bởi những gì đã nói với mẹ bằng cách mua một vài bông hoa
he finished his speech amid treMendous apPlause anh ay ket thuc bai dien van trong trang phao tay ron ra
the letter gave her all the ammuNition she needed buc thu cho co ay tat ca nhung li le / chung co can thiet de tranh cai
there were Ample time to get to the airport co thua thoi gian de toi san bay
she refused to amplify further co ay tu choi thoi phong moi chuyen xa hon
his arm is injured so badly that they have to Ampulate it tay co ay bi thuong qua nang nen ho phai cat bo no
the two process are not aNalogous hai qua trinh nay khong tuong tu nhau
yellow is a predominant color is this spring of fashion world mau vang dc thay la chiem uu the /xu the noi troi trong thoi trang the gioi ki nay
Your circumlocution is wasting time . Tell me exactly what you saw in the parking lot lam gi ma cu vong vo mat thoi gian . hay ke chinh xac nhung gi ma ban thay trong nha xe
circumlocution , colloquial , eloquence , grandiloquent , loquacious LOG- , LOQ =
speaking : su vong veo trong ngon ngu , van phong tu nhien xa giao , khong trang trong ; khoa truong ; noi nhieu
Garrulous lai nhai , noi lam
Ran is voluble on the subject of women's rights Ran dang thao thao bat tuyet ve quyen cua phu nu
When she is in bad mood , you should appease her anger Khi co ay khong dc vui , hay khuyen giai , an ui con nong gian cua co ay
Don't become so pretentious dung co qua tu phu / kieu cang/ hom hinh
she always took a haughty tone co ay luc nao cung len giong hom hinh
Several children had to stay away from school because of the bus strike nhieu dua tre phai tranh xa truong hoc de tranh tai nan xe buyt
We decided to break away from the main party and form a new party of our own called Lur party chung toi quyet dinh vut bo / roi bo khoi Đảng chính và tự lập ra đảng mới có tên là Lur
I didn't want to disturb anyone , so I just slipped away quietly without saying goodbye Toi khong muon lam phien ai nen toi tu bo di / bien mat trong yen lang ma khong noi loi tam biet
Did you ever play that silly game of knocking on somebody's door and then running away cau co bao gio lam tro ngoc nghech la go cua nha mot ai do roi bo chay
If you park illegally in England , the police will either clamb your car or tow it away neu ban do xe khong dung noi o ANh , canh sat co the CAT / GIU xe hoac giau chung di
old soldier never die , they simply fade away nhung ng linh gia khong bao gio chet , ho chi yeu' di
They say that old house has ghost but I think it's only a story to keep children away Ho noi rang ngoi nha cu do co ma nhung toi nghi do chi la cau chuyen de tranh khong cho lu tre buoc vao
I'd like pizza , please - to eat there take away? cho to 1 pizza - an o day hay mang ve ?
The car hit a child on a level crossing driving without stopping Chiec ca dam dua tre tren duong ray xe lua da chay di tiep ma khong them dung lai
If you don't like having injection , it is a good ideal to look away when the doctor sticks the needle into your arm Neu ban khong thich su tiem chung , toi hon ban nen ngoanh mat ra cho khaac khi bac khi dua mui tiem vao da ban
she may look as if she doesn't have two penny to rub together but she has got quite a bit money tucked away somewhere Trong co ay co ve khong co tien nhung co the co ay co tien cat gieu noi khac
He is very conscious of his nose anh ay ciet ro vef cai cai mui to cua minh
In britain, having more than one two wives at the same time is against the laws O anh viec co 2 vo cung 1 luc la vi pham luat phap
The three man were found guilty on fraud ba nguoi dan ong dc phat hien co toi trong gian lan
Since the weather is bed , we decided against going to the beach Thoi tiet xau nen chung toi quyet dinh khong ra bien
Since Mrs CHi is ill , My LOng is deputizing for her Vi co Chi om nen thay Long se thay mat cho co ay
Since she miss so much lessons that she was discourage from taking a ezam Vi bo tiet nhieu qua nen co ay bi mat quyen thi cu
malformed , maladjusted , malnourished xau xi , di dang , khog an khop vs nha , suy dinh duong
this effort must be at the very beginning of the first lesson su no luc phai dc co tu CHiNH giay phut bat dau cua bai hoc dau tien
You've your sweater on back to front cau de ao len bi lon nguoc kia
He changed the plans behind my back Anh ta thay doi bi mat dang sau toi , giau toi
The scandal is a huge setback to the government's anti- corruption campaign vu tai tieng la mot buoc thut lui lon voi chien dich chong tham nhung cua chinh phu
The generator provides a backup if there is a power failure Chiec may cho phep tao ra mot ban sao luu du lieu neu nang luong co van de
Because I was away , i have a huge backlog of work to catch up on vi toi vua di xa nen toi co mot khoi cong viec khong lo can duoc hoan thanh
the government's cutback have caused shortages in the health service Su cat giam cua chinh phu da gay ra tinh trang khan hiem dung cu suc khoe
I travel light : with a backpack with a change of clothes in it toi du lich voi hanh li gon nhe : chi chiec balo voi chut quan ao de thay doi
The government's liberal policies prompted an angry backlash in the right-wing press Chinh sach tu do cua chinh phu da khơi gợi phản đối giận dữ từ báo chi cua phe đối lập
The waterfall provides a delighted backdrop for your wedding photos thac nuoc da tao nen mot phong nen rat tuyet / hai long cho bo anh cuoi cua ban
He plays fullback on the local football team ANh ta giu vai tro hau ve cho doi bong da dia phuong
Those awful neighbors are leaving at last . good , i'll be glad to see the back of him nhung nguoi hang xom dang ghet cuoi cung cung chuyen di . Toi raT vui khi khong con fai doi mat voi ho nua
Their marriage broke up after his business went bust . yes , it was the straw that broke the camel's back Cuoc hon nhan cua ho ket thuc ngay khi anh ta bi pha san . DUng , the moi la cu danh troi giang cho anh ta ( kho than ) ( HOA vo don chi )
If they know you are a film critic , they give you the best seats . A case of : you scratch my back and I scratch yours Neu ho biet anh la nha phe binh phim thi ho se cho anh cho ngoi tot nhat . the moi biet : muo cai gi phai cho di cai do
Shouting at the children didn't seem to have much effect. No , it was like water off a duck's back Het len voi lu tre chang co tac dung gi . Khong , het thuoc chua voi lũ ấy rồi
the new boss seems to be giving you a hard time ,. yes I wish he would get off my back Ong chu moi xem ra dang gay kho de voi cau . Uh , uoc gi ong ta de cho minh yen
ARe you sure we won't get lost . Look I know this place like the back of my hand cau co chac la chung ta se khong lac ? Xem day , toi thuoc cho nay nhu long ban tay
That was clever of Tom , scoring the winning goal . yes he deserves a pat on the back Tom that thong minh , da ghi diem de danh chien thang . Dung vay , anh ay dang dc khen ngoi
his partner left and started a rival business .Wow , she is really stabbed him in the back cong su cua anh ay roi bo va tu lap cong ty dich thu . Oh , anh ta bi danh dang sau lung
her husband / son to-be named John chong / con tuong lai co ay ten la John
all things being equal , women are better languages learner than men Cong bang ma noi , phu nu la nhung nguoi hoc ngon ngu tot hon dan ong
he did nothing but watched TV all day Anh ta chang lam gi ngoai xem TV ca ngay
He'll eat anything but cucumbers ANh ay an dc moi thu tru dua chuot
I make up my mind on the spot Toi quyet dinh ngay lap tuc
then David could take care of the rest sau do David se lo nhung chuyen con lai
I have many works to catch up on . We spend all the evening to catch up on each other's news Toi co rat nhieu viec phai hoan thanh ( dang le phai hoan thanh som . Toi danh ca buoi toi tim hieu ve thong tin cua nhau
i wake her at 4 a.m and she isn't happy . She is not a morning person Toi danh thuc co ay lcu 4 gio snag va co ay khong vui . co ay khong phai la thich day som
she is as daft as a brush Co ay that ngo ngan
How long has Sue gone abroad FOR? Co sue da di nuoc ngoai dc bao lau roi?
