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How hott is the sun 40,000,000 calvin
1 calvin is equal to 273 degrees F
helium in the sun is produced by nuclear fusion of hydrogen
matter- gas rapid random motion
matter- liquid fluid motion, spaces inbetween particles.
liquids have what type of volume constant volume
diffusion movement of partivles for high to low area until dynamic equilibrium
are gasses conpressible yes. highly
do gasses have a fixed volume or shape? no they do not
matter- solid fixed shape, fixed volume. particles vibrate within themselves (in fixed positions)
vapor gaseous state of a liquid
submicroscopic level scientists need to consider the atomic level of interaction
heterogenous mixtures A mixture that does not have uniform composition and properties throughout. A sample of matter consisting of more than one pure substance and more than one phase.(chicken soup) has visible components (can be suspension or colloid)
homogeneous A mixture which has uniform composition and properties throughout.A sample of matter consisting of more than one pure substance with properties that do not vary within the sample. cannot see individual components (salt and water) AKA SOLUTIONS
aqueaous solutions a substance dissolved in water
suspensions suspensions will eventually settle. An example of a suspension would be sand in water. Particles of suspensions show tyndall effect that is they are big enough to disperse light. (homogenized milk)
if the light pases through liquid straight then it is a solution
light passes through liquid and spreads out then it is tyndall effect
tyndall effect scattering of visible liight in all directions due to particles being in the way
a heterogeneous mixture can be either a coloid or a suspension
acectone is what? highly volatole
colloid (oil and water) A colloid will not settle if left to sit. Examples are jelly, glue,milk etc.
seperating mixtures physical, settling, chromatography, fitration, distillation,
settling let gravity do the work for you (ex density)
chromatography seperation of particles (colors)
filtration traps large particles in a peice of paper (ex sand/water)
distillation based on things boiling at different temperatures (ex water and ethol)
how many naturally occuring elements are there? 91
can elements be broken down? NO!
elements are pure substances that cannot be broken down by chemical or physical means
how many known compounds are there?? 10 million
can pure substances be broken down? yes! they can be chemically broken down
what is used to break down compounds? electrolysis is used
pure substances contain atoms
homogeneous mixtures contain 2 different atoms and compounds evenly mixed
heterogeneous contains 2 different compounds unevenly mixed
are compounds pure substances or not? yes they are pure substances
Law of multiple proportions same elements can combine in different proportions
law of defininte proportions compound are always the same (same proportion by mass) (ex water is always H2O)
Percent by mass mass of element/mass of compound (100) <br/>a compounds percent of mass is always the same
addition and subtraction in sci. notation when the (*10 to the __ power) is the same, the lease number of decimals present can only be present in the answer
multiplication and division in sci. notation smallest number of sig figs in the equation can only be used in the answer
density equation mass/volume=grams/mL=gram/cm3
the volume of a liquid is always measured in mL
volume of a cube is measured with cm3
1mL= 1cm3
1L= 1dm3
1mL= 1g
how do you read a graduated cylinder? take the bottom reading (called the meniscus reading)
elements have 1 type of atom
components have more than 1 type of atom
what do you add to : acid to water or water to acid add acid to water!!!!
Created by: LaurelM
Popular Chemistry sets




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