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Ms. W Vocab Test

50 words to study

WordDefinition/ Part of Speech
Acquiesce Comply, Accept something reluctantly Verb
Amity Friendship Noun
Arduous Demanding, Rigorous Adj.
Gesticulate To geture with your hands while you talk Verb
Inundate To flood, overwhelm Verb
Perjury To lie under oath Noun
Perposterous Clarity Noun
Trepidation Fear, fright, tremor Noun
Volube Talkitive, verbose Adj.
Fervent Passionate, fiery, intense Adj.
Fortuitous Random, lucky Adj.
Germane Relevant Adj.
Incessant Unedning, continual, ceaseless Adj.
Indulgent Willingness to be lenient Adj.
Listless Lacking energy or enthusiasm, apathetic, indifferent Adj.
Profuse Lavish, abundant, a lot Adj.
Superficial Fake, near the surface, shallow Adj.
Unobtrusive Modest,discreet, humble Adj.
Vulnerable Open to attack Adj.
Parisimony Stinginess, cheapness Noun
Zeith Apex, peax, height Noun
Torpor Apathy Noun
Reticence Hestiation Noun
Respite Break, rest Noun
Fastidious Fussy/overly clean Adj.
Supercilious Snooty, Snobbish Adj.
Disparaging Belittling Adj.
Invective Criticism Noun
Laconic Concise, short, to the point, brief Adj.
Zealot Enthusiastic, fanatic, extremist Noun
Ambiguousx Vague, inexact Adj.
Elegiac Having a mournful quality Adj.
Indignant Angry, Resentful, Upset about unfair treatment Adj.
Irreverent Disrespectful Adj.
Anachronism Something that is not in its correct time period Noun
Querulous Whiny Adj.
Tenacity The state of being persistant Noun
Prosaic Dull, unimaginative Adj.
Sycophant Suck-up, yes-man, kiss-ass Noun
Emphemeral Lasting only for a short time Adj.
Bombastic Pompous, pretemtious Adj.
Cogent Clear,persausive Adj.
Conciliatory Pacifying, appeasing Adj.
Derisive Expressing contempt/ ridicule Adj.
Dogmatic Dictorial, arbitrary Adj.
Effusive Gushing, enthusiastic Adj.
Maudlin Self-pitying, tearfully sentimental Adj.
Facetious Treating serious issues with inappropriate humor Adj.
Obsequious Servile, subservient, slavish Adj.
Perspicuity Clarity Noun
Created by: Risa17
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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