It's strange you should ring now . We have just been talking about you Oi khong biet vi sao c lai goi dung luc nay . Chung toi dang noi ve cau nay
mismanaging our own business can cause a lot of financial problems lanh dao cong viec lam an khong sang suot co the dan den nhieu rac roi tai chinh
The Indians see the hammock as a gift of heaven , something bestowed on them in mythical time Nguoi An DO coi chiec vong la qua tang tu thuong de trong mien co tich
In it the Indians pass oppressive noon hours dozing and chatting nam trong vong, nguoi AD da quen di nhung gio buoi trua nong nuc de noi chuyen
Swing it to and fro creates a cooling breath air and keep away insects Dảo qua đảo lại tạo ra một nguồn không khí trong lành và tránh côn trùng
Suspended between the heaven and earth , the hammock is dry while the soil is damp and is safe from vermin lung lo giua troi va dat , chiec vong kho rao trong khi da thi am uot va hoan toan khong co con trung
All of us are going to have sweat blood getting this project finished on time tat ca chung ta deu co nhiet huyet de hoan thanh du an nay kip thoi han
jana didn't deal with the problem he just swept it under the rug jana khong giai quyet van de , co ta muon giau ghem no
What Mary did last night was really in bad taste nhung gi Mary lam toi qua thi kho chap nhan
the children in that village have fallen victim to any mysterious illness nhung dua tre lang do deu bi mac benh nang ki la
All streets lights COME On automatically at dusk khi tat ca den pho phuong da len den
because Britain is an island sandwiched between a large ocean so slight changes in direction of wind in Atlantic or movements in areas of high or low pressure can make a major difference to our weather boi vi Anh nam giua bien lon nen chi ca co chut thay doi trong huong gioo Atlantic hay su chuyen dong trong khu vuc trong luc cao hay thap cung co the tao ra su khac biet chinh toi khi hau chung ta
It raise the question - is the weather changing to such an extent that it amounts to a change in the climate? Mot cau hoi xuat hien - lieu kthoi tiet co thay doi toi muc do la co the thay doi khi hau
And to detect the changes in the climate involves the worldwide application of a whole number of scientific investigation de co the tim ra su thay doi khi hau CAN den su GOP mat cua toan bo cac cuoc nghien cuu khoa hoc
the world could be slipping back toward another ice age but in shorter term what man is doing may as well will led to a heating up of the planet . Which could delay , if not prevent , only once- life- time experience of the vicious storm which swept south The gioi co the se pahi quay tr lai mot ki bang ha khac neu con nguoi cu tiep tuc nhu vay co the se lam trai dat nong len . Cai gi co the ngan chan lai . neu khong ngan can , chung ta se lai co nhung trai nghiem duy nhat tren doi cua con bao kinh hoang da
if they were hurt , the film will come to sudden half neu ho bi thuong , bo phim se bi dung dot ngot
If you ask me , it's high time we did away with the fashion neu dc hoi , toi nghi day la thoi diem chung ta bo di thoi trang
Just when I think I've finally get right . I pop onto a clothes shop to find that they have CHANGED all the rules neu toi nghi la minh trong da on thi toi buoc vao mot cua hang quan ao va nhan ra ho da thay doi phong cach
One minute it's cool to wear brand new expensive stuff and the next you have to take them off and wear clothes that look as if they have handed down by your grandma trong choc lat ban cam nhan dc cam giac bong bay trong bo quan ao hang hieu dat tien ut sau do khi coi ra ban trong nhu van lai quan ao cua ba ngoai
Well i've torn up all my fashion magazine Toi da xe tat ca cac quyen tap chi thoi trang
It's an ideal that has grown out of frustration and , to be honest , a lack of money to spend on yet another dress that I only wear once Y tuong do la fo toi da het dien cuong nhung thuc ra ,thieu tien voi viec chi mua mot chiec vay ma toi dung co 1 lan
I decided to line up all clothes up together toi quyet dinh sap xep lai dong quan ao cua minh
feel great sense freedom cam thay tu do
I went over the plan again and i know that I have to be tough with myself toi kiem tra ke hoach lai mot lan nua va toi biet rang minh can nghiem khac voi ban than
the old fishing village is very picturesque lang danh ca do dep nhu tranh ve
I think it's time Mary faced up to reality and realised that she is going to have to change her lifestyle da den luc mary doi mat voi su that va nhan ra co ay can thay doi cah song cua minh
Nothing of today's mobile phones wouldn't take the place of my old , reliable radio Khong co gi co the thay the dc chiec dan cu nhung tot cua toi
do all these lights on stereo serve a purpose , or are they just for decoration? Nhung chiec den any co tac dung gi khong hay chi de trang tri
John came to NewYork unaccompanied his parents John toi New York ma khong cung bo me
I'm a classical girl but I want to pull out a little sparkle for a party Toi la mot co gai binh di nhung toi cung muon bot chut kieu cach cho mot bua tiec
tabloid spectacle ...
the dentist is going to take out two of my teeth tomorrow nho 2 cai rang cua toi ngay mai
Would you consider to have plastic surgery to alter your nose ? cau co suy nghi nen can co mot cuoc phau thuat tao hinh de sua mui khong?
