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Gre- Ed

MY GRE 2009

avid characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit
awning a rooflike cover extending over or in front of a place (as over the deck or in front of a door or window) as a shelter
maladroit INEPT
malaise uneasiness; distress
malcontent dissatisfied with the existing state of affairs
maelstrom a powerful often violent whirlpool sucking in objects within a given radius
malign having or showing intense often vicious ill will:MALEVOLENT
malinger to pretend incapacity (as illness) so as to avoid duty or work
malleable capable of being altered or controlled by outside forces or influences
malodor an offensive odor
mandatory containing or constituting a command
mangle to spoil, injure, or make incoherent especially through ineptitude
mangy having many worn or bare spots:SEEDY, SHABBY
mania excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm
manifest 1. a list of passengers or an invoice of cargo for a vehicle (as a ship or plane) 2. easily understood or recognized by the mind:OBVIOUS
manipulate to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one's own advantage
macabre connected with death, and thus causing fear; gruesome
macerate (cause sth to) become soft or break up by soaking
Machiavellian cunning and deceitful in gaining what one wants; showing such cunning or deceit
machinations an intrigue, plot, or scheme
maculated make dirty or spotty; also used metaphorically ; spot, stain, or pollute
madrigal song for several voices, usu without instrumental accompaniment,on the themes of love and/or nature
abase ~ oneself/sb lower oneself/sb in dignity; degrade oneself/sb ;
abash to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of:disconcert
abate make or become less
abbreviate ~ sth shorten (a word, phrase, etc), esp by omitting letters
abdicate resign from or formally renounce the throne
aberrant not following the normal or correct way
aberration deviation from what is accepted as normal or right
abet ~ sb (in sth) help or encourage sb to commit an offence or do sth wrong
abeyance be suspended temporarily; not be in force or use for a time
abhor feel hatred and disgust for (sb/sth); detest
abide tolerate (sb/sth); endure; bear
abject wretched; hopeless
babble talk in a way that is difficult or impossible to understand
bacchanal bout of noisy, drunken merrymaking .
bacchanalia orgiastic rites associated with Bacchus
backslide lapse from good ways into one's former bad ways of living
badger animal of the weasel family, grey with black and white stripes on its head, living in holes in the ground and moving about at night .
badinage playful teasing; banter ;
baffle be too difficult for to understand; puzzle
baleful threatening evil or harm; menacing
balk thick, roughly-squared wooden beam
ballast heavy material placed in a ship's hold to keep it steady
balm sweet-smelling oil or ointment obtained from certain types of tree, used for soothing pain or for healing ,
balmy (of air) gentle and pleasantly warm
banal commonplace; uninteresting
bandy (idm )exchange words, etc, esp when quarrelling
nadir point in the heavens directly beneath an observer
narcissism an exceptional interest in or admiration for oneself, esp. one's physical appearance
nascent beginning to exist; not yet well developed
natal pertaining to birth
natation swimming
natty (often derog ) smart and tidy; neat
nauseate make feel sick
nautical of ships, sailors or navigation
navigable suitable for ships, boats, etc to sail on
nebula light or dark patch in the night sky caused by a cluster of very distant stars or a cloud of dust or gas
nebulous cloudlike; hazy ;
cabal secret political plot
cache place for hiding food, treasure or weapons
cacophony loud unpleasant mixture of discordant sounds
cadaverous looking like a corpse; very pale and gaunt ;
cadence rhythm in sound
cadet young person training to become a policeman or an officer in the armed forces
cajole persuade sb (to do sth) by flattery or deceit; coax sb
calamity serious misfortune or disaster
calculated undertaken after considering the likelihood of success or failure
caliber ability; capacity
callous cruelly insensitive or unsympathetic
callow immature and inexperienced
callus area of thick hardened skin
calorific of or producing heat
calumny false statement about sb, made to damage his character
oath (words used in making a) solemn promise to do sth or solemn declaration that sth is true (usu appealing to God, etc as a witness)
obdurate impossible to change; stubborn
obeisance deep bow (of respect or obedience)
obfuscate (deliberately) make (sth) confused or difficult to understand
objective not influenced by personal feelings or opinions; unbiased; fair
oblique not horizontal or vertical; sloping; slanting
obliterate remove all signs of (sth); rub or blot out
oblivion state of forgetting; state of being unaware or unconscious
oblivious unaware of or not noticing sth; having no memory of sth
obloquy public shame or disgrace; abuse; discredit ;
obnoxious very unpleasant; nasty; offensive
obscure not easily or clearly seen or understood; indistinct; hidden
Created by: ashley5273
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