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Chem 11: Hebden


Accurate Measurement A measurement that is close to the CORRECT of ACCEPTED value (p28)
Acid A compund whose formula starts with an "H" (p74)
Actinide An element in the row underneath the main part of the table, starting with actinium (p161)
Alcohol An organic compund containing an OH group (p233)
Aldehyde An organic compound containing a COH group at the end of a hydrocarbon chain (p234)
Alkali Metal An element in the first column of the periodic table (except hydrogen) (p161)
Alkaline Earth Metal An element in the second column of the periodic table (p161)
Alkane A hydrocarbon in which all the carbon atoms are connected by single bonds (p215)
Alkene An organic compund containing a carbon-carbon double bond (p226)
Alkyl Group An alkane which has lost one hydrogen atom (p217)
Alkyl Halide An alkane having a halogen attached (p224)
Alkyne An organic compound containing a carbon-carbon triple bond (p226)
Alpha Particle A He2+ ion which is given off by a radioactive atom (p142-143)
Amide An organic compound containing a CONH2 group (p236)
Amine An organic compound containing an NH2 group (p236)
Amino Acid A carboxylic acid with an amine group at the 2-position (p237)
Anion An ion with a NEGATIVE charge (p68)
Aqueous Solution A solution in which the solvent is WATER (p51)
Aromatic Molecule A molecule containing one or more benzene rings (p231)
Asymmetrical Molecule A molecule in which one end is different than the other (p200)
Atom The smallest possible unit of an element which retains the fundamental properties of the element (p49)
Atomic Mass The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom (p146)
Atomic Number The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom; also, the charge of the nucleus (p145)
Avogadro's Hypothesis Equal columes of gases, at the same temperature and pressure, contain the same number of particles (p77)
Avogadro's Number The number of particles in 1 mol of a substance = 6.04e23 (p83)
Balanced Equation A chemical reaction equation in which mass, atoms, and electrical charge are conserved (p107)
Base A compound that has a chemical formula ending with OH (p116)
Base Unit One of the basic units in SI measurement (such as gram, meter, second and mole) (p16)
Beta Particle A high energy electron emitted directly from an atomic nucleus (p142)
Binary Compound A compound made of two different types of atom (p73)
Bohr Model (of the atom) A model in which the electrons in an atom are restricted to having specific energies and are restricted to following specific paths at a fixed distance from the nucleus (p144)
Boiling Temperature The temperature at which a liquid changes into the gas phase. At the boiling temperature the liquid and gas phases co-exist (p60)
Carboxylic Acid An organic compound which contains a COOH group (p236)
Cation An ion with a POSITIVE charge (p68)
Chemical Change A change in which new substances are formed (p59)
Chemical Property The ability of a substance to undergo chemical reactions and change into new substances, either by itself or with other substances (p44)
Chemical Reaction Equation An equation that shows the chemicals used up and produced during a chemical reaction (p105)
Chemical Word Equation Uses words to describe the REACTANTS and PRODUCTS (p105)
Chemistry The science concerned with the properties, composition and behaviour of matter (p44)
Chromatography A separation process in which different dissolved substances in a solution (the mobile phase) preferentially move through an absorbent material (the stationary phase) and are separated according to the relative attractions of the dissolved solids (p57)
CIS Isomer An isomer in which attached groups are on the same side of a double bond (p230)
Closed Shell An electron shell which contains its maximun number of electrons (p154)
Closed System A system is closed if nothing can enter or leave it (p105)
Coefficient The number shown in front of each species involved in a chemical reaction (p105)
Combination Reaction Synthesis
Combining Capacity Valence (as a noun)
Combustion A general term referrin to the rapid reaction of a substance with oxygen to produce substantial amounts of heat, and usually a flame (p116)
Compound A pure substance made of two or more types of atoms (p51)
Concentrated Solution A solution with a relatively high concentration of a particular substance (p96)
Concentration The amount of the substance which exists in a given volume of the solution (p96)
Created by: slslozzy
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