the busy shop was thronged with people cua hàn đang nhộn nhịp người ( be full of )
the emergency exit was concealed by a red curtain cua cap cuu bi che khuat boi tam rem do
All through January , the fields are covered WITH / in snow bi che phu boi ( not BY )
the room was crammed with furniture Of All desCriptions can phong chua day do dac cua nhieu the loai
Dave was hit by a branch # with a branch Dave chẳng may đụng vào cành cây ( vô tình . không may ) # Dave bị ai đó dùng cành cây đánh ( cố tình )
this island í inhabited by people of mainly chinese origin Hon dao nay tap trung toan cu dan co nguon goc Trung quoc
the window had smashed with a hammer taken from the shed cua so bi dap vo boi chiec bua ai do lay tu nha kho
the ship appears not to have sustained any damage chiec thuyen trông như chưa từng hứng chịu hư hai nào
it has been agreed that we will meet again in a fortnight we have agreed to meet again IN a fortnight
We decided not to try again it was decided that we would not try again
Most of the committee thought it was not a viable solution Hau het ca uy ban de nghi rang do khong phai la cach giai quyet co the thuc hien
another company has taken over our company mot cong ty khac da tiep quan / thay the/ mua lai cong ty cua chung ta
Your complain is being dealt with we are dealing with your complaint
We have not accounted for all the missing passenger Not all missing passengers have been accounted for
Someone had tampered WITH the lock of the door the lock of the front door had been tampered WITH ( interfere with = damge, change.... )
We don't know how the body was disposed OF We don't know how they disposed of the body ( chung ta khong biet dc lam the nao co thể bị giết / tống khứ / {xử lí }
this allegation is being looked into We are looking this allegation( dang dc xem xet ki luong )
Any attempts to cheat the exam will be frowned upon We will frown upon any attempts to cheat the exam ( chung ta se phe phan / che trach / khong dong y voi cac hanh vi gian lan trong thi cu )
the youngest student complaints that someone is picking on him the youngest student complaints that he is being picked on ( treu troc , bat nat )
Anna was well provided for in his husband's will Anna dc chong de lai cho nhieu thu trong di chuc`
Anyone with a firearm could bring down a mounted knight Bất kì ai với súng lục trong tay cũng có thể đánh gục một kị binh ( chiến binh trên ngựa )
exPlosive có thể gây nổ - chất gây nổ
look at that enormous goods train ! it must have 20 wagons Nhin con tau cho hang to lon kia , no chac phai co 20 toa
imMutable unchangeable
The message is clear and unamBiguous tin nhan rat ro rang va khong kho de hieu
ambiguous words / statement loi noi / loi ket luan kho hieu
inadequate , inapproximate , incapable , inconsiderable , indirect , inedible , inflexible , inadvisable , incomparable , incurable , indiscreet , inedited , infrequent , inaudible , incompatible , inDefinite , indisputable , inEstimable , inhospitable , khong thoa dang , khong phu hop , khong the (ca..) , khong
The salary should be commensurate with the effort you make at work luong phai thoa dang voi cong suc cau bo ra
we can't have hime paying for us Chung ta không thể để anh ta trả tiền cho chúng ta được
If escalator breaks down , it can still be used as ordinary stairs nếu cầu thang di động bị hỏng , chúng có thể dùng như cầu thang bình thường
They don't take me seriously . they treat me as a child Họ không tôn trọng tôi / coi tôi ra gì cả . Họ cho tôi như một đứa trẻ
Science Weekly has a special introductory offer - the first issue is free Science weekly co buoi khuyen mai chao san pham - san pham dau tien dc mien phi
I plan to train as Psychologist when I grow up toi du dinh de hoc chuyen nganh tam li hoc khi toi lon
Smallpox had disappear from the world benh đậu mùa đã biến mất trên thế giới
with the promotion I feel that i have reached the turning point in my career lan thang chuc nay khien toi cam thay su nghiep cua minh da re sang buoc ngoat khac
My cars was once again in the garage for repairs chiec xe cua toi lai phai trong gara de sua
by the time the software go on sales next year , the company'll have spent 5 million on developement truoc khi cac phan mem dc giao ban , cong ty se tieu ton het 5 trieu dola
an indication of the scope of the problem can be seen from the experience of Dunlop de thay dc su phuc tap cua van de , ta co the rut ra tu Dunlop
Hanoi is where I grew up between the age of 2 and 4 and where I lived for a period when I was 8 and again as a girl from the ages 15 . So quite a big slice of my life has been spent here hanoi la noi toi truong thanh tu nam 2-4 tuoi va mot thoi gian khi toi 8 t va tu khi da la mot co gai 15 . phan lon cuoc soi toi gan bo voi thanh pho nay
I still keep property in hanoi for sentiMental reason toi van giu nha cua o ha noi vi li do tinh cam
I've grown new roots in hai phong and HCM city but if I was asked where I want to live permantly , i would say Hanoi toi da tung song ow hp va HCm nhung neu co ai hoi thi toi se luon noi ha noi la noi toi se song mai mai
Climatically ,ha noi and seul are the same xet ve khi hau , hanoi va seul la nhu nhau
We had an english upbringing in term of plenty of fresh air and outdoor games toi co su giao duc tran ngap khong khi trong lanh va tro choi ngoai troi
I noticed a little windmill in the window of a shop we passed on our way to the park and I remember now how my heart yearned for it toi chu y toi mot chiec coi xay gio nho trong cua so mot cua hang toi di qua tren duong toi cong vien va toi van nho trai tim toi da dap ron rang len vi no
I couldn't roll my "J" pronunciation toi khong the nao uon luoi am J
I usually get the thing I want in life by I work for them and dream of them toi thuong dat dc nhung gi minh muon bang cach uoc mo va thuc hien uoc mo
quite early in the negotiations they agreed to lower the prices chi trong mot thoi gian ngan gian xep , ho dong y voi gia thap hon
because of the present threat of the war , many people are leaving the country do nguy co chien tranh hien tai nen co nhieu nguoi dang roi bo dat nuoc
Our deal with Chinese company may fall through but we can sell machinery to the german firm if necessary Co the chung ta da that bai trong khi dau voi cong ty QT nhung neu can thiet chung ta co the ban may moc cho cong ty Duc
false teeth rang gia
a multinational company cong ty da quoc gia
there were warm tropical regions all over the global , but only the Indians of the south american rain forests have adopted the habit of sleeping in the air co rat nhieu khu vuc khi hau nhiet doi tren the gioi nhung chi co nhung nguoi An do o vung rung ram nhiet doi phia Nam nuoc Mi moi co thoi quen ngu ngoai troi
Long before Indians made painful acquaintance with europeans , they had invented something that was unique on earth : the hammock Truoc khi co cuoc gap go dau thuong voi nguoi chau Au thi ho da sang che ra mot thu doc nhat vo nhi tre doi : chiec vong
Nobody knows who just had the feLicitous ideal of considering / making sleeping in the air the symbol of untroubled response Khong ai biet ai la nguoi da nghi ra y tuong doc dao / dung dan la cho rang ngu ngoai troi la bieu tuong cho su thoai mai khong rac roi
She completed the test with over an hour in hand làm xong bài vẫn còn thừa hơn 1 h
Don't worry . Everything is in hand / in the hands of us đừng lo , mọi thứ vẫn đang trong tầm kiểm soát
Are there enough people in hand to hold the meeting? hiện tại có đủ người để tiến hành cuộc họp không? có sẵn để dùng , available
Unemployment is getting out of hand vấn đề thất nghiệp đang mất tầm kiểm soát
I'm afraid that these matter are out of my hands tôi e rằng vấn đề này nằm ngoài quyền hạn của tôi = don't fall into our jurisdiction
There is a lemon in the fridge , do you want to cut it in half có quả chanh ở trong tủ lạnh , có cần cắt đôi nó ra khoog?
