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a critical practice that foreground superficial similarities in words and make them central to the text´s meaning. poststructuralism
depends on the association of truth with the logos as the philosophical and theological origin of truth understood as self-revealing thought or cosmic reason... the powerful idea that there is a difference between spoken words and written signs... phonocentrism
the materially identifiable element such as a sound or visible/graphic mark (word) signifier
has no authority over what he writes. modern scriptor
reading and interpretation reproducing what the writer thought and expressed in the text (j.derrida). doubling commentary
“the principle of contrast between two mutually exclusive terms: on/off, up/down, left/right” (baldick). post-structuralists also argue that each term of the binary is dependent on the other in order to constitute itself. binary opposition
the _________ must eliminate the author in order to liberate meaning through the act of _________. reader
a way of reading that aims to uncover the disunity within the text. deconstruction
a critical practice that look for shifts and breaks in the text and see these as evidence of what is passed over in silence by the text. poststructuralism
the solely responsible for the meaning of the literary work. author
is born simultaneously with the text. modern scriptor
a critical practice that looks for hidden meanings in a text which may contradict its surface or apparent meaning. poststructuralism
a term which is more or less interchangeable with signified and refers to the concept to which the signifier is related. referent
reads and interprets literature through its author. ordinary culture
poststructuralist criticism challenges the category of the ‘author’ as omniscient or the single source of power in relation to a text, as an authority; meaning is not limited to, fixed by or located in the person of the author. author
differs from the author in that he is not held to be responsible for a book in the same way. modern scriptor
a way of reading that notices what the writer “commands and what he does not command of the … language that he uses”. deconstruction
a story, play, poem, picture, etc., in which the meaning or message is represented symbolically. allegory
a critical practice that reads the text against itself. poststructuralism
must die in order for the reader to be born. author
the author must die in order for the reader to be born. death of the author
the conceptual referent of the sign (meaning) // what the sound or graphic mark conceptually refers to signified
the term which ordinary culture uses when referring to the person who produces a literary work. author
the reader and the act of reading are necessary for a text to constitute itself. reader
the resistance to using information derived from the writer’s life or known intentions as part of the process of interpretation since this presumes that the author imposes the final limit on meaning and attributes to him (or her) a godlike status. death of the author
refers to the nature of western thought, language and culture since plato’s era. the greek signifier for ‘word’, ‘speech’ and ‘reason’, _____ possesses connotations in western culture for law and truth. hence, ___________ refers to a culture that revolves logocentrism
a system that emphasizes private initiative and individual effort and enterprise. capitalism
denotes an ultimate, fixed meaning. transcendental signified
Created by: 1407007959
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