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vocabulary for Algebra 1

Coefficient The number in front of a variable in an algebraic term (a constant)
Dependent Variable An output value that depends on the value of the independent variable
Distributive Every term inside grouping symbols is multiplied by the term immediately outside
Expression A group of signed terms (no equal sign)
Function Relationship in which one value depends on the other (input & output)
Independent Variable The input value in a function which is subject to choice and determines the result (output)
Identity Property Adding zero or multiplying by one results in the same value
Inequality A statement that has 2 sides with one less or greater than another; there must be an inequality sign
Like Terms Algebraic expressions having the same variable and power, so they can be add or subtracted
Radical Sign The symbol used to indicate the root of a number
Simplest Form An expression having no like terms or parentheses
Solution Set Any and all values of the variables that satisfies an equation, inequality , or system
Solve To find all solutions to an equation, inequality, or system
Term Signed product of a constant and variable
Variable Symbol or letter representing an unknown or changing value
Formula Equation that states a rule for the relationship between certain quantities
Domain Set of values of the independent variable (x-values)
Function Notation The equation y = 3x - 8 is written as f(x) = 3x - 8
Inverse Relations Switching x and y variables
Linear Equation Can be represented by a straight-line graph
Range Set of all values of the dependent variable (y-values) resulting from all possible x-values
Standard Form A linear equation of the form Ax + By = C
Vertical Line Test A test to determine if any x value corresponds to more than one y value on a graph (not a function)
X-Intercept The x-coordinate at which a graph intersects the x-axis
Y-Intercept The y-coordinate at which a graph intersects the y-axis
Constant of Variation The rate of change in a direct variation function usually represented by k
Direct Variation A function in which one variable changes at a constant rate as the other variable changes (y = kx)
Negative Reciprocal Flipped ratio with opposite sign
Parallel Lines that never intersect and have the same slope
Parent Function Cuts the coordinate plane diagonally through the origin with slope of 1 (y = x)
Perpendicular Lines that intersect to form right angles, having slopes that are negative reciprocals of each other
Point Slope Form A form used to find an unknown point, given one point and slope
Rate of Change Shows how quantities change in relation to each other
Slope The difference in y coordinates divided by the difference in x coordinates of any 2 points (rise
Slope-Intercept Form An equation in the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope and be is the y-intercept
Elimination Using addition or subtraction to remove one variable and solve systems
Infinite Solutions Equations for the same line having the same solutions to infinity
No Solutions Equations of parallel lines with no solutions in common
Substitution Using the value of one variable to solve a system of equations
System of Equations Set of equations with the same variables
Absolute Value The positive distance to zero on the number line
Compound Inequality 2 or more inequalities connected by “and” or “or”
Set-Builder Notation The set {x : x > 0} or {x | x > 0} are read aloud, "the set of all x such that x is greater than 0."
Binomial Expression with 2 unlike terms joined by + or -
Constant A term that has a fixed value and does not contain a variable
Degree Sum of exponents in a monomial; greatest degree in a polynomial
FOIL Method Distributing 2 binomials by multiplying the first terms, the outer terms, the inner terms, then the last terms; like terms are then combined
Monomial Number, variable, or product of number and variable
Negative Exponent Way of indicating reciprocals
Polynomial Monomial or sum of monomials
Power of a Power A power raised to a power multiplies the exponents
Trinomial Sum of 3 monomials
Zero Exponent Following a pattern of exponents, anything to the zero power is 1
Factoring Writing a number as a product of its factors in order to solve for an unknown
Greatest Common Factor Largest integer that will divide evenly into each of a given set of numbers
Zero Product Property If the product of 2 or more factors is zero, at least 1 of the factors must equal zero
Axis of Symmetry Part of the graph on one side of a line is a reflection of the part on the other side
Completing the Square Number is added to both sides of the equation so that one side is a perfect square
Exponential Decay Decrease in number or size at a constantly growing rate
Exponential Function A function whose value is a constant raised to the power which is a variable
Exponential Growth Increase in number or size, at a constantly growing rate
Maximum Highest point on the graph of a curve
Minimum Lowest point on the graph of a curve
Parabola Graph of a quadratic function having a U shape
Quadratic Equation Second degree polynomial
Quadratic Formula formula in the form for finding roots of the quadratic equation
Quadratic Function Large part of mathematical relationships of the world (i.e. area & gravity) graphs as a parabola
Roots Solution(s) of a quadratic equation
Vertex Maximum or minimum point of a parabola
Zeros X and y intercepts found by solving for x = 0 and y = 0
Created by: bmendiola
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