Shall we stop at a cafe and have a drink ? he doesn't drink do th =
khong nhấn mạnh quá trình# have a "do" sth =
nhấn mạnh quá trình
the car was doing 150 kilometres an hour chiếc xe đang đi với tốc độ 150km/h
lamb is selling at 7 $ a kilo . the new album sells millions thịt cừu đang ĐC BÁN với giá 7$ một cân . bản . ALbum nhạc mới nhất đã bán được hàng triệu bản ( không bị động )
a snake is a Reptile rắn là động vật bò sát
a frog is a amPhibian ếch thuộc loài lưỡng cư
all day long , all year round , all summer , all night long all day , all year , all night
He is a greatest writer of all time anh ay la nha van vi dai nhat trong moi thoi dai
for all his faults , he is still a nice guy dispite of , du co nhieu thieu sot nhung do van la mot anh chang tot
I knew all long that he wasn't a policeman . It was obvious ngay từ đầu tôi đã biết anh ta là cảnh sát , Hiển nhiên là vậy rồi
the traffic is not too bad , so all being well we should be at home by midnight ...
I have never met her , by all accounts , she is extremely nice tôi chưa từng gặp cô ấy nhưng nghe nói cô ấy cực kì tốt
I love traveling so if my company send me to China , all the better Tôi rất thích du lịch nên nếu đc công ty cho sang Trung Quốc thì càng tốt chứ sao
The concert ended all too soon , I was just starting to enjoy myself buoi hoa nhac ket thúc quá sớm ( nhấn mạnh completely ) , tôi vừa thưởng thức chút
I can't stand my sister . now she wants to work in a circus , of all things Tôi không hiểu nổi chị tôi , đặc biệt là việc chị ấy muốn làm việc cho gánh xiếc
Are you making lunch or Am I ? cậu có nấu cơm không hay để tôi làm ?
because of this global warming the level of the sea is rising mực nước biển đang tăng do sự ấm lên toàn cầu
the population of the world is increasing steadily although in some deVeloped countries , it is failing dân số thế giới đang tăng đều nhưng ở một số quốc gia phát triển thì vẫn giảm
the standard of living in many "northern" countries is improving while the "south" is getting worse chất lượng cuộc sống của các quốc gia phía bắc đang dần cải thiện trong khi các nước phía nam thì ngày càng tệ
Unfortunately , many traditional cultures are disappearing while the using of English is spreading TO all parts of the world and the global marketplace is expanding Dang tiec , khi cac nen van hoa co truyen dang dan mat di thi viec su dung tieng anh dang dc pho bien rong rai hon va thương trường quốc tế thì ngày càng mở rộng
Whenever we meet we talk about school , friends , hot boys and everything Moi khi chung toi gap nhau , chung toi lai noi chuyen ve du thu , truong hoc m ban be , cac chang trai va vân vân
I seem to spend the entire day to driving the children Back and forth to school qua qua lại lại , đi tới đi lui , Tôi dường như chỉ danh cả ngày để đưa đón con cái hết di học lại đi về
they liked him very much so they offered him a job , there and then ho rat ua anh ta nen cho anh ta mot cong viec ngay lap tuc
First and foremost , i would like to thank the organizer of this conference dau tien toi xin cam on nguoi to chuc ra buoi hop mat nay
I've worked there off and on , for about 2 years toi lam viec o day đôi lúc ( thỉnh thoảng , chốc chốc ) khoảng 2 năm
It has been busy in the office , there have been people in and out all the morning ca co quan ban biu tu sang toi gio , nguoi nguoi ra vao cong ty suot
the island is very unspoiled with a few holiday home here and there hon dao con giu dc ve dep nguyen so , chi co mot so nha nghi mat o khap moi noi
I'm worried about T , she never eats and she looks as thin as a rake tôi rất lo cho T , cô ấy chẳng chịu ăn và gầy tong teo
Benny sat on my sunnyhat and left it as flat as a pancake benny ngồi lên chiếc mũ chống nắng của tôi và khiến nó mỏng dẹp lép
Nothing seems to affect her , she is as hard as nails duong nhu chang co dieu gi anh huong den co ay , co ay that vo tam , long sat da
how were the children ? They were little angels , as good as goal Lu tre hoi ay the nao? chung nhu nhung thien than nho , cuc ki tot
When she heard the dreadful news , she turned as white as a sheet khi co nghe tin kinh khung ay , mat co trang bech nhu to giay
It is as warm as toast in here . Have you had the heating on? O day am ap rat de chiu , cau da bat lo suoi len chua?
You look awful . yeah , I drank too much last night and now feel as sick as a dog cau trong khiep the , Phai , dem qua toi uong qua chen va bay gio dang met la
In the piece as a whole , the writer is acknowledging his own shorthcomings nhin chung nguoi viet muon thua nhan/ chap nhan thieu sot cua minh
in orders and imperatives trong cau menh lenh!
