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Mrs. Yates is a 56-year-old patient who complains of joint pain. On examination you notice changes in her joints. While examining range of motion (ROM) on a patient, you should remember that: passive ROM is normally 5 degrees greater than active ROM.
The spine of a newborn infant should be palpated with the examiner noting the shape of each spinal process. If a split is noted in one of the spinal processes, which problem is suspected? Bifid defect
Mrs. Green brings in her 6-month-old infant for examination. Which of the following observations should be considered an expected finding at this age? The infant holds a rattle or spoon.
Which of the following questions asked by the examiner would be most helpful in understanding a patient complaining of acute back pain? “Was there any activity or injury that occurred before the onset of the pain?”
Mr. McKnight, a 72-year-old patient, presents to your office for a routine office visit. Which finding would be considered normal? Kyphosis
Which of the following from a patient’s history indicates an increased risk of osteomyelitis? An open fracture of the radius
Mr. Bartlet is a 24-year-old patient who presents to your office with a complaint of knee pain. On examination what degree of knee flexion is considered a normal finding? 130 degrees
Which of the following is considered a normal finding for a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy? Lordosis
Mrs. Grent is a 45-year-old black woman who presents to your office with a complaint of back and joint pain. Which of the following conditions would be considered rare among black women? Severe osteoporosis
When assessing for carpal tunnel syndrome, Tinel sign can be performed by tapping: the median nerve.
Which group is susceptible to subluxation of the head of the radius? Infants/toddlers
Mrs. Black is a 45-year-old patient who presents for an office visit. The extension of the patient’s head against the examiner’s hand is a test of: sternocleidomastoid muscle strength.
Mrs. Bower is a 38-year-old patient who presents to your office with complaints of pain and a clicking noise with jaw movement. The pain extends into the face. These symptoms are suggestive of which condition? Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
“Normal” muscle strength is documented as Grade ______. 5
While measuring the circumference of the extremities of a 43-year-old patient, the examiner makes comparisons of the right and left sides. What findings should the examiner expect? Measurement differences are nearly equal.
Mr. Jones is a 37-year-old patient who presents to your office. Assessment of internal rotation and forward flexion of the arm at the shoulder is which of the following? Neer test
To assess muscle strength of the temporalis and masseter muscles, the examiner will ask the patient to:
For which type of problem does a family history have significance? Rheumatoid arthritis
Jeremy a 9½-month-old who pulls himself to a standing position and holds onto a chair while standing. Nathan a 9½-month-old who sits alone on the floor using his hands for support. he is not yet scooting or creeping on the floor. What conclusion is it app Nathan may have a developmental delay.
Which statement made by a patient helps the examiner differentiate osteoarthritis from rheumatoid arthritis? “I get extremely tired by mid-morning, even when I sleep well.”
In addition to providing structure and function, the musculoskeletal system is also responsible for all the following except: secretion of minerals.
Which of the following is a function of the musculoskeletal system? Storage space for minerals.
An example of a synarthrotic joint would be the: cranial sutures
The elbow joint consists of articulation of the: humerus, radius, and ulna.
Muscles are attached to the bones by: tendons.
Increased levels of hormones in the pregnant female result in which of the following? Increased elasticity of ligaments
During fetal development, bone emerges from: calcified cartilage.
During pregnancy, a woman may develop what to compensate for the enlarging uterus and shift her center of gravity over the lower extremities? Lordosis
Mrs. French is a 73-year-old patient who comes to your office. In the older adults, which of the following best describes alterations that exist related to their bone density? Bone deposition is less than bone resorption.
Bony prominences become more apparent in older adults as a result of: the loss of subcutaneous tissue.
During inspection of the muscles of a male construction worker, you notice that his upper extremities are slightly asymmetrical with the right arm slightly larger than his left. you conclude that he is right dominant. you may safely conclude that: this is a perfectly normal finding and requires no further follow-up.
Incorrect The rubbing of two irregular bony edges together produces: crepitus
Which of the following statements is true in regard to passive range of motion (ROM)? Passive ROM often exceeds active ROM by 5 degrees.
When testing for muscle strength, which of the following best describes the procedure? Have the individual flex/extend a muscle; the examiner applies opposing force with the patient able to adequately resist opposition.
