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AWL Sublist #1

Academic Word List - Sublist #01 - 60 Entery

analyze to examine or think about something carefully in order to understand it
approach to move closer to someone or something; to ask someone for something when you are not sure if s/he will do what you want
area a particular part of a place, city, country, etc; a particular subject or type of activity
assess to make a judgment abut a person or situation after thinking carefully about it; to calculate the quality, amount, or value of something
assume to think that something is true although you have no proof; take control, power, or a particular position; to start having a particular quality or appearance
authority the power someone has because of his/her official position; someone who is respected because of his/her knowledge about a subject
available if something is available, you can have it, buy it, or use it
benefit the money or other advantages you get from something such as insurance or the government or as part of your job; advantage, improvement or help that you get from something
concept an idea of how something is, or how something should be done
consist to be made of or contain particular things or people
constitute if several parts constitute something, they form it together
context the situation, events, or information that are related to something, and that help you understand it; the words and sentences that come before and after a word that can help you understand its meaning
contract a legal written agreement between two people, companies, etc that says what each will do; to get a contagious illness; to become smaller or tighter
create to make something new exist or happen; to invent or design something
data information or facts
define to explain the exact meaning of a particular word or idea
derive to get something such as happiness, strength or satisfaction from someone or something; to develop or come from something else
distribute to give something such as medicine or food to each person in a large group
economy the way that money, businesses, and products are organized in a particular country, area, etc.; the careful use of money, time, products, etc. so that nothing is wasted
environment the land, water, and air in which people, animals, and plants live; the situations, things, people, etc. that affect the way in which people live and work
establish to start something such as a company, system, situation, etc., especially one that will exist for a long tine; to begin a relationship, conversation, etc., with someone; to find out facts that will prove something is true
estimate to judge the value, size, etc. of something
evident easily noticed or understood
export the business of selling goods to another country
factor one of several things that influence or cause a situation
finance the control of how money is spent, especially for a company or government
formula a method or set of principles that you use in order to solve a problem or to make sure that something is successful
function to work in a particular way or in the correct way; the usual purpose of a thing, or the job that someone usually does; a large party or ceremonial event
identify to recognize and name someone or something
income the money that you earn from working or making investments
indicate to show that something exists or is likely to be true
individual considered separately from other people or things in the same group
interpret to change words spoken in one language into another; translate
involve to include or affect someone or something
issue a subject or problem that people discuss; a magazine, newspaper, etc. printed for a particular day, week, month, or year
labor work, especially work using a lot of physical effort; the process in which a baby is born by being pushed from its mother's body
legal allowed, ordered, or approved by law; relating to the law
legislate to make a law about something
major very large or important, especially when compared to other things or people of a similar kind
method a planned way of doing something
occur to happen, especially without being planned first; to exist or be present in a particular place
percent equal to a particular amount in every hundred
period a length of time (in a particular person's life, in history, in a sports game, etc.)
policy a way of doing things that has been officially agreed and chosen by a political party, business, or organization
principle a moral rule or set of ideas about what is right and wrong, that influences how you behave; the basic idea that a plan or system is based on; a rule that explains the way something works
proceed to continue to do something that has already been planned or started
process a series of actions, developments, or changes that happen naturally; a series of actions that someone does to achieve a particular result
require to need something
research serious study of a subject that is intended to discover new facts about it
respond to react to something that has been said or done
role the position, job, or function, of someone or something has in a particular situation or activity
section one of the parts that an object, group, place, etc. is divided into
sector a part of an area of activity, especially of business, industry, or trade
significant noticeable or important
similar almost the same but not exactly the same
source the thing, place, person, etc. that you get something from; the cause of a problem, or the place where it starts; a person place, or document that you get information from
specific detailed and exact
structure The way something is set up or organized; organization
theory an idea that explains how something works, why something happens, etc., especially something that has not yet been proven true
vary if several things of the same type vary, they are all different from each other
Created by: mhsamei
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