Watch out for oncoming traffic coi chung co xe quay dau xe kia
I soon wearied of his endless chatter chẳng bao lâu toi chán cái tính nói luôn mồm của anh ta
I had no reason for acceding for his demand tôi chẳng có lí gì phải chấp nhận yêu cầu của anh ta
These Punishments accord with the school's code of Discipline hình phạt này hoàn toàn phù hợp với nội quy của trường
the most popular singer is on tour di luu dien
the lead vocalist ca si hat chinh
have some records in charts co mot vai ca khuc dc xep trong bang xep hang
their instrument just weren't in tune / were out of tune sai nhac
irrevelant lac de , khong dung trong tam
weight - overweight Each of these factors should be weighted according to their relative importance n . can nang v. quan trọng hóa , nặng về ...
to weigh I'm fat . i weigh 50 kilos nặng bao nhiu cân
it's high time the government did something about the sewage system which has not been upgraded for years chế độ thối nát
should not be They didn't come . They _________( be ) absent .
is increasing The population ________( increase ) rapidly in Vietnam nowadays
doing It's not use discussing whether it is worth _____ ( do )
telling - doing We have to postpone _______( tell ) anyone the news until someone consider ____ ( do) something about our matter
Skiing is the most STRAIGHTFORWARD form of exercise there is là môn dễ nhất hiện có
a novice nguoi moi vao nghe
an old hand at .... ng lâu năm , chắc tay nghề
plus lost of fresh air thêm cả không khi trong lành
When it comes to guaranteeing a profitable day's downhill skiing , there are two essential ingredients de o dc mot ngay truot tuyet co ich , can co 2 yeu to
purSue a goal / an aim / an objective theo duoi , nuoi nang muc tieu va thuc hien no
the purSuit of hapiness / knowlege / profit thu minh mo uoc , luon deo duoi
There are usually snow machines to supplement any natural deficiency in the supply of this second requirement bo sung , nap them , su bo sung , su thieu hut tu nhien cua yeu cau thu 2
Snow-kitting is a wintry offshoot of kite-surfing , an established watersport truot tuyet- bay la thể biến tấu mùa đông của lướt diều , một môn thể thao dưới nước hoàn toàn
by harnessing their skis to an inflated kite bằng cách sử dụng / khai thác ván trượt của họ với một chiếc diều cawg phông
all they need is reasonable wind , they can enjoy alll the exHilaration of gió vừa phải - vừa đủ , tận hưởng niềm vui
Hazardous objects like ..... nguy hiem
uninterrupted plain bai dat vang , khong bi lam phien
Hardly had I opened the book when the phone rang again I had only just opened the book when the phone rang gain
had a detective not recognized him , Dick would not be in prison Dick is in prison because a detective recognized him
Were it not for the rain / not to rain , we would hold the warming party outdoors The rain prevents us from holding the warming party outdoors
It was such hot tea that I couldn't drink The tea was so hot that I couldn't drink it
She had so good a holiday that she didn't want to return to work She had such a good holiday that she didn't want to return to work
Their english is certain to improve in time It's certain that their English will improve in time
Had we had a map , we wouldn't have got lost We got lost because we didn't have a map
He regretted not seeing her off this morning He wished he had seen her off this morning
That old typewriter is not worth repairing It's pointless to have that old-typewriter repaired
But for the narrow road , our lorry would have taken it The road was so narrow that our lorry couldn't take it
anthroPologists often say that what distinguished people with other primate is the ability to use tools nha nhan loai hoc , dieu tao nen khac biet giua con nguoi va nhun co thu khac...
As a qualified bricklayer , I must say at the outset that I have never had a problem with my bricklaying tools la mot ng tho ... toi phai noi ngay từ đầu là tôi chưa bao h mắc sai sót...
It was drummed into me that.... trong đầu tôi luôn định vị rằng , đầu óc tôi luôn nhớ rằng
my Trowel would be stuck on the pile of mortar on the spot board cái bay của tôi sẽ luôn ở trong đống vữa
spirit level ống ni-vô đo bề ngang
screwdriver tua vit
pincer cái kìm
spanner cle
pegboard tấm ván có lỗ để treo
felt-tipped pen bút dạ
rambler nguoi di ngao du
roundabout bung binh
conductor ng chi huy
traffic warden ng soat ve xe
pedestrian ng di bo
outward journey chuyen di ra nc ngoai
We managed to complete our journey ahead of the schedule vuot trc ke hoach
When I got home , my children were fast asleep buon ngu lam roi
Good news eevrybody ! we can build a new office with government grant tro cap tu chinh phu
We hope we will sit on a sun-drenched beach next week tran ngap anh nang
It's a good ideal to make notes on/about what you're reading if you want to remember ghi chu cai gi
He took early reTirement as he was losing his grip on the job mat hung thu
Apparently , an interest in reading in later life is closely related to how much your parents read to you as a child hinh nhu , duong nhu ; co quan he mat thiet
Ron usually prime himself with plenty of black coffee before starting the night shift tu chuan bi cho minh , lam san cho minh ; bat dau lam ca dem
I find it hard to commit historical dates to my memory nho , nap vao tri nho
lack of sleep can seriously interfere with your ability to think rationally gay can tro cho
I can't get off to sleep at night unless I have a hot drink. they can't get the baby off till midnight chop mat de ngu hoac ru ai ngu
If you drop a cat , it always lands on its feets ném , nhảy tiếp đất , hạ cánh
Supposed you were shipwrecked/stranded on a desert island, what would you do to survive? mac can , troi dat , dam thuyen
I'd go to a doctor with that rash if I were you phat' ban , noi mun
should you be in / find yourself in neighborhood , feel free to call in hang xom lang gieng voi nhau ; dung ngai goi giup do
You don't have to give me the answer right away. Think it over and let me know tomorrow can nhac ki
Let's put it off till tomorrow hoan lai
Mrs Lien , I've got your husband on the line . Ok , put him through cho ai ket noi dien thoai ( to sb )
I'm trying to give it up tu bo
The cheese in the fridge had gone off so I threw it out/away nem, vut di
Their company had gone bankrupt and they only set it up 2 years ago sang lap cong ty , vo no
the little Pater take to swimming pool like duck to water bat dau thich doing sth/ sth
The form was so complicated so she asked him to fill it in/out again dien vao mau don
As they didn't have anywhere to stay , we put them up for the night cho ai ngu nho
Nina fainted in the heat so we had to bring her round with smelling saltS lam ai do tinh lai ; chất muối ngửi ( thơm ) - plural
overestimate I think 45 minutes is an underestimate of the time it will take . I'd allow an hour
thừa chất dinh dưỡng
mua đắt
thừa người làm
undercooked / underdone
overcooked / overdone
nhão , nhừ , nát
diện quá , điệu , đú
lạm dụng
thừa mứa quá , sướng quá
đánh giá quá cao ( tài năng 0
phơi ảnh quá lâu
oversized The baby was a bit undersized but she's put on weight well
bự , ngoại cỡ
