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Labs 24-26

Antimicrobial Agents chemicals that contol the growth of microbes
Disinfectants chemical agents used on inanimate objects to lower levels of microbes on surfaces
Antiseptics chemicals used on living tissue to decrease the number of microbes
Bactericidal Agents cause bacterial death
Bacteriostatic Agents cause temporary inhibition of growth
American Official Analytical Chemist's use-dilution test standard method for measuring the effectiveness of a chemical agent
Conclusion #1: Was your test chemical effective? Yes, it killed bacteria ( S aureaus)after 5 minutes
Conclusion #2: Was it more effective than the lab disinfectant? Yes
Question #2: Read the label of the preparation you tested. What are the active ingredients? Pine oil, water, surfactants
Antibiosis against life
Antibiotic inhibiting substance
Antimicrobial Drugs antimicrobial chemicals absorbed or used internally (natural or synthetic)
Pathogen disease-causing organism
Disk-Diffusion Method a Petri plate containing an agar growth medium is inoculated uniformly over its entire surface. Paper disks with antimicrobial agents on them during incubation the agent will diffuse from disk from high concentration to low.
Zones of inhibition measurement of the effectiveness of the agents ability to inhibit bacterial growth
Kirby-Bauer Test for agar diffusion methods, uses mudeller-hinton agar which allows antimicrobial agent to diffuse freely
Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of an antibiotic is determined by testing for bacterial growth in dilutions of the antibiotic in nutrient broth
Conclusion #1: Which antimicrobial agents were most effective against each organism? Tetracycline, Cloramphenicol, Neomycin
Question #3: Why is the disk-diffusion technique not a perfect indication of how the drug will perform in vivo? Variables such as effects of serum, the bodies pH and ionic content and oxygen level
What other factors are considered before using the antimicrobial agent in vivo? how drug is metabolized and excreted and side effects of drug
Normal Microbiota microorganisms that are more or less permanent
Transient Microbiota microbes that are present only for days or weeks
Question #1: What is a surgeon trying to accomplish with a 10-minute scrub with a brush followed by an antiseptic? to remove the transient and many of the resident microbiota
Question #2: How do normal microbiota and transient microbiota differ? Normal are more or less permanent; transient are present only for days or weeks
Critical Thinking #1: If most of the normal microbiota and transient microbiota aren't harmful, then why must hands be scrubbed before surgery? To help prevent nosocomial infections
Created by: cfisher0001



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