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Eng I midterm

English midterm flashcards 12/12/2011

What is the internal conflict for Katniss in the Hunger Games? deciding whether or not she loves Gale or Peeta
Why did Katniss decide to team up with Rue and protect her? because Rue helped Katniss escape from the careers early on in the games
What is the climax of the book? When Peet and Katniss nearly eat the poisonous berries and win The Hunger Games
Who did Katniss volunteer for at the reapng and why? she volunteered for Prim because Prim was only 12 years old and would have no chance at survival
In wht way did Rue first help Katniss? she pointed toward the tracker-jacker nest so that Katniss could escape fromthe Careers
Why does Peeta want to 'show the Capitol' that they don't own him? because the Games have taken away the humanity and individuality from him and Katniss
What's Katniss' main motivation to win the games? she wants to be able to feed her family and so that District 12 can have more money
What type of irony is it when the girl's name is chosen at te reaping of Hunger Games?Why? Prim had her name in the drawing only once. She was the last person expected to be drawn so itis situational irony.
What is the character inference about Circe in the Odyssey? deceptive
Athena holds high esteem for Odysseus because of these character traits brave, cunning
Who is the son of Poseidon? Polyphemus who is the Cyclops
Odysseus places his crew in jeopardy when he does what to Polyphemus while they are leaving the island. Taunts the Cyclops. Puts a red hot iron poker in Polyphemus' eye and pokes it out. Shows his arrogance
Why does Odysseus eventually come to trust Circe? she kept her promise, turned his sailors from swine back into men, and told himm where to go for go to the underworld to see Tirisius
Which character is Odysseus' mentor throughout The Odyssey? Athena
What does the Lous Flower do? makes men not care, forget about home
What is the name of Odysseus' wife who waits for him to return home? Penelope
What is the Siren's 'weapon' to lure men closer to them? singing voices
Odysseus takes a risk when he has his men do what to im when they pass the Sirens? He asks his men to tie him to the mast of the ship
Why doesn't anyone recognize Odysseus when he returns to Ithaca? He is disguised as a Beggar by Athena
What does Odysseus finally do to convince Penelope that he is her husband? he describes how he made the bed out of an olive tree
Why is Mme. Loisel unhappy at the beginning of the story of The Necklace? she is unhappy with the things she has, she is poor
Why does Mme. Loisel tell Mme. Forestier about her unhappiness? she wants to borrow expensive looking jewelry from Mme. Forestier for the party
The main conflict in 'The Necklace' is man vs. self. (internal struggle because Mme. Loisel is unhappy with herself
What character flaw does Mme. Loisel possess that leads her to her troubles? she is too proud to tell Mme. Forestier the truth when she loses the necklace. She's greedy.
When Mme. Loisel begins to live as a poor person, which part of the plot is it? falling action
How does Montresor act when Fortunado asks to judge the wine in the 'Cask of Amontillado?' pretends he is reluctant to have him come into the cavern to seen the wine
Why does Montresor tell Fortunado that he is going to ask another person to judge the wine? because he knows it will lure Fortunado down to the catacombs. Fortunado's pride drives him to say he is the better evaluator of wines.
What is the main character trait that Fortunado possesses? arrogance
Why is Montresor seeking revenge on Fortunado? hew publically hummiliated Montresor several times
Fortunado's tragic flaw that leads him to his death is his arrogance, pride
Verbal irony: Saying something but meaning the exact opposite. Pick a quote that shows verbal irony from 'The Cask of Amontillado'. "My friend, I will not impose on your good nature" to go down to the catacombs and see the wine.
What trick did The Snier play on the other soldier that made the other soldier think he was dead? he put his hat on the tip of his rible and let it fall to the ground
Why did the sniper shoot a woman on the street? he thought she was an informant
Why did the sniper need to kill the man on the other roof so he could escape
What is the main type of irony in the story when the sniper finds out that the enemy was his brother all along? situational irony (situational because there is a contrast between what the reader expects and what really happens)
Why is Doodle named Doodle in The Scarlet Ibis he looked like a doodle bug because of the way he crawled
All throughout Doodle's life, his brother is constantly trying to make Doodle walk, runb, etc. He is always trying to _________ Doodle. push
Why is Doodle different from everyone else? small, crippled, weak heart
What happened that caused Doodle to die? brother left him in the storm and he over-exerted himself trying to catch up with his brother; his heart failed
What is the narrator's motivation for Doodle getting better? his own pride
In the Gift of the Magi, why is Jim's full name ironic? because it is a rich and proper name and he is poor
Why is Della crying at the beginning of the story? She only has $1.87 to buy Jim's Christmas gift
How does Della save up to $1.87 a penney at a time over 6 months from bargaining with the butcher and the vegetable man
What possession of Jim's is his most treasured possession? His gold watch from his grandfather
What does Della do in order to buy her husband a gift? she sold her hair for $20
What does adjective do? Example modify a noun. Example: lovely day
What does an adverb do? Example modify a verb, adverb, or adjective Example: talks quietly
What does an action verbe do? Example shows action Example: she talks
What does a helping verb do? Example 'helps' an action verb make sense. Example she is talking
What does a linking verb do? Example links the subject to the adjective. Example: She IS quiet. (in the predicate of the sentence) The bed WAS wet.
What does a subject do? Example. The person or thing 'doing' the action. Must always be a noun. Example: She is quiet.
Know the most common prepositions on, of, at, by, for, from, to, with 'Anything a squirrel can do to a tree!'
The object of a prepositional phrase must always be a noun. Example: On the deck
What is a simple sentence type? one independent clause. Ray Bradbury, A SCIENCE FICTION WRITER, has written SHORT STORIES AND NOVELS. The narrator, RECALLNG THE YEARS OF HIS CHILDHOOD, tells his story.
What is a compound sentence type? 1 independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses. One should not complain UNLESS ONE HAS A BETTER SOLUTION. We sketched pictures of WHOMEVER WE WISHED. All the students knew the answer, yet they were too shy to volunteer.
What is a complex sentence type? one independent clause, one dependent. One should not complain UNLESS ONE HAS A BETTER SOLUTION.
What is a Cpd-Cplx: 2 independent, one dependent clause. All the students knew the answer that their teacher expected, yet they were too shy to volunteer.
What is the definiton of an Independent Clause have a subject and a verb and stand alone and make sense
What is the definition of a dependent clause have a subject and a verb but can not stand alone, they must have an independent clause to make them make sense
MLA format. Margins, Font, Font Size 1" , Times New Roman, 12 pt.
MLA Format: Where does the HEADING go? top left of 1st page only
MLA Format: Where does the HEADER go? top right of each page. Consists of LST NAME, PAGE NUMBER
What 4 things are included in the HEADING? your name, teacher's name, class, date
Created by: stinglasher23
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