there is a popular misconception that all British people are monarchist su hieu lam; ng theo chu nghia quan chu
Although Rita was often inattentive in class , she had a virtually photographic memory and got top grades in all her exam khong chu y ; tri nho nhu in
I'll relax with a detective story - not too demanding or intellectual doi hoi nhieu , tri tue qua
It's hard to aSSimilate information when feeling anxious nuot , nhoi , tieu hoa ( kien thuc ; thong tin )
Several students volunteered to undergo psychological tests trai qua , chiu dung
It's important to set yourself clear targets in your study programme dat muc tieu
don't make the simply mistake of parroting the someone else's words when writing your own notes nhac lai nhu vet
The headteacher could offer no explaination for such poor examination results khong the bao chua
I find it helpful to listen classical music when I chew over a problem ngam nghi , nghien ngam , suy nghi
The findings of the tests was circulated by the jounal "New York's news " truyen ba , tuyen bo , ba cao
Modern life is complicated enough without more rules and regulations not THE , cuoc song hien dai da du phuc tap , khong can them cac quy tac
The shark pushed silently through the seaweed and attacked the unsuspecting swimmers len loi qua dam rong bien ; khong he ngo vuc , vo tu
There was an ominous silence as they entered the room diem xau , diem bao , khong tot lanh
Who take the decision to go head the project? dua ra quyet dinh
We finally reached a decision sau bao can nhac moi dua ra quyet dinh
Please come in ! Make yourself at home ! xin chao , moi vao
Why don't you come round to my house for dinner this Saturday evening? ghe choi
How often does the Sunflower come into? xuat ban , phat hanh
The Sergeant/a:/ asked for volunteers but only three came forward xung phong ; gio tay xin tinh nguyen
Pollution , wars , greenhouse effect , the ozone layer : I don't know what the world is coming TO o nhiem ;chien tranh; hieu ung nha kinh ;khong biet chuyen gi se xay ra
We are going out for a drink . Would you like to come along? di ke , di cung , gia nhap ( moi di choi)
Everytime the subject of holiday comes up , Belinda and her husband have a argument moi khi de cap den chuyen gi , chuyen gi dc dem ra ban bac
Plans come off satisfactorily ke hoach duoc thuc hien
There has been a big crash on the M30 motorway . How dit it come about? happen , xay ra
discontinue , disinherit , distrust , disappear , dislike , displease , disapprove , disobey , disprove , disbelieve , disinfect , disorganize , dissatisfy DIS dừng làm gì , tước quyền thừa kế , nghi ngờ , biến mất , không thích , khong bằng lòng , không tán thành , không nghe lời , bác bỏ , hoài nghi , khử trùng , làm rối- phá rối , không thỏa đáng
misplace # displace
đặt không đúng chỗ, giấu # thay thế
decentralise , dehumanise , demilitarise , destabilise , declassify , dehydrate , depoliticise , decolonise , deindustrialise , depopulate , decompress , deregulate , dematerialise , deactivate , demobilise = REVERSE= ĐẢO NGƯỢC vs TỪ CHÍNH = phân quyền , hành động vô nhân đạo , phi quân sự hóa , gây mất ổn định , tiết lộ - bật mí , sấy khô , phi chính trị hóa , phi thực dân hóa , phi công nghiệp hóa , giảm dân số , giảm áp lực , bãi bỏ quy định , phi vật chấ
huy động nhập ngũ )
decode , delouse , demist , dethrone =GIẢM , LOẠI BỎ = TỪ CHÍNH = giải mã , bắt chấy , gạt bỏ sương mù , phế ngai vàng
discontent , be discontented su bat man , bat binh
discourteous- discourtesy - courteous = immodest bat lich su , lich su
hoa thuan
dissimilar khong giong
illiteracy nạn thất học , mù chữ
improPriety sai trai , khong dung dan
hiệu lực
leGitimate (adj)- LeGitimacy hợp pháp
mobile ~ movable - immobile - immobility có khả năng di động - bất động , cố định - sự bất động
mobilize - immobilize - immobilization - demobilize huy động- vận động - chặn không cho cái gì hoạt động - sự chặn lại - cho giải ngũ
pious-IMpious - imPiety sùng đạo - không mê tín
Patial /a:/-partiAlity/ae/ - impatiAlity thiên vị - sự thiên vị - công băng
liberal - illiberal - illiberality thoải mái , rộng rãi , hào phóng
material- immaterial - materialize - dematerialise = immaterialize , materialistic vật chất - phi vật chất -tinh thần- vật chất hóa - phi vật chất hóa , duy vật - nặng về vật chất
moderate (v.a)- moderation - immoderate ôn hòa , chừng mực ; thái quá
perish - perishable - imperishable- hỏng thối , dễ bị hỏng , lâu hỏng , bất diệt
perished , perishing lạnh , rất lạnh
irreplaceable khong the thay they duoc
irresistible khong cuong lai dc
The first time I borrowed money from my mother as I wasn't working then now-
then ,lan dau tien toi vay tien me vi luc do toi khong dang di lam
I was considering / had been considering buying a new house but now , I've changed my mind toi da tung tinh toan chuyen mua nha nhung gio thi toi doi y roi
Ever since I was a young child , I have been dying to meet you tu khi em con nho , e luon mong uoc / khao khat dc gap anh
Sally , I wasn't expecting / didn't expect to meet you here . What are you doing on Hanoi? toi khong he nghi la se dc gap anh o day
A catchy tune/slogan de nho , de thuoc
She intuited that something was badly wrong co linh cam la
Intuitively , she knew that he was lying bang truc giac , co ay biet anh ta dang noi doi
After your complaint has been dealt with , you'll hear from us You'll hear from us when we have finished dealing your complaint
Nothing was ever heard of David again Nobody ever heard anything of David again
It has been announced that the petrol prises will rise tomorrow The government has announced that the petrol prises will rise tomorrow
It's not known what happened to the ship They don't know what happened to the ship
As our new furniture is being delivered / is going to be delivered on Monday morning , I'll have have to stay at home to check that it has not been / was not damaged suring transit vi do dac se dc chuyen den vao sang thu 2 toi nen toi se phai co mat o nha de kt xem chung co bi hu hong trong qua trinh van chuyen hay khong
Unfortunately your letter has been mislaid Sorry , We've lost your letter
After six months your salary'll be raised you'll get a rise in salary after 6 months
The match was abandoned after half an hour They stopped playing the match after half an hour
They stopped traffic from using the centre Traffic was banned from the centre
We haven't been introduced I don't know your name
They took Christ to court for dangerous driving Christ was prosecuted for dangerous driving
Please detach the slip below and return it to us as soon as possible thao go sai lam
After this period eLapsed , all memers of staff 'll be consulted through their line manager , and feedback'll be sought sau dot nay , tat ca nhan vien se dc hội ý- bàn bạc-hỏi ý kien qua đường dây giám đọc và ý kiến phản hổi sẽ đc tìm thấy
These days it seems that every teenager is walking down the street with a mobile phone glued to their ear gan may dien thoai vao tai
I sometimes worry that the mobile will get passed around and I'll run up a huge bill without realizing it bi truyen tay qua lai ; run up = accumulate= chong chat , tich luy
Teenagers seem to need constant communication and when the phone rings as they 're walking down the street , they thing it's glamorous sanh dieu
