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literary terms

English definitions

analyze break down into parts
interpret Explain the meaning of
illustrate Explain by example
significant meaning, importance
author's purpose entertain, persuade, facts
phrase short expression or thought
subheading a second title
rhetorical question does not want an answer, to make a point
intended effect what you want to happen or cause to happen
convey to get across, explain
inference make a conclusion based upon what you know
audience who is reading or listening
graphic a picture, chart, graph
text words in print
advise to give advice to
imply (implies) get a point across without coming out and saying it
restate to say again
personification to make an object seem like a person
theme subject matter, underlying meaning
irony (ironic) words to show the opposite of the true meaning, not what you would expect to happen
imagery words to make you visualize or see the object or place
hyperbole huge exaggeration
foreshadowing hints of what is to come
summarize a shorter version of the most important facts
conflict problems
antagonist the bad guy
protagonist the good guy
tone the mood, attitude or feeling
organizational pattern how a story is put together: spatial, chronological, compare/contrast, cause/effect, problem/solution
alliteration repeat the same sound
onomatopoeia sound words
rhyme and meter rhythm
stanza paragraph in a poem
methods to develop information appeal to emotions, glittering generalities, bandwagon, propoganda
anthology a collection of literary works
genre a way to categorize literature or art: drama, comedy, historical, fiction, science fiction, fantasy, romance, horror, adventure, action, documentary
figurative language expressions
idiom phrase that has a special meaning
pun funny use of a word
simile comparison using like or as
metaphor comparison not using like or as
literal language being and meaning exactly as stated
analogy example of something similar
transition change from one subject to another
paradox statement that seems untrue or to contradict itself
excerpt a piece of a section of a story
climax the high point in the story
plot the action/events of a story in order
synonym words that have the same meaing (small, tiny)
antonym words that have the opposite meaning (good, bad)
homonym words that sound the same, but have different meanings (deer, dear)
homophone words with the same sound and spelling (read, read)
biography a true story about someone else
autobiography a true story written by yourself
Created by: belles
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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