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chapters 17 and on

senescence the state of phsyical decline, in which the body gradually becomes less strong and efficient with age
homeostasis the adjustment of the body's systems to keep physiological functions in a state of equilibrium. As the body ages, it takes longer for homeostatic adjustments to occur.
set point a particular body weight that an individuals homeosstatic processes strive to maintain
organ reserve the xtra capacity of the heart, lungs and other organs that makes it possible for the body to withstand moments of intense or prolonged stress. with age, organ reserve is gradually depleted
pelivic inlfammatory disease (PID) a common result of recurring pelvic infections in women. often leads to blocked fallopean tubes, which in turn can lead to infertility
in vitro fertilization (IVF) a technique in which ova are surgically removed from a woman and fertilized with sperm in the lab, then zygote inserted in uterus
assisted reproductive technology (ART) the collective name fo rthe various methods of medical interventions that can help infertile couples have children
body mass indes (BMI) the ratio of a person weight in kilograms divided by his/her height in meters squared
anorexia nervosa a serious eating disorder in which a person restricts eating to the point of emaciation and possible starvation. Most victims are high-achieving females in early puberty or early adulthood
bulimia nervosa an eating disorder in which the person, usually female, engages repeatedly in episodes of binge eating followed by purgin through induced vomiting or use of laxatives
drug additction a condition of drug dependence in which the absence of the given drug in the individual's system produces a drive--physiological, pyschological or both--to ingest more of the drug
more eating disorders are ______ common during young adulthood
alcohol drugs young adults are more likely to abuse __________ and _______ than are people of any other age.
married financial vocational depression occurs in this cohort, partly because they are less likely to be _____, and more likely ot experience stress over ___ & _____ issues
Postformal stage a proposed adult stage of development following piaget's four stages that is characterized by postformal thought, more practical, flexible and dialectical.
stereotype threat the possibility that one's appearance or behavior willl be misused to confirm another persona's oversimplified, prejeudiced attitude
dialectical thought most advanced cognitive process. characteriaed by the ability to consider a thesis and its antithesis simultaneoulsy and arrive at a synthesis.
thesis propostition or statement of belief
antithesis proposition or statement that opposes the the thesis
Defining Issues Test (DIT) a series of questions devweloped by James Rest, designed to assess respondents' level of moral development by having them rank possible solutions to moral dilemmas
intimacy vs. isolation 6th of Erikson's eight stages. Adults seek someon with whom to share their lives in an enduring and self-sacrificing committment. Without this, they risk profound aloneness and isolation
generativity vs. stagnation Erikson's 7th stage. seeking productivity through vocation, childrearing--without adults stop growing and developing
social clock refers to the idea that the stages of life and behaviors appropriate to them are set by social standards rather than biological formation.
gateways to attraction the various qualities, such as appearance and proximity that are prerequisites for the formation of close freindships and intimate relationships
exclusion criteria a person's reasons for omitting certain people from consideration as close friends or partners. exclusion criteria vary from person to person but are strong filters
homogamy defined by developmentalist as marriang between persons who tend to be similar with respect to variables like attitudes, interests, goals, SE status, religion, ethnicity etc
heterogamy marriage between persons who are dissimilar in attitudes, SES, religion, ethnicity, etc.
social homogamy similarity of a couple's leisure intersts and role preferences
social exchange theory the view that social behavior is a process of exchange aimed at maximizing the benefits one recieves and minimizing cost.
common couple violence a from of abuse in which one or both partners of a couple engage in outbursts of verbal and physical attack.
intimate terrorism occurs when one partner (usually male) systematically isolates, degrades and punishes the other.
role overload the stress of multiple obligations taht may occur for an adult who is simultaneously a spouse, parent and employee
role buffering a situation in which achievement in one role that an adult plays-spouse, parent, employee--reduces the impact of disappointments that may occur in other roles
vitality the measure of health that refers to how healthy and energetic and individual actually feels
QALYs-Quality Adjusted life years a way of comparing mere survival w/o vitality to survival with health. QALYs indicate howmany years of full vitality are lost to a particular physical disease or disability.
DALY's Disability adjusted life years a measure of the impact of that disability has on quality of life. DALYs are the reciprocal of QALYs . A reduction in QALYs means an increase in DALYs
burden of disease the total reducion in vitality that is cause by disease induced disability in a given population.
general intelligence the idea that intelligence is one basic trait, underlying all cognitive abilities.
flynn effect a trend toward increasing average IQ, found in all developed nations during the twentieth century
seattle longitudinal study the first cross sequential study of adult intelligence. began in 1956, next test 2005
fluid intelligence those types of intelligence that make learning of all sorts quick and thorough. Includes short term memory, abstract thought, and speed of thinking.
crystallized intelligence those types of intellectual ability that reflect accumulated learning. Vocab, general information are examples.
some developmentalists believe that _________ intelligence increases with age, while ________ intelligence declines crystallized; fluid
analytic intelligence intelligence that involves abstract planning, strategy selection, focused attending and information processing, as well as verbal and logical skills
creative intelligence intelligence that involves the capacity to be intellectually flexible and innovative
practical intelligence the intellectual skills used in everyday problem solving.
Robert Sternberg identified 3 forms of intelligence. What are they? analytic, creative, practical.
selective optimization with compensation the theory that people try to maintain a balance in their lives by looking for hte best way to compensate for phsyical and cognitive losses and to become more proficient at activities they do well.
ecological niche the particular lifestyle and social context adults settle into that are compatible with their individual personality needs and interests
gender convergence a tendency for men and women to become more sililar as they move through middle age
gender crossover the idea that each sex takes on the other's sex roles and traits in later life.(this is more of a switching of gender roles)
social convoy a group of people who form relationships with an individual through wich they guide and socialize that person as he/she moves through life.
familism the idea that family members should support one another because family unity is more imporant than individual freedom and success.
Parental imperative the pushing of parents into roles they did not anticipate because of the demands of childrearing
Between 45-60 what proportion of people become grandparents 2/3
Hayflick limit the number of times that human cells can divide into two new cells. the limit for most human cells is approx. 50 divisions, suggestion that life span is genetically codes
genetic clock accroding to one theory of agin, a regulatory mechanism int eh DNA of cells regulates the aging process
B Cells cells manufactured in the bone marrow that create inatibodies for isolating and destroying invading bacteria and viruses.
Created by: momswann



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