The curves of the cervical and lumbar spines are: concave.
Scoliosis is associated with which type of spinal deformity? Lateral curvature
Mrs. Harris is a 69-year-old patient who presents to your office for follow-up of her rheumatoid arthritis. Which of the following deformities is associated with rheumatoid arthritis? Boutonniere deformity
Mrs. Blain is a 45-year-old patient who presents to your office. On examination you note a positive Tinel sign. A positive Tinel sign is associated with: carpal tunnel syndrome.
A variation in leg alignment identified as genu varum is commonly known as: bow legged.
Mr. Gerrard is a 56-year-old construction worker who presents to your office with a complaint of knee pain. On examination you perform ballottement of the knee. Ballottement of the knee is performed to determine: the presence of fluid in the knee.
Mr. Booker is a 47-year-old patient who presents to your office with a complaint of knee pain. When performing the drawer test, you note there is excessive movement of the knee on an anterior/posterior plane that leads you to believe: there is a possible injury to the anterior cruciate ligament.
The Barlow-Ortolani maneuver is performed on the infant to detect the presence of: hip dislocation.
Mrs. Bower brings in her 8-year-old daughter for an office visit. You note generalized muscle weakness, which is indicated by Gower sign, which is best described by which of the following? The child rises from a sitting position by placing her hands on her legs and pushing the trunk up.
Which of the following is an important assessment tool in evaluating the older adult's musculoskeletal system? Functional assessment
Structural scoliosis is most often found in: adolescent females.
Which joints are frequently moving articulations that are enclosed by a capsule of fibrous articular cartilage? Diarthroses
Bones around a joint are held together by: ligaments.
Bones are attached to muscles by: tendons.
An example of a condyloid joint is the: wrist
The glenohumeral joint is the other name for the: shoulder.
The cruciate ligaments within the knee provide for: anterior and posterior stability.
Medial and lateral surfaces of the tibiotalar joint are protected by: ligaments.
The tibia, fibula, and talus articulate to form the: ankle.
Ligaments are stronger than bone until: adolescence.
Injuries to long bones and joints are more likely to result in fractures than in sprains until: adolescence.
Skeletal changes in older adults are the result of: increased bone resorption.
The usual number of vertebrae is: 24
Risk factors for sports-related injuries include: failure to warm up before activity.
An increase in muscle tone is known as: spasticity.
Fasciculation occurs after injury to a muscle's: motor neuron.
The physical assessment technique most frequently used to assess joint symmetry is: inspection.
When palpating joints, crepitus may be caused when: irregular bony surfaces rub together.
The temporomandibular joint is palpated: anterior to the tragus.
Temporalis and masseter muscles are evaluated by: having the patient clench his or her teeth.
The strength of the trapezius muscle is evaluated by having the patient: push her head against the examiner’s hand.
Expected normal findings during inspection of spinal alignment include: head positioned superiorly to the gluteal cleft.
A common finding in markedly obese and pregnant women is: lordosis.
When the patient flexes forward at the waist, what spinal observation would lead you to suspect scoliosis? Lateral curvature of the spine
When the shoulder contour is asymmetrical and one shoulder has hollows in the rounding contour, you would suspect: dislocated shoulder.
Ulnar deviation and boutonniere deformities are characteristic of: rheumatoid arthritis.
__________ are bony overgrowths of the distal end of the fingers and are associated with osteoarthritis. Heberden nodes.
A tingling sensation radiating from the wrist to the hand on striking the median nerve is a positive _____ sign. Tinel
Classic carpal tunnel syndrome would result in: reduced abduction of the thumb.
Excessive hyperextension of the knee with weight bearing may indicate: weakness of the quadriceps muscle.
Arm length is measured from the acromion process through the: olecranon process to distal ulnar prominence.
The Thomas test is used to detect: flexion contractures of the hip.
Which one of the following techniques is used to detect a torn meniscus? McMurray test
Anterior cruciate ligament integrity is assessed via the _____ test. Lachman
During a football game, a player was struck on the lateral side of the left leg while his feet were firmly planted. He is complaining of left knee pain. To examine the left knee you should initially perform the _____ test. valgus stress
Term infants normally resist: knee extension.
Created by: TwiggyG85



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