I was delighted when I got it but scared of taking it out in case it got pinched mang ra ngoai ;bi an trom
It's handy useful
Jane's dad and I were worried about keeping track of her when she was out with her friends keep
lose ; lien lac voi , nam ro tinh hinh
Her safety was a big concern especially in hanoi noi lo lon
Jane is not allowed to take it to the school and pays her bills out of her savings rut tien tiet kiem ra de tra
so she's able to have a good gossip with her friends My mobile phone is a real security blanket esp when I was out late
My parents were dead against it at first , but when they realized it wasn't a status symbol , they agreed bat dong , khong thich ; dau hieu choi troi
They bought that shirt to keep it as memorabilia do ki niem cua than tuong
My jeans were so old that they eventually fell into pieces rach ra tung manh
I've got my eye on a beautiful cottage that I saw for sale recently ung mat , thay la thich
Shabby/ae/ cũ , sờn , mòn
waterproof chong tham nuoc
blouse ao so mi cho nu , ao canh
Bracelet vong tay
wrist co tay
blazer ao dong phuc , ao ngan tay , ao jacket
slippers dep di trong nha
a baggy jumper ao trum rong
a pleated skirt vay xep ly
a checked waiscoat ao gi le caro
a flowery dress vai co hoa van
tight-fitting jeans quan bo bo'
striped swimming trunks quan boi dan ong soc ke
spotted socks cham bi , dom'
I don't earn very much but I get by Ok kiem du song
he was shot while trying to Get Away From the police chay tron khoi ai
You have to get off the bus at the shopping center leave the bus
I can't seem to get out of the habit Of bitting my nails bo thoi quen xau
I spent the days getting ready for New year's eve chuan bi
model/news agency chi nhanh , dai li
premier nguoi dung dau , dung dau , bac nhat
WOULD is often used in remiNiscences canh hoi tuong
My grandparents often reminisce about the past (v) hoi tuong ve qua khu
the way he laughs is always reminiscent of his father moi khi anh ay cuoi , hinh anh bo anh ay lai hien len
I am hardly ever at home on Saturday night I almost always go out on Saturday night
he was at the peak of his career dinh cao cua danh vong / thanh cong , danh tieng
top of the page/list/class/tree... vi tri cao nhat , dinh cua cai gi
She is still at the height of her power dinh diem cua suc manh ; diem manh nhat tot nhat
summit of the Everest Mt dinh nui
mountain peak . She is at the peak of her career dinh nui , dinh cao nghe nghiep = height
The house is to be sold by/at auction duoc dua ra ban dau gia
Although I practise quite a lot , I never seem to win very often at tennis thang ve cai gi
Let Albert work it out . He has an aptitude for figures co nang khieu trong
You could tell at a glance that he was no ordinary speaker ngay lap tuc
Although their marriage is not a happy one , they decided to stay together for the sake of their children vi loi ich
they began to drop out of the race one by one bo cuoc , lan luot
Do you know a cure for baldness phuong phap chua benh
He is the sort of person who immediately makes you feel at ease cam thay thoai mai
I'm sorry , I wasn't at liberty to tell you anymore co quyen , co tu cach dc lam gi
John has got a very strange taste on clothes , hasn't he? gu , so thich ve cai gi ( tham mi , do an )
Think at a number . Now multiply it by 6 nhan len voi 6
The attendance at the Saturday's meeting is very poor su chu y toi
I devote most of my time to learning english danh thoi gian / cong suc/ chu y toi
I 've asked my neighbours to keep an eye on my house while I am away de mat toi , chu y cham soc
Tantalize nhử , trêu ngươi , trêu tức
a delicious aRoma wafted from the kitchen mui huong quyen ru , bay nhe nhe , luon lo
Seduluos / Diligent student/worker can man , cham chi , can than
I must Palliate that I can't cure lam diu di , xoa diu ( noi dau )
the sea was full of debris that the Tsunami had grabbed from the land manh vo , cuon , lay di ,
A tray piece of wood drifted by Ari and he grabbed on to it troi noi ( adj ) , v
his body was honed to perfection mai giua , sharpen , improve
she was asTute enough to realize that what John wanted was her money thong minh , sac sao , shrewd
float # drift nhấn mạnh nổi lơ lửng trên bề mặt nước với không khí # trôi hờ hững , không định hướng
Odious ghe tom , dang ghet
Everybody Marvelled at his courage` ngac nhien , sung sot
My grandparents are footing the bill for my education so I'm making sure not to waste their precious money . lo cho , tra tien cho , cho tien an hoc
The new teacher is a big hit with the child children bat ngo moi , dieu hap dan , moi me
Peter was hoping to make it big in the fashion world noi tieng , thanh cong , gay tieng vang
a big noise / name ng quan trong
a big mouth kẻ hợm hĩnh , thích khoe
Ladies and Gentlemen , let's give a big hand no mot trang phao tay
the new deliver service has taken off in a big way trong pham vi lon
She always has ability to twist/wrap/wind her parents around her little fingers bat ai theo y minh
Her refusal to support his campaign is a real stab in the back su phan boi
A chilling tale will make your hair stand on end lam ai do so
We need your help . We are not sure how much longer we can keep our heads above the water cố gắng cầm cự
He is really a pain on the neck đúng là đồ của nợ !
Even the best athletes have to content with an ineluctable fact that they will grow older and must someday face opponents who are younger, faster and stronger. chap nhan . khong the tranh khoi ,
He died in Penury in 1955 chet trong ngheo doi
beaver chuot chui
Her enermies claimed that she embody the evil of this world la hien than , dai dien cho
I'd rather see Jack play the Villain of this film , rather than a good hero nhan vat phan dien
As we walked down the street , helen took pity on the beggar and gave him money dong long trac an , giup do
I wish you had pity on him co chut thuogn hai ( nhung k lam gi )
a look/feeling of pity co long thuong hai
from now on , everything will be plain/clear sailing , I hope . No more problems. thuan buom xuoi gio
When the examiner asked me my name , my mind went completely blank chập , trống trơn
Judging by his appearance , he is somewhere in his forties tầm tuổi ngoài 40
My windows look on to the garden nhìn ra , hướng ra
obtain giành đc gì sau nỗ lực
I was up in town yesterday" , I tell Tony easily , turning back from my long study of the sky outside the window as if I'd been wondering whether the matter is worth mentioning sau khi nhìn hồi lâu ra ngoài cửa sổ
Tom frowns "not a dealer? " he queries suspicously nhíu mày , chất vấn , đầy nghi hoặc
I was impressed by myself tôi thấy mik thật giỏi
keep a low profile giữ kín thân thế
All my boldness vanishes at once bao tự tin trong tôi tan biến hết
I feel panic rise tôi bắt đầu hoảng sợ
I've given him a good spoonful of jam to sweeten the tiny pill that's arriving next cho chút vị ngọt để xoa dịu thuốc đắng sau đó
I flounder hopelessly tôi hoàn toàn lúng túng
I'm too occupied in breathing again to be able to reply tôi quá bận trong việc hít sâu để có thể trả lời
he misconstrue my silence hiểu sai
Bit of a bore for you ! Chan cau that !
