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Spanish Vocabulary

acampar to camp
andar en moto todo terreno to ride an ATV
el arco y la flecha bow and arrow
el banyi bungee jumping
el botiqui`n first aid kit
bucear to scuba dive
el campamento campsite
la can~a de pescar fishing pole
la cancha court
el casco helmet
cazar to hunt
el chaleco salvavidas life jacket
la competencia contest, competition
el corredor runner
correr to run
correr peligro to be in danger
escalar to climb
esquiar en tabla to snowboard
fracturar to break
hacer escalada en roca to rock climb
hacer parapente to hang glide
hacer windsurf to windsurf
el jinete horseback rider
montar una tienda de campan~a to pitch a tent
nadar to swim
navegar a vela to sail
pescar to fish
remar to row
sudar to sweat
aficionarse a to become interested in
apostar to bet
atreverse a to dare to
cara o cruz heads or tails
el cine movie theater, filmmaking
coleccionar to collect
competir to compete
diestro skillful, cunning
la estampilla postage stamp
exhibir to display, to exhibit
la ficha chip, playing piece
hacer trampa to cheat
el juego de azar game of chance
la jugada a play or move (in a game)
la ma`quina tragamonedas slot machine
la moneda coin
el ocio free time
retar a to dare
salir de juerga/ de parranda to go out on the town
el sello stamp
el sorteo raffle
el torneo tournament
torpe clumsy
la trampa trick
trasnochar to stay up
el agujero negro black hole
el cohete rocket
la conjetura conjecture
conjeturar to conjecture
desde since
encargarse de to see to, to deal with
especular to speculate
expandirse to expand
monitorizar to monitor
la profeci`a prophecy
puesto que since (because)
renombrado renowned
el riesgo risk
la superficie surface
el tejido tissue
la trayectoria trajectory
volador flying
volar to fly
Created by: kph0004
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