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PHYS 1500 Chapter 7

Chemical Potential Energy Energy stored in Chemical Forces between Atoms.
Thermal Equilibrium When no thermal energy flows between objects.
Heat Thermal Energy on the move.
Heat Exchanger A device that transfers heat without transferring the hot molecules themselves.
Electrons Charged particles that make up out portions of atoms.
Thermal conductivity Measure of how rapidly heat flows through materials exposed to a difference in temperatures.
Convection Movement of fluid from a hotter object to a cold one.
Radiation Emission of heat and radioactive material.
Heat Capacity Overall temperature rise must be proportional to heat added.
Specific Heat Heat capacity of a specific material per unit mass.
Joule-per-kilogram-kelvin SI unit for specific heat.
Phase Gas, Liquid, or Solid.
Crystalline Water molecules are arranged in orderly lattice work when frozen.
Transition phase When an object is moving from one phase to the next, such as melting.
Phase Equilibrium Area where water and ice and go exist with one another.
Sublimation The transition of solid to gas.
Deposition The transition of gas to solid.
Nucleation Formation of seed bubbles that are required for evaporation.
Superheated When water maintains its liquid form even after being heated above boiling temperature.
Emissivity The efficiency with which an object emits or absorbs normal radiation.
Black body spectrum The distribution of wavelengths emitted by a black object and is determined by it's temperature alone.
Color Temperature Temperature of thermal radiation is associated with a particular distribution of visible wavelengths.
Stefan-Boltzmann Law Radiated Power= Emissivity*Stefan-Boltzmann Constant*Temperature^3*Surface Area
The Co-Effcient of Volume Expansion Fractional change in an objects volume per unit of temperature increase.
Created by: csueb4ever
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