The inVention of Banking preCeded that of Coinage Ngan hang da co tu truoc khi tien te duoc ra doi
Banking oRiginated something like 4000 years old in Ancient Mesopotamia , in Present-day Iraq , where the Royal paLaces and Temples proVided seCure places for the Safe keeping of grain and other coMModities. Ngan hang co nguon goc tuw 4000 nam truoc o vung mesopotamia co xua ( Iraq hien nay ) noi nhung lau dai hoang gia va cac ngoi den la noi de du tru luong thuc va cac hang hoa khac
Receipts came to be used for transfers not only to the original depositors but also to third parties bien lai dc su dung khong chi cho chuyen doi voi nguoi gui do ma con voi ben thu ba
Eventually private houses in Mesopotamia also got involved in these banking operations , and laws regulating them was included in the code of hammurabi , the legal code deVeloped not long afterwards Tham chi ca nhung ngoi nha rieng o Mesopotamia cung thuoc he thong ngan hang , cac luat le quy dinh viec nay duoc dat ra trong mat ma hop phap ra doi khong lau sau do
In ancient Egypt too , the centralisation of harvests in state warehouse led to the deVelopment of a system of banking o Ai Cap co dai , su tap trung luong thuc trong cac nha kho da dan toi su hinh thanh he thong ngan hang
Written orders for the withdrawal of separate lots of grain by owners whose crops had been deposited there for safety and convenience , or which had been compulsorily dePosited to the credit of the king , soon became used as a more general method payment Nhung thu tuc dc ghi lai cho viec xuat hang cua cac nguoi chu gui vi su an toan va thuan tien hay ca nhung khoan bat buoc phai gui toi nha vua , duoc su dung nhu mot phuong phap pho bien de tra no ng khac , bao gom thue nguoi thu gom , thay tu va thuong g
Even after the introDuction of Coinage , these Egyptian grain Banks served to reDuce the need for Precious Metals , which tended to be reServed for Foreign Purchases , parTicularly in conNection with Military acTivities Tham chi ngay khi tien te ra doi , nguoi ta van dung ngan hang de phuc vu cho viec giam thieu nhu cau kim loai hiem de du tru cho viec buon ban vs nc ngoai dac biet lien quan toi cac hoat dong quan su
The thought filled me with dread because I was sure my voice was boring toi thuc su rat hoang hot vi toi biet la giong minh rat chan
Anyway , when the time came , I tried not panic , and went back to first principles . I made a plan , first deciding my key message . du sao , den khi phai noi , toi van lam theo nguyen tac dau tien cua minh . Toi tu len ke hoach , dau tien phai xac dinh thong diep chu chot toi muon noi den
This gave me structure , and was the first step to dispelling my nerves dieu nay cho toi mot trat tu , giup toi buoc dau bot lo lang
Suddenly there was power behind my voice and I found I was in control . Bong nhien giong cua toi nhu co suc manh va toi thay minh da dieu chinh duoc no
It was like going to a vocal gym giong nhu toi phong luyen thanh
Instead of gabbling the sentence , i slowed down and took time to enjoy the words thay vi lap bap mai mot cau , toi da binh tinh lai va biet su dung tu ngu
I lacked confidence at first to speak without a script but I learnt not to write everything down to the last word - the audience switched off when I did that lan dau noi khong co giay toi cung co thieu tu tin nhung toi cung da hoc duoc cach de khong viet tat ca moi thu cho toi tu cuoi cung - khan gia se chan nan neu toi lam the
A friend gave me the tip of memorising the first few sentences , then I could make my eye contact with the people I was speaking to - engage with them mot nguoi ban day cho toi cach lam sao de nho mot vai cau dau tien , sau do toi co the dung mat de "noi" voi nhung nguoi nghe - thu hut ho
The term "non-verbal" is commonly used to describe such coMMunicative resources as Gesture , facial movement and tone of voice . thuat ngu " ngon ngu ngam" thuong duoc dung de chi nhung hoat dong giao tiep nhu dieu bo , net mat va giong dieu
The term has long been useful in challenging the misconCeption that the words Constitute the whole of communiCation thuat ngu nay da rat huu dung trong viec xoa bo mot suy nghi sai lam rang tu ngu co the dien ta dc moi y nghia trong giao tiep
However , a Further aSSumption has sometimes seemed to follow : that non-verbal exPression is sometimes unitary independent of verbal communicating , or classifable under some single term like "body language" tuy nhien mot gia thiet rong hon doi luc cho rang , ngon ngu ngam co luc tach roi , khong phu thuoc voi ngon ngu truc tiep hoac co the chia ra thanh thuat ngu doc lap nhu ngon ngu cu chi
This is to drastically simplify our actual practice dieu nay da don gian hoa hoan toan ve cach chung ta thuc hien
as pointed out by writers on language and social interaction, gestural and vocal actions are often integrated rather than autonomous , and verbal and non-verbal communicating usually produced in a coordinated fashion . Nhu da duoc chi ra boi cac nha van trong moi lien ket giua ngon ngu va ngoai canh , dieu bo va hanh dong cu chi thuong phoi hop voi nhau hon la tach rieng biet , va ca ngon ngu truc tiep va gian tiep thuong duoc tao ra phong cach pha tron
proPosing a Concept of "non-verbal" expression has led to an unfounded generaliZation about this supposedly distinct subject : that it is the medium for exPressing eMotions and reLations rather than conscious thought or ideal for example . viec dua ra mot dinh nghia ve ngon ngu ngam co the dan den su thua nhan vo can cu voi mon dac biet nay : vi du nhu chung thuong bieu dat cam xuc vaf moi quan he hon la ve li tri
Even if this were true : the fact remains that the resources covered by the term "non-verbal" are diverse and complex in the extreme Ngay ca khi dieu do co dung thi su that van la nhung thong tin ham chua ngon ngu ngam deu rat phuc tap va da dang
It can be only misleading to bunch them together as a distinctive communicative mode se luon sai lam neu cu cho chung la mot phuong tien giao tiep rieng biet
at hand # in hand co thu gi trong tay san sang de lam gi # co thua thu gi trong tay
Created by: lc0ld0nl



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