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Vocabulary 1-10

100 words

absorb to take in or suck or swallow up
adversely harmfully
agriculture farming, cultivation of the soil
algae any plant or plantlike organism (as a seaweed) that includes forms mostly growing in water
aquatic living or growing in, on, or near the water
assimilate to absorb, to understand
biological having to do with living things
buffer something that serves as a protective barrier
chemical a science that deals with the composition, structure, and properties of substances and with the changes that they go through
clog something that hinders or holds back
Noun a word that is the name of something (as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action)
Verb a word that expresses an act, occurrence, or state of being, an action word
Adjective a word that modifies a noun by describing what it is like
Adverb a word used to modify a verb, an adjective, another adverb
Pronoun a word that is used as a substitute for a noun
Conjunction a word or expression that joins together sentences, clauses, phrases, or words
Figurative language Words that are used in ways that aren’t purely literal
Personification Describing something not human by giving it human characteristics
Simile a comparison that isn't literal and uses like or as
Metaphor a non-literal comparison that doesn't use like or as.
Data Information
Classify Putting objects into groups based on their characteristics
Experiment Test of a hypothesis controlling variables
Plain flat expanse of land
Rave To talk wildly
continent one of the 7 large landmasses on the earth
channel a wide strait or waterway between 2 landmasses that lie close to each other; deep part of a river or other waterway
cliff a steep, high wall of rock, earth, or ice
desert a region of vegetation, either cold or hot, that receives ten inches or less of precipitation each year
glacier a large, thick body of slowly moving ice
axis n. straight line around which something rotates
fragrant sweet-smelling
teeming filled to overflowing
accomplice assistant to a crime
arc curved path
ebb to decrease in force or level
impulse sudden act
indefinitely for an unlimited time
ponderous of great weight
pry to pull by using a lever
Implore to beg
Primly stiffly; daintily
recede to move backward; to withdraw
rueful sad
venture bold or risky act
anguish extreme pain or sorrow
helter-skelter without order; messy
Immense very large
Melancholy Depressed
Pickle difficult situation
Objective Something worked toward or striven for; a goal.
Rubric A tool to assess work describing different levels of performance.
Evaluation Examining and carefully judging something
Assessment An activity that shows what you know and can do.
Geography Geography is the study of the earth in all its variety—human and natural—focusing on how locations affect all other aspects of a place.
Standard A degree or level of requirement, excellence, or attainment
Strategy A way of doing something difficult
Percent Out of each hundred, per hundred
Grammar Rules of language and how words and punctuation combine to form sentences.
Punctuation The standard marks and signs, besides letters, in writing and printing
mouth (of a river) a place where a stream or river flows into a larger body of water
bay the part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline, generally smaller than a gulf
source (of a river) a place where a river or stream begins, often in highlands
strait a narrow stretch of water joining 2 larger bodies of water
Tributary a small river or stream that flows into a large river or stream; a branch of the river
gulf part of a large body of water that extends into a shoreline, generally larger and more deeply indented than a bay
peninsula a body of land jutting into a lake or ocean, surrounded on 3 sides by water
hill elevated land with sloping sides and a rounded summit; generally smaller than a mountain
island a land area, smaller than a continent, completely surrounded by water
isthmus a narrow stretch of land connecting 2 larger land areas
condense to increase the amount of a substance in a space by removing other substances with which it is mixed or in which it is dissolved
consume to make complete use of : EXHAUST
contaminants to make impure or unfit for use by adding something harmful or unpleasant
critical very important
debris the remains of something broken down or destroyed an accumulation of fragments of rock
decompose to break down through chemical change : ROT
degraded to reduce the complexity of a chemical compound
deplete to reduce in amount by using up
deprive to take something away from
derived to come from a certain source
extravagant excessive, going beyond reasonable bounds
tangible able to be touched or felt
leaden heavy and sad
sullen gloomy, sad, in a bad mood
timorous Scared, reluctant
moderation Not going to extremes.
pastor a minister or priest in charge of a church or parish
imams Muslim religious leaders
compare tell the differences and similiarities
contrast tell the differences
Trace Outline, List in Steps
Analyze Break apart, Study the Pieces
Infer A Good Guess, Read Between the Lines
Evaluate Judge, In Your Own Words
Formulate Put Together, Create
Describe Tell All About
Support Give the Facts, Back Up With Details
Explain Tell How, Put in Your Own Words
Summarize Sum It Up, Give Me the Short Version
Predict Make a Guess, What Will Happen Next
Created by: team64
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